Category Archives: 季節 Seasons
美咲ちゃんと紅葉Misaki and Fall Colors
2008.10.28: 季節 Seasons毎年の秋に亀清の玄関が真赤になります。この植物の葉っぱは紅葉でこの深い赤になります。若若女将とのツーショットです。
Every Fall, this shrub in front of Kamesei turns a deep red color. It's hard to capture the how vivid the color is with a photograph, but here the shrub is with our daughter Misaki.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website.
秋、そして国際的の果実:信濃スィート Fall Fruit: "Shinano Sweet" Apples
2008.10.24: 季節 Seasons「旅館の仕事は大変でしょう」とか、「長野に引っ越して、大丈夫か?」と届きどき言われます。「幸せです」といつも答えます。今日も良い日でした。夕べはオーストラリアから来たCatさんとJoelさんと一緒にお神楽の練習に行きました。(私は獅子笛を習っています。)そうすると、お神楽の渡島さんと話が盛り上がって、本人が自分のりんご畑に誘ってくれました。従って、今朝は上山田の奥に方へ上がって、渡島さんの畑にお邪魔しました。今がピークとなっている信濃スィートを取れたてで頂きました。オーストラリアからの二人はこういう農家の体験で喜んだし、渡島さんが自慢のりんごを海外からの方とShare出来て嬉しいし、私は信州の秋、そして上山田のおもてなし、そして他の国の人の見方を知る事で、嬉しかったです。本当に幸せです。
People often say that an innkeeper's job and that rural life in Nagano must be tough. But I always tell them that I am blessed. Today was a perfect example. Last night, I went to the Okagura Lion Dance practice (I am learning the flute) and invited our two guests from Australia to go along. There we got into a great conversation with Okagura's Watashima-san, who ended up inviting us to his apple orchard. So this morning, we drove up (and up!) to his orchard, and he treated us to freshly picked Shinano Sweet variety apples. Cat and Joel enjoyed experiencing an apple orchard in Japan, Watashima-san enjoyed showing off his prize apples to visitors from overseas, and I enjoyed being out in Nagano's great outdoors in the fall, as well as seeing Kamiyamada's omotenashi welcoming spirit, and getting to compare ways of thinking with people from another country. I really consider myself blessed.
戸隠アップデートTogakushi Update
2008.10.23: 季節 Seasons戸隠の山口屋という蕎麦屋さんからの情報:
We received a call from Yamagachi-ya soba restaurant in Togakushi. Apparently, this season's new crop buckwheat is in, and they will start serving soba noodles with the new crop this weekend (25-Oct.).
Also, Togakushi's fall colors have finished around the Kagami-Ike (Mirror Pond) area, but are in their peak around the Bird Line road coming up from Zenkoji.
Now is the time to enjoy Autumn in Nagano!
柘榴の時期 Pomegranate time
2008.10.12: 季節 Seasonsりんごはこの時期の代表果実かもしれませんが、実は他のが沢山あります。例えば、柿、無花果(いちじく)、そして、亀清の前のお店の庭で今出てきている柘榴(ざくろ)です。その店が「べに屋」と言う衣料品屋さんです。斉藤おじさんはお店の周りの庭を丁寧に育っています。温泉街を散歩している方がいつも泊まって、庭の綺麗な、なおかつ珍しい植物を見ます。亀清の近くにこんなに綺麗な庭があって、嬉しいです!
This time of year, everyone thinks about apples. But apples aren't the only fall fruits. Around here, there are also a lot of persimmons, figs, and pomegranates. Our neighbor across the street, clothing shop Beniya, has an traditional garden with many intricate, unusual plants. One of these is a pomegranate tree, and the fruit is in its peak. Who will get it first -- the Saito's or the birds?
金木犀が香りを The Giving Tree
2008.10.08: 季節 Seasons英語の「Give」は日本語で何になりますか?贈与とか寄付するとか。私の憧れている人とこの間、「Give」と言う意味を議論しました。例えば、寄付する時に条件が付くとか、何か戻ってくる期待するとか、顔が広くなるのが目的とか、とにかく、単純なGiveが世の中で少ないと。
I once had a discussion with my mentor on "Giving". Many times, people "give" with strings attached, or expecting something in return, or for recognition. Giving simply and purely from the heart is probably a rarity in this world.
Lately, our town, Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, has been graced with a lovely scent. The 'Kin-Mokusei' (according to the dictionary, fragrant olive trees?!) are in bloom. They are casting their scent far and wide, giving pleasure to everyone in the town. The trees do so with seemingly no hidden motives. Hence every time I smell their scent, I remember the talk on giving. If only we could follow the good example of this tree!
我が姫と姫りんご Our Princess and 'Princess' Apples
2008.09.30: 季節 Seasons一番可愛いりんごがこの姫りんごだ。うちの姫(美咲ちゃん、一才半)とのポース。
The cutest variety of apples is the Hime (Princess) Apple. Our 'Hime', Misaki (1-1/2 years old) posing with some.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
そば畑の白い花The White Flowers of a Soba (Buckwheat) Field
2008.09.06: 季節 Seasons長野県を代表できる風情:そば畑の白い花。一茶の言う通り:
This picture catches the essence of Nagano: a soba field with its white flowers. As the haiku poet Issa wrote:
Shinano de ha
Tsuki to Hotoke to
Ora ga soba
As for Shinano,
The Moon and the Buddha and
For me, the soba.
(Shinano = the old name for Nagano)
(Moon refers to the moon at Obasute that reflects in the Ta-Goto-no-Tsuki rice paddies.)
(Buddha refers to Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City.)
かわいいらしいレンゲショウマが咲いてきましたCute little 'Rengeshouma'
2008.09.01: 季節 Seasons戸隠とかの高原ブナ林、湿った林床に自然に入っている植物、レンゲショウマ、が亀清の庭にも顔を出してくれました。ガーデナーの岡田さんが春に植えてくれましたので場所になじんできた様で綺麗に咲いてきました。薄い紫な色が見事です。
In the sprin, our gardener, Okada-san, planted rengeshouma in one of our gardens. The plant is common in Togakushi Highlands, in the damp understory of beech forests. This cute little plant with its soft purple flower has seemingly taken a liking to our little garden and is charming us with its new flower.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website
ガーデナーの岡田さんが軽井沢で庭クラスをOur Gardener, Okada-san, Offering Gardening Classes in Karuizawa
2008.08.29: 季節 Seasons亀清のガーデナー、岡田さん、が軽井沢で庭のクラスを開く予定なのでお知らせします。軽井沢は短い距離で様々な標高があるお蔭で、沢山の種類の植物がいます。その豊かの自然の中で岡田さんにガーデニングを教えてもらえる。
968年 岐阜県各務原市生まれ。
Our Gardener, Okada-san, will be offering some gardening classes in Karuizawa. Okada-san studied under British natural gardener Paul Smither.
岡田さんのHPはこちらClick here for Okada-san's website
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan's website