あんずの里へ行く途中の必見: 県立歴史館 A Must-See on the way to the Apricot Village

2011.04.15: 季節 Seasons

Koi nobori and flowering peach trees: Nagano Pref. History Museum


こいのぼりを揚げる期間は平成23年4月3日(土)~ 平成23年5月17日(火)までだそうです。



With the apricot trees in Mori's Apricot Village starting to bloom, there will likely be a crowd of people driving over to see the blossoms. Along the way, visitors will pass the Nagano Prefectural History Museum. Next to the museum is the Shinano no sato historical village, a replicated ancient village. Besides the village's 'hana-momo' (flowering peach trees) being in full bloom, volunteers have hung 103 'koi nobori' carp streamers. All that color is sure to catch people's attention.

The carp streamers will be streaming until May 15th (with May 5th being Boys Day, the main day for the koi nobori), and the flowering peach trees are at their peak now.

We highly suggest a stop at the History Museum on the way to seeing the apricot blossoms!

長野県立歴史館のHPはこちらClick here for the Prefectural History Museum's website.

森「あんずの里」の花は2,3部 Mori's Apricot Blossoms at 20-30%

2011.04.14: 季節 Seasons

Date spot -- Mori's Apricot Village



Yesterday, Kamesei's young proprietress and I went for a date (?) to Mori's Apricot Village to check on how the blossoms are coming. They're still only at 20-30%. But from yesterday, the temperature has risen and the afternoons will be in the 20's (Celsius) through tomorrow, so we expect the apricot trees to be in full bloom by the weekend.

Will check back soon (another date?) and advise!

森「あんずの里」:つぼみ状態 Mori's Apricot Village trees starting to bud

2011.04.07: 季節 Seasons

Apricot trees starting to bud


Our local Mori 'Apricot Village' district's Apricot Blossom Festival started on April 2nd, but the trees are late in blooming this year. Yesterday I went to see how they were developing. While there were a few trees starting to flower, most were still just in the budding stage. Hopefully they will start to blossom by this weekend.

プロのカメラマン、島田さんのあんずの写真はこちらClick here for pro camerman, Shimada-san's apricot blossom pic's

Some trees in bloom

戸倉の節分草情報: 今は満開! Togura 'setubunsou' flower Update: Full Bloom!

2011.04.03: 季節 Seasons

Photo courtesy of Peter Ninnes




With this year seeing cold temperatures continuing for longer than normal, our town's trademark flowers, the apricot blossoms in Mori, haven't started blooming yet. On the other hand, one of our lesser known flowers, the setubunsou in Togura's Kitty Park have also been delayed and are actually in full bloom right now.

My buddy Peter Ninnes sent these pictures today of the setsubunsou in peak form. They are a petite plant, with tiny 5-cm small white flowers featuring bright yellow stamen and purple stigma. A very photographic flower -- if you can find them. And they are very rare. We are fortunate to have a grouping of them here locally. Now is a great chance to come and see them.

森「あんずの里」 花見情報 2011 Mori 'Apricot Village' Blossom Report

2011.04.01: 季節 Seasons





So, the 2011 Mori 'Apricot Village' Apricot Festival is scheduled to start tomorrow, 02-April. But will the apricot trees blossom on time? Today I drove over to check it out.

Mori's Apricot Village is a relatively long valley and the trees bloom differently depending on if you're down at the bottom or up at the top. Well, I scoured the valley from top to bottom, and the only tree I saw blooming was the one in front of the Apricot Village Tourism Hall. Go figure!

One local little old lady told me the blooms won't be ready for 'hanami' (flower viewing) until April 8th this year. I guess the low temperatures that have been continuing even into the start of spring are making the trees bloom late this year.

But as the saying in Japan goes, "It's the sweets more than the flowers!" Mori makes for a nice daytrip even if the blossoms aren't in full bloom. And don't forget the apricot flavored soft ice cream, too!

Make sure to come to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for a bath, too!

Apricot Village Tourism Hall

Close-up of the apricot blossoms

今年の森「あんずの里」のあんずまつりはどうなるの? What's going to happen with the Mori 'Apricot Village' Apricot Festival this year?

2011.03.21: 季節 Seasons







With all the images of earthquake / tsunami victims on the TV, it is understandable that everyone loses a desire to enjoy a festival. As a result, festivals throughout Japan are being canceled. So what is going to happen to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen / Chikuma City's banner festival, the Mori 'Apricot Village' Apricot Festival?

