朝採りなおかつ初物のぶどうを! First grapes of the Season!

2019.09.07: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, グルメFoodie



Grape Season in here!
I took our exchange student from Hungary to Nakajima Orchard to buy the new-crop grapes so serve as dessert to our guests tonight here at Kamesei Ryokan. We got 3 colors of grapes: the purple 'Kyoho', red 'Shinano Smile' and green 'Ouka'.
I also got some bunches of the popular 'Nagano Purple' variety to sell at our front desk. They are seedless, and you can eat the skin (for 'Kyoho' and many other Japanese varieties, you usually have to pop the skin off before eating). Fresh picked this morning and first of the season, and priced very reasonably.
The orchardist said all the rain and the lack of sun this summer meant this year's grape crop is maturing about a week later than usual. Apple trees on the other hand loved the extra rain and it looks like this year will be a bumper crop.
The grape harvest should continue through early October.
Apple season will start in earnest with the early autumn varieties in October, including the 3 Nagano Apple Siblings: the red and aptly-named 'Shinano Sweet', the crisp and green 'Shinano Gold', and deep-red colored 'Akibae'. Then the mainstay 'Fuji' apples are usually harvested in November.
We hope you come and enjoy Nagano's delicious autumn fruits!
中島農園 Nakajima Orchard http://www.nakajima-nouen.com/

2019年お盆のお勧め穴場: 池の平湿原 Recommended Secret Spot for O-Bon, 2019

2019.08.12: 温泉Onsens, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, グルメFoodie, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains





2019年はトレッキングと秘湯: 池の平湿原と天狗温泉。


・浅間サンラインから94号を上る。この「新張」交差点は亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉から車で30分 ←便利!


・湯ノ丸高原 ←ビジターセンターで花などの情報をチェック

・林道で池の平湿原へ。車を止めて(500円)、トレッキングを。ベーシックな湿原コースは距離2.1km、高低差60m、所要時間90分。小さいお子さんやご年配の方でも楽で回れる。見晴らし台を通る三方ヶ峰コースは距離2.1km, 高低差120m, 所要時間2時間半。ちょっと大変ですが、湿原を上か見れて、浅間山の景色も素晴らしい。池の平湿原の標高が2000mで、下より気温が約10℃低い。真夏でも涼しい。なおかつ、穴場スポットですから、混まない。





なお、2019年8月7日に浅間山が噴火しまして、火山レベル3となりました。火口から4kmは山入り禁止。このコース(湯ノ丸高原、池の平湿原、高峰高原、天狗温泉・浅間山荘)に影響が無いです。無いけど噴火による不評被害が心配です。応援を兼ねて、訪ねましょう! アップデート: 8月19日に火山レベル2に下がりました

Escape the heat -- and the crowds -- this summer using this suggested 1/2 day driving course, the start of which is a quick 30-minutes from Kamesei Ryokan.  Enjoy trekking the relatively-unknown Ikenotaira Marsh followed by a soak in the rusty-red waters of the secretive Tengu Onsen.



祭りの時期♪ 次は8月7日の千曲川花火大会 Festival Season! Next is 8/07 Fireworks!

2019.07.16: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, その他 Miscellaneous

上山田の温泉夏祭りは先日の海の日の連休で行われました。私ども亀清旅館の皆も全面的に参加しました。若女将が600人の民踊流しの相談役も。土曜日の近所のお神輿に滞在なされたオーストラリアからのご家族も担ぐ体験が出来ました。大盛り上がりでした。This past weekend was the Marine Day holiday 3-day weekend, and once again our onsen town's Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival took place.  All of here at Kamesei Ryokan fully participated in the festival, including our proprietress being one of the leaders of the 600-person folk dance.  A family from Australia was staying with us and they even got to help carry our neighborhood's omikoshi portable shrine.  Everyone had an exciting time.

