アイス・スケート@M-Wave Ice Skating @ M-Wave

2009.02.11: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki and Mom at the skate rink

Today was a national holiday, something about honoring the forming of the country. (I thought Japan's history dates back thousands of years ago...)
Anyways, I hope everyone used this day off to do something fun. Our family went ice skating at M-Wave in Nagano City. Kenny and even Misaki (not quite 2 years old) tried ice skating for the first time. Little Misaki's little skates were so cute!
It was fun skating at M-Wave and thinking about all the Olympic athletes that skated here, too.

M-Wave HP: http://www.nagano-mwave.co.jp/

Andy and the Snowlets Zamboni

嵐の灯明祭り Zenkoji Lit Up in a Rain Storm

2009.02.11: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The Grand Finale for our family's holiday was Zenkoji's light-up festival. However, we managed to hit it right during a rain storm. The nice thing about it was the lit-up temple reflected beautifully in the rain puddles.

新プログラム:善光寺体験 New Program: Zenkoji "Experience" Tour

2009.02.05: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The classic Japanese architetecture of Tokugyoubou's facade

To be honest, up until now my main impression of Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City has been the "kaidan-meguri" underground labyrinth and eating soba at one of the many restaurants nearby. Zenkoji is Nagano Prefecture's premier tourist destination. My first time to Nagano, I was brought here, and I've been back many times since. Anytime friends or family come to visit, we take them to Zenkoji. However, my memories of the temple tended to revolve around dungeons and noodles.

Until today.

One street over from the busy main approach to Zenkoji is a narrow lane lined with "shukubo" lodgings for pilgrims. It's a quiet little road, and the historical architecture of the shukubo is classic. I never knew that this cool street existed. I went up it for my first time ever today. My destination was "Tokugyoubou", the shukubo of monk Wakaomi-san. He was a major participant in the Nagano Inbound Summit last September. Wakaomi-san is positioning himself to be the "filter" for travellers from abroad visiting Zenkoji. He was instrumental in showing the Michelin Guide travel editor the temple (perhaps that's the reason why the only tourist spot receiving Michelin's vaunted 3 stars in Nagano is in Zenkoji?). He is also putting together a special program to let visitors from abroad experience Zenkoji's culture and tradition -- beyond just the underground passage and soba shops. The program features a guided professional tour in English of the temple, zazen meditation, tea ceremony, kimono wearing (for ladies) and a lunch of traditional Buddhist vegetarian "shojin" cuisine.
I'm going to try out the new program on 12-Feb (Thurs.) and everyone is welcome to join.

徳行坊のHPはこちらClick here for Tokugyoubou's website

Tokugyoubou's courtyard

Finely detailed woodwork inside


篠ノ井の蔵 Classical storehouse in Shinonoi

2009.02.01: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Cool "Kura" in Shinonoi

When I went to Shinonoi to pick up some guests today, I spotted this cool earthen walled storehouse. The locals said there were several such "kura" in their neighborhood. I could detect a sense of pride in that statement.
Contrast that with Inariyama, a neighborhood here in Chikuma City on the way to Shinonoi. Chikuma City bills Inariyama as a classic post town with lots of "kura". Unfortunately, there are more western styled houses than classic storehouses, and the storehouses are disappearing or getting covered in aluminum siding at an increasingly fast pace.
A buddy of mine, architect Takamura-san, is starting up a committee to preserve the traditional look of Inariyama. I've volunteered to be on the committee, as I want to put actions behind my words. I only fear that any actions will be too late.

ソーセージ体験@軽井沢 Sausage Making @ Karuizawa

2009.01.20: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

節を1つ1つ丁寧 Andy Making the Links

For today's blog entry, I had planned on writing about an event I was scheduled to participate in with the other innkeepers. Our Junior Innkeepers group made chopsticks to give to guests for them to keep and use instead of disposable chopsticks. There even was a TV crew on hand to film it. However, I came down with a cold, so had to skip it.
Instead, I have something I've been meaning to write about but never had a chance. Our family's Christmas tradition has been to make a trip to Karuizawa for shopping and fun. The year before, we went to the Trick Art Museum. This Christmas, we went to Shinshu Ham's sausage atelier and made sausage to give as gifts to our relatives and neighbors. It's great to see how sausage is made and to actually make it with your own hands. Our kids really enjoyed the experience.
I have fond memories from when I was a kid of going on a road trip with my parents and brothers to make sausage at the house of a family friend. Kneeding the spices into the ice cold meat, turning the crank to slowly stuff the filling into the pig intestines, tying the links, and putting the links into the smoker. Every once in a while, the smoker would catch fire and we had to get the hose to put out the flames.
At Shinshu Ham, they don't smoke the sausages. But our kids certainly had a memorable experience. The atelier is close to Karuizawa Station, so it makes a fun stop for families on the way to or from Kamesei.

