CCC市民サイクリングvs坂城バラ祭 Chikuma Cycling Club vs. Sakaki Rose Fest

2010.05.29: サイクリング Cycling

CCC Team Pose

千曲サイクリングクラブ(CCC)は普段の長距離ヒルクライムを保留して、戸倉上山田温泉の緑のレンタサイクルで隣の坂城町のバラ祭まで出かけました。私は久しぶりに参加して、子供たちを連れて皆と一緒に走りました。リーダーのスピッツさんは村上義清の里を案内して、そしてチョコ工場のロビニアにもよって、坂城バラ園で休憩しました。(花より団子というか、バラよりチョコだったかな?)坂城バラ祭は毎年に大きくなっています。今回は太鼓の演奏もあって、そしてなぜかチロール踊りも(日本の坂城町で?)。最後は千曲川沿いのサイクリング道路で温泉に戻りました。山ノ内町のCrazy Craigも来てくれて、他の子供たちも参加していて、CCCは段々と親子化そして国際化になって、嬉しいです。
The Chikuma Cycling Club took a break from the long distance hill climbs for a family fun ride today. Several of the members used the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen green rental cycles for a leisurely ride to neighboring Sakaki town for the Rose Festival. Our kids and I hopped on our bikes, and joined the ride. Along the way, our leader, Spitz-san, guided us to several locations related to local samurai hero Murakami Yoshikiyo, then we stopped at the Lobenia Chocolate Factory before enjoying the fragrant roses at the Sakaki Rose Park. The Sakaki Rose Festival seems to get bigger and better every year. We got to see some of the entertainment, too -- a taiko drum performance followed by some traditional Tirolean dancing. (In Sakaki, Japan? Don't ask!) Finally, we followed the Chikuma Cycling Road along the Chikuma River back to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. All in all, a very enjoyable excursion. My buddy Crazy Craig from Yudanaka came, and there were a few other kids riding too, so the Chikuma Cycling Club is getting more and more international as well as family friendly, too!

詳しくはスピッツさんのHPへFor more, see Spitz-san's website.

Murakami's Grave

Approach to Sakaki Shrine

Murakami landmarks

Inside the Chocolate Factory

Along Route 18

The Sakaki Rose Fest

Tirolean Dancers (?!)

Crossing the Yellow Bridge over the Chikuma River

Eco-Cycle Low Rider


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