2020年は海の日の連休が東京五輪の関係で異になります。従って、2020年の上山田温泉夏祭りは7月の第3ではなく、第4週末になります。7月24日(金)と25日(土)に決定になりました。かなり迫力のある祭りなので、皆様に是非にお越しになって頂きたいと思って要ります。For 2020, the Marine Day holiday weekend will be the 4th instead of the 3rd weekend in July in adjustment for the Tokyo Olympics. So the Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival will change accordingly.  It's been officially decided to take place on Friday 24-July and Saturday 25-July.  It's one of the most energetic festivals you'll ever see, so we hope everyone can come and experience it.

なお、戸倉上山田のこの夏のイベントはまだまだ続きます。次の一番大きいのは8月7日の千曲川花火大会です。1万発と言う盛大な花火で、皆さんが近くで見れるからほぼ真上で光ります。なおかつ、音が周辺の山から響くから、他の花火大会と更にすごい感動です。亀清旅館はその日、まだ空室がございますので、お問い合わせください。Summer festival season is still continuing, with the next big event being the annual August 7th Chikuma River Fireworks Festival.  With 10,000 projectiles and lasting an hour and a half, it is one of the biggest pyrotechnics displays in Japan.  The viewing locations along the river in front of our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada are in such close proximity to the launching site that it seems like the fireworks explode directly overhead.  And with the sound reverberating off the the surrounding mountains, it is an unforgettable show.   Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we still have rooms available for that night, so contact us for reservations and come and enjoy the festivities! 詳しくはこちらDetails Here.


亀清旅館から戸隠へお出かけを! Take a trip from Kamesei to Togakushi!

2019.05.16: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



美味しいそば (長野県の代表の産地)






Togakushi is one of the most popular day trips from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada.

It's famous for it's mystical spirituality (the ancient cedar trees lining the path to the Inner Shrine are breathtakingly-majestic!), soba noodles (Togakushi is one of Nagano's main buckwheat growing areas) and ... ninjas!  There's both the Chibikko Ninja Village (more for kids) by Chusha, the Middle Shrine, and the Ninpo Center by the entrance to Okusha, the Inner Shrine.

Access to Togakushi from Kamesei by car is via Nagano City's Zenkoji Temple (approx. 90 minutes).  If you're in a hurry or going during peak season, we suggest taking the Joshin'etsu Expressway to Shinanomachi IC and approach from the back side.  It's a longer route and expressway tolls apply, but it is 30 minutes faster.

For going by train, use the simple schedule above.  Basically it is 25 minutes by train from Togura to Nagano Station, and then the Alpico bus which takes approx. 60 minutes.

ちびっこ忍者村 Chibikko Ninja Village ←注:忍者屋敷は7月中旬まで工事中 Note:  The Ninja Fun House is under renovation until mid-July

忍法センター Ninpo Center

山口屋 Yamaguchi-Ya ←お勧めのおそば屋さん Recommended Soba Shop


2019.04.06: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


The apricot blossoms in Mori “Apricot Village” are approaching peak bloom. This weekend should be perfect!

戸倉上山田で食べ歩き・飲み歩き・体験・温泉を10月4日に...「温泉バル」! The 2nd Great Onsen Town Pub Crawl on 04-Oct!

2018.09.29: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 温泉Onsens, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, 活動 Activities, グルメFoodie, サイクリング Cycling

The 2nd Great Onsen Town Pub Crawl to take place this Thursday October 4th!




今回は新しい参加店が沢山: 万蔵(ジンギスカン)、栄楽(ホルモン)、やまよし(居酒屋)、まめ(小料理屋)、瑞祥カフェ(デザート)、藤岡(焼き鳥)、亀屋と壱星(ラーメン)、かかし(そば)、クラブ連とBar Wizard(飲み屋)、串一(串焼き)、鶴の湯と白鳥園(温泉)など
継続の名店を含めて約40軒を楽しめます。継続店: Da Qui とラフィーネ(イタリアン)、安兵衛(焼き鳥)、apacheと古波久(居酒屋)、義家(ホルモン)、アルゴット(デザート)、瑞祥(食堂+温泉)、ホテルプラトンと万葉温泉(温泉)、かわいいと瑞祥(食堂)、亀清旅館(デザート)、有田屋旅館(ローストビーフ)、ビリーヴ(スナック)、射的3件、ずくだしエコツアー(サイクリング)、アーツプロデュース(ステンドグラス)。Bar image

