新しい立ち食い蕎麦屋さんへ若女将とデート Going on a Date with the Proprietress to our town's new soba shop

2009.12.16: 日米関係Culture Shock



Togura Kamiyamada's Kara-Koro civic improvement's latest development is the new soba restaurant that opened in the newly renovated Sarashina-kan. We received some funds from the prefecture to renovate what had been an empty storefront. Half of it is this new soba shop which features counters where people can stand and eat the soba. The other half is a stained glass workshop. This is a huge improvement to our town, as what had been an eyesore right in the middle of our main street is now a vibrant magnet for attracting people.
Speaking of attracting things, my wife and I went for a walk together to the new soba shop for lunch today. It must be rare for couples in Japan to be seen together, because so many people we passed commented, "Oh, are you two going out on a date?" I asked Mari if we should hold hands as we walked, but she said it would be even more embarrassing. There just seems to be a different take on "family" here. For example, if I tell my fellow innkeepers that our family went for a drive or something together, they refer to it as "family service", much like a convict sweeping the streets isn't doing so because he likes or wants to, but for "community service". Back home in the States, a married couple out for a walk, or a family having fun together, would be considered ... normal!



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