信州ハムのHPはこちらMore on sausage making at Shinshu Ham here.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

エプロンと帽子の準備Getting Prepped w/ apron and hat

混ぜ混ぜMix Mix

腸に積みStuffing the Intestines

ぶつぶつ Boil Boil

一番大事な部分Most Important Part

野沢の日の祭り:私の人生が変わりました。 Nozawa's Fire Festival: It changed my life

2009.01.15: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Kamiyamada Onsen's summer festival is full of energy. But today, I got to go to an even more intense festival: Nozawa Onsen's Fire Festival. It is truly a life changing event. Simply amazing.
One of my ryokan buddies gave me a special invitation to go, and we were able to partake in a special 'Festival Tour'. The white Happi coat I received is full of burn holes from the fires. The whole event was just so intense.
There are people who live in Nagano their whole lives and never go to Nozawa's Fire Festival. Today there were 3 bus loads of Australian skiiers from Hakuba. If people can come all the way from Australia to see it, everyone in Japan should, too.

野沢温泉の火祭りツアーのHPはこちらInfo on the Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival Tour here.

今年の祭りの動画@NBSはここClick here for news footage of this year's festival. Guest appearance by Yours Truly at the end.

私の先輩の宿、野沢温泉の「旅館さかや」のHPはこちらClick here for the website of my ryokan buddy, Ryokan Sakaya in Nozawa.









上田駅で藤城清治の影絵 Shadow Art by Seiji Fujishiro at Ueda Station

2009.01.09: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

上田駅の藤城政治さんのMural w/ Go-san

The other day, on the way back to Togura Station from Ueda, I took a look at Shinano Railway's waiting room. There is a work of art there that I've noticed before, and this time my friend Go took the time to explain the significance of it. It's a sort of shadow painting by Seiji Fujishiro. Inside are images of Ueda -- the "rokumonsen" crest from the local samurai lord, the Ueda Shishi festival lion, scenes of Ueda Castle, and others.
If you come to Kamesei by train, when you get off the Nagano Shinkansen bullet train at Ueda to change to the local Shinano Railway for Togura, stop in the waiting room and check out this beautiful shadow art.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

藤城清治のHPはこちらClick here for Seiji Fujishiro's website.

Info on Fujishiro-san's art gallery in Ikenotaira is here

八日堂@上田市信濃国分寺 Yokado Festival at Nagano's Kokubunji Temple, Ueda

2009.01.08: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

There are "Kokubunji" (National Temples) in each of Japan's 47 prefectures. The one in Nagano (pre-Meiji name: Shinano) is Shinano Kokubunji in Ueda. Every year, the temple has a special event the evening before January 8th, called Yokado.
When I first lived in Nagano 15 years ago, a friend invited me to experience the festival. My memories of the evening: Lots of Yatai vendors, a long line to wait in for the temple, bone-chillingly cold temperatures, and (to combat the cold) "1-Cup" hot sake.
Last night was a repeat for me of that same experience 15 years ago. And I've started my collection of "Sominshoraifu" good luck charms, not so much for the Buddhist significance, but because they give me a visual record of my new life here in Japan.
Ueda's Kokubunji Yokada -- one of Nagano's premier festivals. Highly recommended.

四日堂情報はこちらInfo on Yokado here.

欧米人のおもてなし Westerners' Omotenashi

2009.01.07: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Zeno's Massage Room

There's a Japanese word called "omotenashi". I've seen it translated into English in so many different ways, from "hospitality" to "anticipation". It's a sort of telepathic 6th sense, to know what the guest wants even before the guest himself realizes it. It's the type of service we traditional Japanese ryokans pride ourselves in. But is there a Western take on "omotenashi"?
Today, our second day of our family's New Year holiday, we stopped in Shibu Onsen and my wife Mari had a massage at Kokuya Ryokan. The masseuse was Zeno-san, born in Slovakia and married to the daughter of the ryokan. Zeno adds his relaxation massage techniques to the experiences the guests receive at this historic, 16th-generation upscale ryokan.
Here at Kamesei Ryokan, my goal is to preserve the traditional Japanese omotenashi, while adding my own personal touch of American hospitality. I bake home-made cookies to give to our guests with their tea when they check in, and we put a wood burning stove in our lobby. Little touches of American "omotenashi" to add to the Japanese. We're trying to take the best of both worlds.

Zenoさんが渋湯田中にうんと貢献しています。彼の自分で作ったHPはこちら。Zeno is contributing a lot to Shibu Yudanaka. His "Zeno's Guide" to the area is here.

Hot Rockのマッサージも

軽井沢イルミネーションKaruizawa Lights

2008.12.23: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



One of the joys of winter in Nagano is seeing the lights of Karuizawa. Because of its high altitude (approx. 1000 meters above sea level), the temperatures are chilly. However, the air is crispy clean, giving the illumination an extra glimmer.
Our family took a drive to Karuizawa and saw the lights today, including the rumoured 'Singing Christmas Tree'.

軽井沢は亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉から車で約45分。ローカルの電車で約1時間。Karuizawa is approx. 45 minutes from Kamesei by car, or 1 hour by local train.

軽井沢の冬物語のHPはこちらClick here for Karuizawa's Winter Story website

旧軽井沢の銀座通りで私達の一番好きなお店、オーストリア産のガラスの飾りなど扱っている「ベルナール」のHPはこちらClick here for the website of our favorite shop in Kyu-Karuizawa's Ginza shopping street: Bernard. This shop sells glass art from Austria among other fine items.

Tyler & Misaki

