県からの豚インフルエンザの知らせ Message from Nagano Prefecture re: Swine Influenza

2009.05.14: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Swine Influenza has been in the news headlines so much lately. Even though there are no cases (yet?) in Nagano, it still has effected us. Our town was scheduled to host a group of exchange students from China this week, but they canceled the trip until the swine flu epidemic is over.

Canceled seminars, canceled exchange study groups … this flu is having a huge impact on tourist #’s.

Some organizations here in Japan are trying to be proactive and make the best of the situation. On the Japanese Inn Group internal mailing list, there was mention of inns catering to foreigners to offer free masks, advise guests to wash hands, and provide handwipes at lobby PC’s.

Also, Nagano Prefecture isn't just sitting back and waiting. It is actively making preparations. Here is an announcement from the governor in English.

御開帳の記念の色々 Jumping on the Gokaicho Bandwagon

2009.05.02: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Remembering Gokaicho's past



5月9日(土)午後2時~ 千曲市稲荷山の蔵し館
162年前の御開帳のときの7.4mag.地震で善光寺街道にある稲荷山宿場で旅人121人、村人182人が善光寺地震で死亡した。郷土史家の宮澤芳巳さんが語る。詳しくは稲荷山街並み委員会長の高村さん(Tel 090-9666-0852) 参加費200円。


What is the proper way to venerate Zenkoji Temple's once-every-seven-years Gokaicho event? Asahi Beer seems to think it's marketing gimmick, as they have slapped a big Gokaicho emblem on their beer bottles.
Here are some other Gokaicho related events -- perhaps not as fun as beer but likely to be much more memorable.

Wind of Tibet Festival
@ Saihouji Temple, Zenkoji
Tibetan Buddhist monks have their own way of celebrating Gokaicho, with traditional dancing, a colorful mancala, even a Rakugo demonstration (in Japanese, nominal fee). From May 7th to 11th. More info here.

"Zenkoji Earthquake and Inariyama" Lecture
@ Kurashikan in Inariyama, Chikuma City
During the Gokaicho event 162 years ago, as many pilgrims were passing through to Zenkoji, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit. In Inariyama, one of the closest post towns to Zenkoji on the feudal Zenkoji Road, 182 villagers and 121 travellers lost their lives. At this lecture, there will be a talk about the effect of the earthquake on the town (in Japanese, but with explanatory visuals).
Cost is 200 yen; Contact is Takamura-san, 090-9666-0852 or feel free to contact us here at Kamesei.

"Zenkoji Faith: Pilgrims and Devotions" Exhibit
@ Nagano Prefectural Museum of History, Mori, Chikuma City
Zenkoji Temple is open to all believers and its immense scale it testament to the faith and devotion of its supporters, many who make a pilgrimage at least once in their life. The prefecture's official history museum takes this opportunity to make a chronology of that faith. If you ever wondered what all the buzz is about Zenkoji and Gokaicho, this is a great place to find out.
More info here (in Japanese).

Gokaicho sponsor?

Tibeten Dance

Mount Asama at 260km/h の浅間山

2009.04.23: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Last night, on the Nagano Shinkansen coming back from Tokyo, around the Karuizawa area you could see Mount Asama with a cloud of volcanic ash rising from its peak. The whole scene was impressively dynamic -- massive Mount Asama showing signs of volcanic activity, with the ash cloud dark against the sunset-tainted orange sky, all while flying at 260 km/h in the "Asama" Nagano Shinkansen bullet train -- human and natural forces at work.

河童、忍者、つけば:本年度スタート Kappa, Ninjas, Tsukeba and Oni -- 2009 Starting Dates

2009.04.19: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


河童・上高地 Kappa * Kamikochi
今年は雪が少なくて、上高地までの道はノーマルタイヤーで既に通れますが、正式的のオープンは4月27日です。その月曜日に第41回 上高地開山再が行います。スイスホーン(?!)で盛り上がります。
The Kappa (water sprites) of Kamikochi officially come out of their hibernation on the 27th of April every year. This year, the snowfall in the Alps has been less than average, and the road to Kamikochi is already snow-free. Kamikochi will hold its 41st annual official "Opening of the Mountains" festival, complete with Swiss horns, on Monday the 27th.

上高地の情報はこちらClick here for info on Kamikochi

つけば Tsukeba Fish Shacks

Even people with the strongest aversion to river fish should be able to appreciate eating just-caught fish served in a Tsukeba river shack along the shores of the Chikuma River. Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's main Tsukeba, "Shomura", opens for business this season on the 20th of April, and will serve "haya" and "ayu" prepared in various ways in their multi-course meal (prices 2000~3000 yen per person). Shomura will be open from 10am to 10pm until mid summer. You can make reservations through Kamesei.

正村つけば Shomura Tsukeba Tel (080)5109-8901

忍者・戸隠 Ninjas * Togakushi
Togakushi's ninjas came out of their winter hibernation on the 18th of April. That's when the Togakushi Ninja Center opened for business for the year. At the Center, there is a ninja artifacts hall, a shuriken range, and a ninja fun house, where you go through the building finding the secret doors from room to room.

