松本のハードは感動的(ソフトはがっかり)Matsumoto's 'hardscape' is spectacular (the softscape wasn't...)

2008.07.05: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


夕べは会議のために松本に行きましたので終わってから松本のダウンタウンをぶらぶらしました。ライトアップのお城も綺麗ですし、本町の橋の周辺のモダンな建物やガス等が素敵でした。Old Rockと言うパブで食事したので久しぶりにGuinnessを飲めた。松本はやはりお洒落だね。
Last night I was in Matsumoto for a meeting. Afterwards, I strolled around the downtown area. The castle is so pretty lit up at night, and the modern architecture and gas lamps around the Honmachi bridge were an elegant combination. And I found out the Old Rock Irish Pub pulls a very drinkable Guinness. All in all, a very good evening, except for being asked about a massage by the Chinese lady in front of 'Moto Station...

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website.

Old Rockの情報はこちらClick here for info on Old Rock

松本の観光のHPはこちらClick here for 'Moto Sightseeing website.

本町のお洒落 Honmachi Elegance

As good a shamrock as any

松本の魅力 Charming Matsumoto

2008.06.17: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

'Moto Water Features

I strolled around Matsumoto's downtown today. I was in town for a meeting near the Castle, and walked there from the station. There were nice water features and little gardens here and there, and I got the overall impression that the shops here take much more care of their facade then their counterparts in Nagano City. Such a romantic feeling -- next time I want to stroll around holding my wife's hand...

松本のHPはこちらClick here for 'Moto website

途中な坂北駅も景色が良い!Sakakita Sta. on the way to 'Moto: Alps View!

渋湯田中の魅力Check out Shibu-Yudanaka

2008.06.10: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano






I managed to get myself invited to Yamanouchi Town to give a talk, but actually I had somewhat of an ulterior motive: to learn more about Shibu-Yudanaka to be able to give travel advice to our guests at Kamesei Ryokan.

I first stopped at the inn of Miyasaka-san, the pioneer of 'inbound' tourism in this corner of Nagano. He showed me his archery 'dojo' at Uotoshi Ryokan, and explained how even the way to enter it is dictated by the position of the toko-no-ma, etc. It made me realize how us Westerners tend to be so self-centered and out of touch with our surroundings. Japanese traditional culture is so attuned with nature and what's going on around us -- very impressive!

I also got to walk around Yudanaka Onsen for the first time, and was encouraged to see a permanent stand for their morning farmers markets and an open gallery. These are things that Togura Kamiyamada Onsen should try to accomplish, too! The next day I got to go to the World Peace Memorial and rang the bell -- it reverbrated up and down the entire valley!

Shibu-Yudanaka is a true gem of Nagano.

Uotoshi Ryokan: www.avis.ne.jp/~miyasaka/index-e.html
Seifuso Gallery: www1.ocn.ne.jp/~seifuso
Kamesei Ryokan: www.kamesei.jp

New old Panorama Train to Yudanaka

Morning Farmers Market

Yudanaka Gallery

商直市場 Produce Market

2008.05.28: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


About 15 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan is a large produce stand called 'Yamasan'. I stopped there for the first time yesterday, and was impressed by their selection of fresh local fruits and vegetables. Back where we lived in Seattle we had a stand nearby like this -- it's comforting to find one here, too!

エコKトラ Environmentally Friendly K-Truck

2008.05.26: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

No CO2 Udo

There are many environmentally-aware people here in Nagano, but my Austrian buddy Udo is in a league by himself. His pick-up truck is running on biodiesel. It smells a little like french fries, but puts out no CO2. Way to go, Udo!

戸隠の新しいパンフNew Brochures for Togakushi, Including now in English!

2008.05.24: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

県外から亀清旅館に起こしになるお客さんで戸隠を回って来はる方が多いです。戸隠のスピリチュアルの自然が感動的です。特に奥社へ行く途中の杉の並び。自然の力が感じれます。忍法センターは子供も親も楽しめるスポットもあり、そしてなんとも、戸隠そば!やはりその場で食べたら一番美味しいです。戸隠を回った後、せっかく信州に来はったから温泉に泊まらないと。。。戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館で決まり! 🙂
Yamaguchi-san of Yamaguchiya Soba stopped by Kamesei and dropped off Togakushi's new brochures, including new for this year English ones, too. They were designed by Sylvie and Dominic from France who adopted Togakushi as their new home. They designed the English brochure from a Westerner's perspective, rather than just translating the Japanese one into English.
Many of our out-of-prefecture guests drive through Togakushi on their way to Kamesei. The forests and mountains of Togakushi have a certain spiritual aspect to them. I especially like the row of ancient cedar trees on the way to Okusha Shrine. They are hundreds of years old and you can really feel the power of nature in them. The Ninpo Center is a great introduction to the Togakure School of ninjutsu (the way of the Ninja) and is enjoyable by both kids and adults. And, of course, there is Togakushi Soba, which tastes extra good in this environment of fresh air and pristine water.
For more info, contact the Togakushi Tourism Bureau or Kamesei Ryokan.

ミツバチとアカシアAcacia trees and honeybees

2008.05.16: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Our onsen's handyman, Murakoshi-san, kindly offered to cut a log into planks for me. I drove over to his workplace along the Chikuma River as usual, but as I approached I saw some people with net masks. My first thought was X-Files, but then I realized they were beekeepers and were here because the acacia trees were in bloom. Apparently acacia flowers make for delicious honey.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website


この為に長野に来た:地ビール Another reason I came to Nagano: Microbrews

2008.05.14: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

My Microbrew bottle collection


As a regular contributor to NagaKnow magazine, here's an inside scoop on my next article's topic: Nagano Microbrews. You'll have to wait for the full article, but here's one of the image pictures.
Note: Here at Kamesei Ryokan we offer Yona Yona Ale, highly recommended for those of you who like microbrews.

NagaKnowのHPはこちらClick here for NagaKnow's website.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

Lots of hard work went into creating this collection

Chihiro protege? ちひろの弟子?

2008.05.12: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Chihiro-style watercolor

I always ask the out-of-town guests here at Kamesei Ryokan what brought them to Nagano. A surprising number say the Chihiro Art Museum in Azumino, famous for its lovely garden.
Yesterday, our family went for a drive to check it out. (1-Point Advice: take Rt. 403 instead of the freeway. You'll get to see some of Nagano's beautiful rural countryside, as well as it being a fun, windy mountain road.)
When we went into the museum, they happened to be preparing for their Summer art classes and needed a model for pictures for the brochure. So our son Andy volunteered. Pictured is the card he created.
The outing was a nice drive, a nice garden, a nice museum, and nice timing with Andy's modeling.

ちひろ安曇野美術館のHPはこちらClick here for the Chihiro Azumino Art Museum website

General MacArthur in Kamiyamada?

2008.03.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

General Mac

At the hill behind Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, there is a History Museum that has become, err, historical itself. It closed its doors many moons ago, and most of the artifacts have moved on. There are a few interesting statues remaining, though, including ones of Chang Kai Shek and of this guy, General Douglas MacArthur. I had heard stories of him related to Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City, but it's somewhat bizarre seeing his statue here above our town!

Stone Lanterns lining the road by the defunct History Museum