小鬼百合が露天「100年風呂」に遊びに来た Tiger Lily Visiting our 100-Year Bath

2012.07.19: 季節 Seasons

Tiger Lily gift from nature



In the garden around Kamesei Ryokan's "100-Year Bath" outdoor onsen, this beautiful orange and black-spotted lily is blooming. According to our gardener Okada-san, it is a "Ko-oni Yuri", or "small ogre lily". The scientific name is Lilium leichtlinii Hook. f. var. tigrinum (Regel) Nichols. Perhaps in common English it could be called a tiger lily.

Okada-san planted so many beautiful trees and plants in the garden around the 100-Year bath, but he admitted that this lily wasn't one of them. Apparently a bird must have carried the seed here.

So our tiger lily is a gift from nature, for all of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan to enjoy.

高原野菜のお鍋が戻った! The Fresh Lettuce Hotpot is Back!

2012.07.18: 季節 Seasons

Lettuce and Pork 'nabe' hotpot is back for this summer




Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei introduced a new summer hotpot to his kaiseki-style dinner last year: Nagano-raised pork with what we call 'Highland Veggies' -- greens raised in Suga-daira and other high-altitude plateaus here in Nagano.

With Suga-daira's lettuce crop's harvest just starting, once again Chef Takei has started offering this special summer 'nabe' hotpot.

Crispy fresh lettuce and delicious local pork with a specially-made original 'ume' plum sauce. Come and taste our summer 'nabe' again!

亀清旅館の紫陽花オンパレード Hydrangeas on parade at Kamesei Ryokan

2012.07.05: 季節 Seasons




As cherry blossoms represent the start of spring,
Hydrangeas are the representative flower for Japan's rainy season,
or so I have felt ever since moving to Japan.

Here in Kamesei Ryokan's many gardens, we have a plethora of varieties of hydrangeas in bloom right now. Some have been here since the gardens were originally installed, and some are recent additions by are gardener, Okada-san.

I would like to introduce a few.

In the pocket garden in front of guestroom "Suehiro", this artistic red and pink hydrangea.


In the pocket garden in front of "Chitose", these creamy white "Annabelle" hydrangeas. They are repeated in the garden on the other side of the walkway, too.


Reddish and Blueish-purple hydrangeas next to the watari-roka passageway.


Deep blue hydrangeas next to the koi pond in our naka-niwa (central garden)


Also in the naka-niwa central garden, these artistic purple hydrangeas.


Hydrangea cut-flowers displayed ikebana-style in front of one of the guestrooms.

亀清旅館のおもてなし: 採りたての杏 Fresh Picked Apricots for our Guests

2012.06.29: 季節 Seasons

戸倉上山田の採りたて杏: ご自由にどうぞ。



Fresh picked Togura Kamiyamada apricots, "Help Yourself".

We at Kamesei Ryokan are offering our local apricots free for our guests. Come taste these tart tangy apricots and enjoy the flavor of the season.

Free, here at Kamesei Ryokan.

戸倉上山田は杏狩りシーズン最中 Togura Kamiyamada in the Middle of Apricot Picking Season

2012.06.26: 季節 Seasons

Tangy tart apricots right off the tree!



Here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, late June and early July means apricot picking time. 25 minutes away by car is the Mori "Apricot Village" which is the largest apricot producing area in Japan. Not only do several orchards offer u-pick, but you can also learn how to make apricot jam and sauces. Several of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan come every year to make jam.

Even closer, Togura's Wakamiya district has several apricot orchards right along the Chikuma River. We can introduce one of the growers for our guests that want to try their hand at picking fresh apricots. Recently we had a couple from Finland stay with us. Our kids came along and we took them down to the orchard. Fresh apricots right off the tree have such an intense tang to them!

