トイレ水ちょろちょろ:オーストラリアvs。長野 Nagano vs. Australia, Toilet dept.

2010.03.04: 日米関係Culture Shock

節水vs。節電 どちらがエコ?


The other day, we had a guest from Australia. While driving him back to the station in the morning, he said that his room's toilet had been running and that he "fixed" it. Apparently they have been having droughts in Australia so everyone is very conscientious about water conservation.
Hmm. Down in Australia, that may be the case, but here in Nagano, in the wintertime, if you don't set the toilet to trickle water, it will freeze! So if you turn off the trickle, the next guest won't be able to use the toilet 'cuz the pipes will be frozen!
That brings up a tricky subject. Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is getting a lot of flack for the majority of the inns, including Kamesei, refusing to switch from septic tanks to the town's sewage system. It's not necessarily because of the initial construction cost, not the running cost of a sewar bill. It's little things like the trickling toilet. Currently, we use well water so the cost is negligible. If we connect to the sewar system, then our well water gets metered, so we would have to cut down on water use, including the toilet trickle. To keep the toilet pipes from freezing, we'd have to wrap them in electrified tape, which would involve opening the walls. So even if we had the means to do such major construction, during the winter we would have an increase usage of electricity. Isn't saving electricity as important as saving water? Hence the headache of an environmentally sensitive innkeeper...


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