ツール・ド・八幡 Tour de Yawata

2009.05.30: サイクリング Cycling

松田家、八幡 Matsuda House at Yawata

長男のアンディー君の9歳の誕生日に合わせて、息子達を連れてサイクリングしてきました。戸倉上山田温泉から千曲川沿いのサイクリングロードを走って、八幡の方へ行きました。武水別神社を見学してから王龍でラーメンを食べて、自転車で八幡の古い町並みをぶらぶらしました。私はその町が大好きです。つちかべの建物がまだ沢山残っていて、車の時代の前からの細い道、あちらこちらに格好良い瓦の屋根・・・ 代表の建物が松田家だそうです。今は千曲市が改造していますが、一部は見えました。

For our son Andy's 9th birthday, I took our 2 sons for a bicycle ride. We started out here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and rode on the Cycling Road along the Chikuma River. At Yawata, we rode over to Takemizuwake Shrine, and stopped at Oryu Restaurant for some ramen. Then we putzed around the Yawata area on our bikes.
I really love Yawata's old neighborhood, with the earthen-walled buildings and narrow, pre-car era lanes, and everywhere cool roof lines with the kawara roof tiles. The main structure in the area is supposedly the Matsuda House, which Chikuma City is currently reconstructing.
After that, we stopped at Daiun-ji Temple. The water lilies in its massive pond won't bloom until July, but the temple is still impressive with its castle-like structure. Next we rode over to Chikurin-no-yu for a bath. As a bathouse, it was nice and new, but the bathwater sure can't compare to the natural mineral water we enjoy here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Finally we stopped once more at Takemizuwake Shrine to buy some Uzura-mochi sticky rice cakes for energy for the ride home.

More info on Oryu Ramen from my cycling buddy's blog here. 王龍ラーメンの詳しくはサイクリングの仲間のブログにて

八幡の小道 A small lane in Yawata

落書きの土壁 Earthen wall fence with ages-old graffiti

格好良い門 Cool

竹林の湯 Chikurin-no-yu

うづら餅 Uzura-mochi


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