日米関係の駐車係Valet Parking -- Japan vs. America

2013.03.29: 日米関係Culture Shock

My specialty -- cramming lots of cars into a small space






During our stay in Hawaii, my brother held a birthday bash for his 1-year old son. About 70 people showed up, and I was in charge of parking the cars.

Now, I do a lot of valet parking here at Kamesei Ryokan, so I am used to cramming lots of cars in a small space. But despite all of my experience, I still had a bit of culture shock.

Not because the cars were so big (why is it Americans like to drive big-ass cars so much?),
but because one guest requested his car to not be parked far away.

I thought maybe it was because he had a puppy or something valuable in it.

But no, it was because he had a rifle inside it.

For all the thousands of cars I've parked here at Kamesei, I've never once had to deal with one that has a gun it it.

I hate to say it, but America has some serious issues when it comes to guns.


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