Global Warming. Earth-Friendly. Ecological Spirit.
COP 15
Politicians Talk, Leaders Act.
COP 15で行われているデンマークから発生したGreen Keyで宿泊施設の業界の中で、エコの基準や認定のグループがあります。その基準を見れば、かなり厳しい指導です。本格的なアクションを起こさないと、認定をもらえない。
亀清旅館は長野県の「信州エコ泊」の認定を取れました。しかし、はっきりって、意味が無いです。宿によって、電球を螢光灯に変えるだけで、信州エコ泊の認定を取れた。Green Keyの認定は逆に、LED電球を指定しています。かなり面倒くさいですし、お金がかかるけれども、環境にずいぶん優しい。日本は全部で3件しか取れていない。その内の1件は長野県にある明神館。この業界の中で、明神館は最も憧れている宿です。
Denmark, where COP 15 is currently taking place, is also the home to The Green Key, a system of recognizing hotels and hostels that meet a strict ecological standard. I took a look at their criteria, and it is quite impressive.
Kamesei Ryokan is registered with Nagano Prefecture's "Shinshu Eco-haku" program. However, I have to tell you, it is a joke. Some inns registered just on the basis of changing their incandescent lightbulbs to fluorescent ones. The Green Key on the other hand, requires the much more environmentally friendly (but expensive) LED bulbs.
Only 3 lodging establishments in Japan have qualified so far for The Green Key, and one of them is here in Nagano: Myojinkan. I can tell you, within our industry, Myojinkan is considered a clear leader.
So which are you: a talker or a doer?
Click here for the website of The Green KeyのHPはこちら
比較する為に、信州エコ泊のHPはこちらTo compare, here is Nagano's "Eco" website.
明神館のえこぺーじはこちら。心の準備をしといてください。Here is Myojinkan's Eco website. Be stilled your beating heart.