詳しくは忍法センター Ninja Center Tel(026)254-2395

鬼:鬼押し出し Oni * Oni Oshi Dashi
An Oni is a Japanese ogre. On the flanks of Mt. Asama is an area that looks like a bunch of volcanic matter was pushed out of the mountain by an oni, hence the park's name, "Oni Oshi Dashi". It is a fascinating example of geological forces at work. The park has been open since March -- apparently that's when the oni hibernation ended.
Easy access from Karuizawa.

鬼押し出し園のHPはこちらClick here for the Oni Oshi Dashi website

お出かけ営業@白馬 Sales Trip to Hakuba

2009.04.17: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

というわけで、今日は久しぶりに白馬に行ってきました。改めて、白馬村から見えるアルプスの素晴らしさに感動しました。本当に自然に恵まれている。そして、やはりオーストラリア人の影響で色んな個性のあるお店がある。お昼はこのUncle Steven'sで食べました。さすが白馬、Funkyなお店です。
白馬のFunkyな、個性のあるお店のガイドブックもあります。白馬へ行けば是非、手に入れてください:白馬のEssential Guide.

Today, I went on a sales trip to Hakuba. I am hoping to share the traditional Japanese onsen ryokan experience of Kamesei with others from overseas. One short cut is to try to appeal to the Australian and other foreign skiers that flock to Hakuba in the winter.
It had been a little over a year since my last trip to Hakuba, and once again, I was mesmerized by how huge Hakuba Mountain and the Japanese Alps are when viewed from the base at Hakuba Village! Hakuba is truly blessed with outstanding nature.
Hakuba is also blessed with a wide variety of funky shops and restaurants. I had lunch at Uncle Steven's, a Tex-Mex joint. With cool restaurants like Uncle's, I can see why Hakuba is popular for apres ski also.
If you go to Hakuba, make sure to pick up a copy of the Hakuba Essential Guide. It is a great list of Hakuba's funky offerings.

Uncle Steven's website is here.

Essential Guide publisher, Hakuba Tourism's website is here.


2009.04.10: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

It's cherry blossom time at Matsumoto Castle

I had to go into Matsumoto for a meeting at Asama Onsen. It was a lunch meeting, and I was treated to Matsumoto's specialty, "sanzoku-yaki" (see separate entry). We also stopped by the bicycle specialty shop there (also see separate entry). After the meeting, I scooted over to Matsumoto Castle. A guest the previous day had said the castle's cherry blossoms were starting to bloom. Plus the sky was clear, and the Alps still had snow, so I figured it would be a beautiful sight.
I wasn't disappointed! There were all kinds of people -- locals, tourists, families with kids, grannies and grandpas; all doing all sorts of things -- strolling, singing, napping, taking pictures (like me). The magnificent crow-black castle, the brilliant blue sky, the pink blooms of the cherry trees, and the touch of white on the Alps all made for spectacular scenery for photographing. But it was the beauty in the details that struck me. A white swan gracefully swimming with the black castle in the background. A grand cherry tree perfectly framed by one of the castle's gates. And what I really liked was the scene of the delicate cherry blossoms set against the massive boulders making up the walls of the moats. It was one of those, "This is why I came to Nagano" moments.

魚津旅 Uozu Trip 2

2009.03.31: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Kamaboko Central

長野の隣の富山県の魚津市への旅、その2. Our Trip to Uozu City in Nagano's neighbor, Toyama Pref., Part 2


After our morning bath and breakfast (yes, more firefly shrimp). the Kiyokawa's took us to the Ozaki Kamaboko-kan. Kamaboko is probably better known as surimi, or imitation crab, back home. In fact, in the States, that's about the only use for Kamaboko. As can be seen in the Ozaki Kamaboko-kan, Japan gets created with this fish "balony". It really opened my eyes to the world of kamaboko, and the history and culture behind it. At the Kamaboko-kan, you can take a really educational factory tour -- highly recommended.
After sampling a bunch of kamaboko and buying a heap of souvenirs, it was on to the Buried Forest Museum to find out about 2 of Uozu's mysteries: the Buried Forest and the Mirage. (Good explanations on the city's website.) Then we moved next door to the "Umi no Eki" for lunch. (You guessed it -- more firefly shrimp!) And for a little bit of fun in the sandy beach. Or was it a bit of fun in the little sandy beach? Anyways, we finished up enjoying the ocean and mountain views on the train ride back to Nagano.

尾崎かまぼこ館 Ozaki Kamaboko-kan

魚津埋没林博物館 Uozu Buried Forest Museum

So that's how kamaboko is made!