美ヶ原へ逃げましょう! Escape to Utsukushigahara

2018.07.01: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Utsukushigahara azalea Utsukushigahara birch azalea Utsukushigahara panorama view Utsukushigahara trekking Utsukushigahara

亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉から上田市武石地区経由でで約50km, 車で75分。
The 2000-meter Utsukushi ga Hara plateau makes for a beautiful (that’s what ‘Utsukushii’ means — ‘beautiful’) high-altitude escape. The wide open fields are home to a heard of cows and in late June are punctuated with wild azaleas.
The 360-degree panorama vista looks out to the Yatsugatake Range to the south, the Hotaka Range of the Northern Alps to the west, the Hakuba peaks to the north, and Mt. Asama to the east.
Our recent visit was too brief to be able to enjoy the Open Air Museum’s inspirational artwork, nor the trek to the stone bell tower. But we’ll be back.
Utsukushigahara can be reached from Matsumoto by bus, but the windy ascent and scenic Venus Line highway are paradise for drivers.
(50km, approximately 75 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan/ Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada.)

幻の蛍舞 上田市ホタルの里「狐塚」 Magical Firefly Dance -- Ueda City's Kitsunezuka

2018.06.26: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Fireflies Ueda Kitsunezuka
Firefly Tunnel!
Ueda City’s Maruko district has a legendary firefly spot called ‘Kitsunezuka’ (fox memorial). If you stand on the bridge, the fireflies dance below around the gurgling creek as well as overhead in the tree canopy. It feels like a magical firefly tunnel.
The official Hotaru (Firefly) Festival ended on the 24th, but they will still be around a few more days.
Pictures by Andy Lynch, 6/24/2018.

地元「高村商店」の信州みそ祭り 3/31 Local Miso Festival at Takamura Shoten

2018.03.30: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, グルメFoodie



Takamura shoten miso fest

Local miso festival 31-March at nearby Takamura Shoten (8 min. by car from Kamesei Ryokan).

Nagano Prefecture is Japan's largest producer of miso, and we are fortunate to have such a high quality maker so close by.    The most popular event at the festival is the "Fill the bag with as much miso paste as you can" deal.  If you've never been to a miso making factory, now is your chance!

3月10日の姨捨夜景ツアーはこの青い目のガイド♪ Obasute Night View Guide

2018.03.05: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains



ビッグニュースがあります: 戸倉上山田温泉発の姨捨夜景ツアーこの青い目のガイドで参加したい皆さん、今週末(H30年3月10日・土曜日)がツアー料金の値上げ前のラストチャンスです。現在はツアー参加費が2000円/人ですが、H30年4月からは千曲市観光局がその料金を値上げする予定です。




night view tour flier

(Apologies for the lack of updates recently.)

He's back!  This is Tyler, American-born owner of the traditional onsen inn, Kamesei Ryokan.

I have big news:  This Saturday, 10-March, 2018 will be the last time you can take the Obasute Night View Tour with me as the guide before the price goes up.  Currently, the tour costs 2000 yen per person but the Chikuma City Tourism Bureau is set to raise the price in April.

The Obasute Night View Tour departs our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada around 8pm, stops at Obasute Station to look down upon the picturesque lights of the Zenkoji Plain, continues up to the Obasute SA for another angle of the view, and stops at our local miso factory Takamura Shoten on the way back to the Onsen.  Along the way, participants are given a commemorative entrance ticket to Obasute Station, a post card from the SA gift shop, and a sample of Takamura's miso.  Plus, you get one of us local volunteers to tell some of the area legends and explain about the places to see around Togura-Kamiyamada and Obasute.  If 10+ people sign up for the tour, it will be done by bus and I am scheduled to be the guide this Saturday, so the explanation can be in English.

We still have rooms available at Kamesei Ryokan for 10-March, so I invite you to come and spend the weekend, and join us for the Obasute Night View Tour.