県Ecoコイン書 亀清オリジナル Kamesei's Original Brochure Eco Coin

2012.12.20: 日米関係Culture Shock



この頃、県観光課がもう一つの制度が始まった: 「楽園信州」というファンクラブです。最終目的は観光客が長野に訪ねてもらって、好きになって、引っ越してくること。例の旅館組合の委員会です。その相談があった時にも資料を英語にと頼んでみた。つまり、外国人こそ、長野に訪ねれば、気に入って、引っ越しするかもしれない。


残念ながら、無視された。というか、もっとひどい結果となった。Rakuen Shinshuというローマ字が資料に載られた。



When Nagano Prefecture introduced the Eco Coin program, they first consulted with Ryokan Association committee that I am on. I requested the accompanying material to be in English, too, as many guests from overseas are conscientious about the environment. An inn in Hakuba that caters to skiiers from Australia raised the same concern.

So when the coins arrived, I was disappointed to see all the literature was in Japanese only. I ended up having to make my own bilingual version for Kamesei.

Recently the Prefecture also started a fan club called 'Rakuen Shinshu'. Rakuen means paradise, and Shinshu is the old name for Nagano. The goal is to get people to visit Nagano, fall in love with it, and decide to move here. At that same committee, I again suggested the material be presented in English as it is quite possible foreigners visiting Nagano could end up living here.

I should know -- that's what happened to me!

But of course, that suggestion, too, was ignored. No English on any of the literature. That is, except the title written in alphabet letters: Rakuen Shinshu. How many English speakers are actually go ing to understand that?!?!


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