Buried Forest's Cool Museum

Exploring the Umi no Eki

Enjoying Seafood Lunch

Uozu's Beach Patch

魚津旅 Uozu Trip 1

2009.03.30: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Uozu's Ferris Wheel

Nagano and Toyama Prefectures are connected by the Kurobe Tateyama Alpine Route. Our family took a train today to the Toyama side for our #2 son Kenny's Preschool Graduation trip. Our goal was the ferris wheel at Uozu City. Here are some details of our trip, in case you want to try something similar:
We started out at Nagano Station and rode out on the JR Myoko-go train. The views of the snowy rice fields and the majestic mountains around Kurohime and Myoko were thrilling -- to some of us at least. #1 son Andy complained how slow the train was. I told him it's nice and slow -- one doesn't normally get to liesurely enjoy the scenery when driving by car.
When we got to Joetsu, we switched trains to JR Spec. Expr. Hakataka for the ride along the coast. Whenever we saw patches of blue waves, we would yell, "Ocean!" (Nagano is all mountains, no ocean!) The other side of the train featured breathtaking views of the Tateyama Range and the Toyama side of the Japanese Alps. I think I've become a Toyama fan.
After arriving at Uozu, we headed right away for the ferris wheel. I had seen it on a previous trip and was excited for this chance to take the kids to go ride it. It's located in Mirage Land, an old fashioned (but well-maintained) amusement park. Our kids had fun there, then we crossed the street to the Uoze Aquarium. Again, not having an ocean where we live in Nagano, we enjoyed seeing all the fishies. One thing the Uozu Aquarium does well is they have a display on river fish of the Alps. Mari and I were excited to see what Yamame look like swimming. We're used to seeing them prepared on a plate to serve our guests.
For lodging, we choose Niemonya Ryokan in Kitayama Kosen in the foothills above the town. Its scale is similar to Kamesei, and its owners are remodelling the wooden section of the inn -- even with the economy as bad as it is. It was the best of both worlds -- a quiet mountain location with the best seafood. Yup, I've definitely beoome a Toyama fan. Kiyokawa-san and his wife were charming hosts, and our kids enjoyed playing with their daughters. We are grateful for the relaxing time we spent there.


Uozu City魚津市 (With English Section)

Mirage Land ミラージュランド

Uozu Aquarium 魚津水族館

Niemonya Ryokan 「仁右衛門家」旅館

Mirage Land 観覧車

Uozu Aquarium水族館


Myoko-go @ Kurohime

JR Hakataka

レッサーパンダが宜しくって。The Lesser Pandas say "Hi".

2009.03.02: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Andy and Kenny showing off their zoo tickets

This morning we woke up to a touch of snow on the roof tiles of the neighboring houses. But yesterday was actually rather warm. We took advantage of the sunny weather and I took our kids to the Chausuyama Zoo in Nagano City which is famous for its Lesser Pandas. The Lessers sure were cute, but we were more impressed by the lions and the tiger near the entrance. They sure are huge in real life. And the giraffes and zebras were in the same spot. The 4~5 meter tall giraffes made the zebras look like pygmies. We had the most fun at the Urangutan exhibit. He was eating lunch when we saw him, and he would come right up to the window, face to face with our Misaki. She was so scared she started crying!

茶臼山動物園のHPはこちらClick here for Chausuyama Zoo's website.

善光寺の伝統・文化体験コース A New Program Introducing Zenkoji's Tradition and Culture

2009.02.12: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Masuo-san filling us in on Zenkoji's stories

As seen on local TV yesterday, and in the local newspapers today, one of the shukubou's of Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City, Tokugyoubou, has started a new program to introduce Japan's culture and tradition to foreigners.
Some of the Nagano Inbound Summit participants and I went to Zenkoji today to "experience" the new Experience Tour. We started out at Tuzukiya, a kimono shop in Gondo, Nagano's main shopping arcade.
There, female guests would be able to try on a kimono. Guys, too, could wear a 'hakama'. Japanese clothing traditionally only comes in M and L sizes, so unfortunately none would work for me.
While still wearing the kimono, the group then would proceed to Zenkoji Temple. The kimonos fit right in to the neighborhood's traditional feel, with the cobblestone streets and traditional architecture. And they also serve to remind regular Japanese how beautiful kimonos are.
With this program, an officially licensed English-speaking guide accompanies the group and explains why exactly such a huge temple is located way out here in Nagano City. The temple is full of history and lore, and Masuo-san, our guide today, can gladly explain it all.
After visiting the temple, the group returns to Tokugyoubou for a traditional tea ceremony, all while still wearing kimonos. Then everyone changes back into their regular clothes and partakes in a shojin-ryouri lunch, the traditional Buddhist vegetarian cuisine. That is followed by a trip to a side temple for zazen meditation.
Tokugyoubou is making a great effort to bring Japan's rich culture and Zenkoji's history and tradition to foreigners. We here at Kamesei applaud their efforts.



つづきや着物 Tsuzukiya Kimonos

ガイド増尾さんMasuo-san the Guide

tea ceremony setting

Buddhis Vegetarian Meal

Kimono Shop