戸倉の杏「杏宝園」Togura Apricot Orchard Kyohoen

Kyohoen's apricot processing line


2012.06.09: 季節 Seasons

Spotted Bellflowers in Kamesei's Silk-themed garden





The other day I posted an entry describing the flowers that were blooming in our silk-themed garden for guestroom "Matsukaze". A new flower has started to bloom, and it too has a shape reminiscent of a silk worm's cocoon:

Campanula punctata Lam. (Spotted Bellflower)

In Japanese, the flower is known as "hotaru-bukuro", or firefly pouch. It blooms in early summer, the same time that fireflies come out and light up the night.

That's what I like about gardens -- they really impart a sense of the season.

亀清旅館の蚕テーマのお庭の花名 Kamesei's Silk-themed Garden, Explained

2012.05.26: 季節 Seasons


Our gardener Okada-san stopped by to explain the flowers blooming in the garden he built for our guestroom "Matsukaze". The garden's theme is "Tsumugi" (silk weaving) and features plants with white flowers (like coccoons) as well as a mulberry shrub. Now I can explain to our guests the names of the various flowers!

亀清旅館の庭に妖精の翅と助平なヤギ Fairy Wings and a horny goat in Kamesei Ryokan's Garden

2012.05.04: 季節 Seasons

The rair Epimedium flower in Kamesei's garden



岡田さんに聞いたら、黄華錨荘(きはないかりそう、学名は Epimedium koreanum)でした。wiblio.jpによると、英名は無いとはっきり書いてありますが、それこそ調べました。「妖精の翅」とか「司教の帽子」、そしてもっと面白いのは「助平なヤギの草」と、色んな名前があるそうです。亜細亜では性欲漢方として使われているそうです。伝説の由来によると、ある農家は黄華錨荘を食べた雄ヤギが雌と遊びだしたのを見たそうです。


"What's that yellow flower blooming at the foot of the apple tree?" One of our guests staying in Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom 'Suehiro' asked me lately.

Our gardener, Okada-san, prefers subtle plants as opposed to showy ones. He seems to pick flowers that only real gardening aficianados would be familiar with. This yellow flower turned out to be no different: Epimedium koreanum.

When I researched it in a Japanese encyclopedia, it rudely said there is no English name for the flower. Luckily I stumbled upon a website dedicated to epimedium, and learned it has a variety of unusual, imaginative names in English: "Fairy Wings", "Bishop's Hat", and, most provacative, "Horny Goat Weed". Apparently the plant is used as an aphrodisiac herb. According to legend, a farmer noticed his goats would get frisky after grazing on the flower.

I'm not sure what our gardener Okada-san intended by planting epimedium in the pocket garden for this guestroom, but now if a guest asks, I can say what the flower is. I'm just not sure I have enough guts!

Epimedium website

庭ポルノ: 亀清旅館の中庭のボタン Gardenporn: Peonies in Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa Garden

2012.05.02: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's Sexy Peonies




The peony in Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa central garden just started to blossom. I posted this picture on Facebook and one of my buddies commented "Garden-porn". When looking at the deep purple of the peonies, and the after-the-rain wet look of the stepping stones, I can see how the garden could be called sexy.

We here at Kamesei never get tired of looking at the various gardens. They always show a different face with the changes in the season as well as the weather.

Gardens, Onsen baths, our chef's meals, our friendly service; These are the things that make Kamesei Ryokan what we are.

亀清旅館Kamesei Ryokan

GWの始まりの亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan at the Start of Golden Week

2012.04.28: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's Huge Carp Streamers




Golden Week 2012 has finally started! Throughout this holiday period, Kamesei will be welcoming many guests with children. So our inn will be blessed with pitter patter of little feet. In honor of GW's Boys Day, we put up our huge koi-nobori carp streamers in our driveway. Hopefully all the kids that will be coming this week will enjoy the colorful streamers.

When we were living back in Seattle, we often decorated the front of our house with carp streamers. Probably none of our neighbors knew the significance, but I did it anyways because I like Japan's Boys Day tradition.

Now that we are here in Japan, we go all out with these huge streamers. Enjoy Golden Week, everyone!