
2007.01.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

banana tree

信州で南国果樹園: バナナやパパヤなど。同じ千曲市にあります。苺狩りも。詳しくは上記のリンクにて。
You don't have to go to the South Pacific to see a banana or papaya tree. Here in our town you can see all of these and more, at Agri-Park Tropical Fruit World. Info as per above link (Japanese only).


ラベンダー畑 Lavender

2006.10.28: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Fragrant Fields

温泉街の近辺にこんな綺麗な場所あるんや!千曲川の側に広いラベンダーの畑は三つもあります。温泉のホテルの並びや戸隠がバックで、ラベンダーの特徴な紫の色に、そしてその良い香り。。。 ロマンチックですね。ここで、うちの長男がお母さんにラベンダーのブーケを。
So pretty of a place so close to our town?!?! 3 huge fields of beautiful, fragrant lavender on the banks of the Chikuma River, with the inns and hills of the town in the near background, and Togakushi Mtn. in the distance. How romantic! How about a lavender bouquet?


2006.06.10: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nunobiki Temple


30 mins. by car upriver from our town is Nunobiki Kannon temple, the location of several legends involving Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. Fascinating architecture, amazing rock formations, hand-dug tunnels - a must see!


2006.05.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Obasute Night View


The night view from Obasute-yama, the mountain that overlooks our town. Chikuma River winds through the foreground, with the lights of Nagano City in the background. Picture courtesy of our guest Mr. Haraguchi, from when we took him to see the view. We would be happy to show you, too!

River Fish ハヤ

2006.05.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Fishing for 'haya' in In Chikuma River (the river that runs through our onsen town) starts every April. The fishing is done using the ancient techniques of building a berm in the middle of the river and using a net. Haya is an acquired taste, but come try it!