明けましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year 2012

2012.01.01: 季節 Seasons

Happy New Year!




Happy New Year, everyone! Here at Kamesei Ryokan, several groups of long-time guests are staying with us for the New Years holiday, making our inn quite lively.

Here is our New Years greeting card for this year. As you can tell, we are proud of our new private family bath. It is our hope that everyone comes and enjoys the new bath in 2012.

We wish you a blessed year for 2012.


辰年に向かって、お正月の過ごし方 What to do for the Dragon New Years

2011.12.31: 季節 Seasons

辰年 善光寺別院@上山田


荒砥城 12月28日~1月3日休園
西沢貯金箱館 12月29日~1月3日休館
酒造コレクション 1月1日休館 1月2日と3日は3pmまで営業
大勝館 12月26日~31日休館 1月1日からは滝 夢之助さんと光栄座の大衆演劇
森将軍塚及び県立歴史館 12月28日~1月3日休館
千曲市稲荷山地区蔵し館 12月28日~1月3日休館


上田国分寺 八日堂 1月7日(土)の夕方
上山田どんど焼き 1月15日(日)
善光寺ライトアップ 2月11日~19日

クリスマスの準備はいかがですか? Are you ready for Christmas?

2011.12.24: 季節 Seasons

Ready for Santa-san




How are your preparations for Christmas going? As everyone knows, Santa Claus (or, as he's called here in Japan, Santa-san) comes down the chimney. So we hang stockings on the mantle in anticipation. And, since he and the reindeer are really busy this night, they'd appreciate a bit of a snack. We put out cookies and milk for the occasion.

クリスマスショッピング@松本 Christmas Shopping at Matsumoto

2011.12.18: 季節 Seasons

Inoue Department Store's Matsumoto-esque Christmas Decoration



Sunday evening, our family went for a drive to downtown Matsumoto for Christmas Shopping. Matsumoto has an abundance of specialty shops like for outdoors goods and fashion, as well as larger centers like Parco, the esteemed Inoue Department Store, and the brand new Ario shopping center. While munching on fresh-popped caramel corn, we wandered around the shops and enjoyed the Christmas lights and decorations.

Thanks to Matsumoto, our family got into holiday mood. Now, if only we can get some snow and have a white Christmas!

Metaba Bridge crossing

The kids in front of Parco

亀清の庭: 落ち葉のじゅうたん Kamesei's Garden: Carpet of Fallen Leaves

2011.12.11: 季節 Seasons

One of Kamesei's many pocket gardens



The 'momiji' Japanese maple trees in Kamesei Ryokan's have dropped their leaves, making an orange and yellow carpet on the ground.

The temperature outside has made a decidedly winter-like turn, and we've already had our first snow of the season. The surrounding mountains are starting to develop their snowy white caps for the winter.

Right now is that magical timing between the colorful splendor of the fall leaves, and the blissful peace of snow-filled winter scenery.

I intend to enjoy this magical season of the colorful carpet to its max.

モミジの落ち葉の時期 Falling 'Momiji' Maple Leaves

2011.12.08: 季節 Seasons



The fine, delicate leaves of the Japanese maple trees ('momiji') delight the eyes with their showy changes of color during Autumn. Then when those leaves fall, they produce a beautiful collage of colors on the ground.

The momiji trees in our garden here at Kamesei Ryokan are starting to drop their leaves and hence decorate the ground. Yet another magical season in our garden.

暖炉、ストッキング、ツリー … クリスマスin亀清旅館 Fireplace, Stockings, Tree -- Christmas in Kamesei

2011.11.27: 季節 Seasons

Christmas spirit in Kamesei's Lobby




Kamesei Ryokan's lobby has undergone a transformation. Now there's a 4-meter tall tree decorated with our families collection of ornaments, the fireplace is adorned with stockings, and we have Hawaiian slack guitar holiday tunes playing in the background (thanks to a CD from my brother living on the Big Island).

Underneath the tree is a wooden train set that our kids have been playing with all day, toasty warm by the fire.

Christmas isn't just a day. It's an entire season, an entire mood.

亀清旅館の秋の秘湯 Kamesei's 100-Year Bath's 'Akibae'

2011.11.22: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's secret onsen?





In Japanese, there is a concept called 'akibae', which loosely translated means 'fall glow'. In autumn, sometimes there is a soft glow at dusk just as the sun is settling behind the clouds as it slips below the horizon, giving everything a golden tint of color. Just at that moment, I happened to check on our outdoor bath here at Kamesei Ryokan, the 100-Year Bath, and was treated to this glorious scene of the mist raising up off the onsen bath with the yellows and deep reds of the maple leaves, the soft light from the 'andon', and the bright yellow ginkgo leaves in the foreground. The elusive 'akibae'!

It makes our outdoor bath feel like a secret bath hidden away in a quiet woods.

I admit -- I'm a bit biased as I made this bath with my own hands. But doesn't it look magical?

亀清の中庭に紅葉が来ました。 Fall Colors Have Come to Kamesei's Garden

2011.11.20: 季節 Seasons

momiji ablaze



Kamesei's 'naka-niwa' central garden has a momiji (Japanese maple) tree in the middle, and right now its leaves are a brilliant shade of yellow. Fall colors have come to Kamesei's garden!

I wonder if the koi swimming in the pond enjoy the colors. I know our guests here at our inn sure have been. The temperatures outside have dropped considerably, but thanks to that, the fall colors in our garden are outstanding.