According to the city's tourism association, the apricot trees will bloom despite the natural disaster, and people will come and see the blossoms. So if the festival organizers don't set up a minimum of road signs and parking facilities, there will be chaos. Hence there will be road signs and parking set up, but all festival advertising and things like the evening light-up event will be canceled.

In other words, a non-festive festival.

If you ask me, though, coming to see the ephemeral light pink apricot blossoms will raise people's spirits. There is something about the scene of the quaint valley of Mori filled with the light pink blossoms of thousands of apricot trees. It will give everyone a desperately needed dose of happiness.

The apricot blossoms are predicted to be in bloom from April 2nd thru April 16th, 2011. And after enjoying the beauty of the apricot blossoms, be sure to stop at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for a bath!

あんずの花情報はこちらClick here for apricot blossom updates.

Late winter snow fall 春の木に雪?

2011.03.17: 季節 Seasons

Snow on the 'tree of spring'




Looking around the garden, everywhere you look there are signs of spring starting to show up. The daffodils are starting to poke their heads out of the ground. The camelia trees are starting to bloom. In fact, the Chinese character for camelia, 'tsubaki', is written as 'spring tree', or the tree of spring.

Just when we were getting in the mood for spring, snow fell again. There's just something odd about seeing snow on the 'spring tree' blossoms.

The people around Sendai that lost their homes from the earthquake and tsunami now have to deal with this cold weather. I feel so sorry for them. The ryokan association here in Nagano is working with the prefectural governor to accept the displaced people. I hope we can provide shelter as soon as possible.

森「あんずの里」2011年の花予報 Prediction for the Mori Anzu no Sato Apricot Blossoms for 2011

2011.03.05: 季節 Seasons




Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's signature Springtime event is the Apricot Festival in Mori district's Anzu no Sato (Apricot Village). This year marks the 56th running.

Dates for the 2011 flower viewing are from April 2nd to April 16th. Peak blooms are expected to by around April 7th according the Shinmai, our local newspaper.

By the way, Shinmai's predictions for Cherry Blossom dates are as follows:
高遠 4/08 Takato
松本 4/09 Matsumoto
上田 4/08 Ueda
長野 4/12 Nagano City
小諸 4/14 Komoro

This Year's Anzu Map is Here

戸倉の節分草の始まり? + 天狗の松 Togura's Setsubunso peaking out + The Tengu Pine

2011.03.04: 季節 Seasons

Hello, Setsubunso







Above Togura Station, there is a park called Togurajuku Kitty Park. It is better known as Tengu Park, and one thing it is famous for is a nearby grouping of cute little setsubunsou flowers (Eranthis pinnatifida). Well, at least it's famous amongst fans of setsubunsou. Such fans come from far and wide in mid March to photograph the delicate little blossoms.

Today, I went to see if they were in bloom yet, as the snow in the nearby mountains is starting to melt. I found a few just starting to poke their heads out from under the fallen leaves. But after warm weather this weekend, we're supposed to have another chilly front come through. So the setsubunsou are probably still a week or so from being in their full photogenic form.

Nearby the setsubunsou area is a massive pine tree called the Tengu no Matsu (pine). The 30 meter tall tree is supposedly over 400 years old. According to legend, three brothers that were hermits in a nearby mountain became separated in a flood. One took up residence above Togura and was so honored by the locals that upon death became a Tengu.

After seeing the imposing size of the pine tree, one is almost led to believe in the spiritual origins of the tree!

So, come and check out the elusive Setsubunsou flowers as well as our mystical Tengu no Matsu pine tree.

Mystical Tengu Pine Tree

飛田さんの美味しいリンゴジュースを亀清で販売 Tobita-san's Delicious Apple Juice Available at Kamesei

2011.02.28: 季節 Seasons

Tobita-san's Pride and Joy Apple Juice



This season's apple juice is now available. I went to Crown Farm to pick up some cases of Tobita-san's just-bottled apple juice.

I have to say, there is something different about the air in the apple orchards. You can just feel the freshness and cleanliness as you breathe it in. This must be one of the reasons apples taste so delicious. And hence, why the apple juice is so great, too.

We have Tobita-san's apple juice in 1 liter bottles on sale at our front desk here at Kamesei Ryokan for 600 yen each. How about taking home with you a bit of Nagano's natural goodness?

クラウン農園のHPはこちらClick here for Crown Farm's website.