プロのバスケット、長野に? A Pro Basketball Team in Nagano?

2009.08.04: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Last weekend the Toyama Grouses professional basketball team of the bj League played an exhibition game in Nagano. After the game, they came to Kamesei Ryokan to spend the night. A group of businessmen have put together an organization to promote bringing professional basketball to Nagano. Me having hooped from my childhood on, of course I'm in favor of a local pro team.

Now, you're probably asking yourself, "Grouses? What kind of name is that for a hoops team?" And, "Can't 'Basketball Japan' come up with a better acronym?" Valid questions. And I'm not sure what the answers are. All I can suggest is maybe Pro Basketball Japan -- PBJ. But then that would get me hungry for sandwiches...

Anyways, we thank Coach C.J. and the players for coming to Kamesei.

長野県bjリーグ参入協議会のHPはこちらClick here for info on bringing pro hoops to Nagano.

霧ヶ峰のニッコウキスゲ:信州の七大旬の自然? Kirigamine's Day Lillies -- one of Nagano's Seven Seasonal Wonders?

2009.07.23: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Andy君と去年の霧ヶ峰のニッコウキスゲ Andy with the day lillies at Kirigamine last year




Yesterday I went to Matsumoto for a Nagano Prefecture Tourism Synergy Research Meeting. About 40 people from various government agencies, universities, and businesses gathered to discuss ways to get tourists to spend more time enjoying our prefecture.

One of the guys I met there was from Kurumayama. He said the nikko-kisuge day lillies in Kirigamine are in bloom now. Recently, deer have been eating a lot of the flowers. This year, though, thanks to lots of electric wire fencing, the hills of Kirigamine are carpeted in yellow flowers. The blooms usually continue through the end of July.

If you've never seen the nikko-kisuge of Kirigamine, I highly suggest it. Their yellow blossoms cover the highlands -- an amazing sight to see. In fact, I would say it's one of Nagano's top seasonal wonders.

People in Japan have a habit for picking the "Top Three" Whatever. For example, nearby Obasute Station is one of Japan's Top Three Best Views from the Train Window. (It's true -- I couldn't make that up if I tried.) Us Westerners, on the other hand, tend to choose the Top 7 of whatever (except for David Letterman and his Top 10 Lists). For example, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, etc.

So I hereby announce Nagano's Seven Natural Wonders (as chosen by Yours Truly):

*The Apricot Blossoms in Mori "Anzu no Sato"
*Takato's Cherry Blossoms
*Early Spring in Kamikochi
*Skunk Cabbage Flowers in Kinasa (which means "Village Without an Ogre" -- and I couldn't make that one up if I tried, either)
*Tatsuno's Fireflies
*Kirigamine's Nikko-kisuge day lillies
*Autumn Leaves at Togakushi's Kagami-Ike (Mirror Pond)

That's my list. What about yours?

霧ヶ峰・車山高原の詳しくはこちらClick here for details on Kirigamine and Kurumayama

松代象山地下壕が英字新聞に Matsushiro's Tunnels in the Japan Times

2009.07.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

先週に英字新聞「Japan Times」に松代の象山地下壕の特集がありました。第二次世界大戦のころに天皇さまが隠れる場所としてできたトンネルは現在、地震のセンサーの設備地として使われている事。

松代象山地下壕 入壕料:無料 午前9時~午後4時まで 休み:第三火曜日と年末年初 Tel c/o長野市観光課026-224-5042

Last week, the Japan Times had an article about the Matsushiro Zozan Tunnels -- the underground shelter that was built at the end of WWII to be used as an emergency military headquarters. The article talked about how the tunnels are now used as a seismological observatory and how the sensors detected North Korea's nuclear test on May 25th.

While I'm glad the J.T. is doing some publicity on one of Nagano's WWII heritage sites, I'm disappointed they missed one of the main stories about the tunnels. An unknown number of people, many of which were Korean, lost their lives in the construction of the tunnels.

Matsushiro is a fascinating little town. It still has many buildings representing its samurai heritage, a unique style of pottery ("Matsushiro-yaki"), important Warring States-era battle site (Kawanakajima), a peaceful, pastoral setting with Nagano's main 'yama-imo' farming, bicycle friendly country roads (free bicycle rental at Matsushiro Station), and the sad WWII history of the Zozan tunnels. One of the passages is open to the public daily from 9am to 4pm (except the 3rd Tuesday of the month and from 29-Dec to 03-Jan).

Japan Times article here.

インバウンド的な諏訪「体験」 Doing Suwa through Inbound Eyes

2009.07.16: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

エクスカーションの間、真澄で弁当を食べながら(Kumiさん、お味噌汁が美味しかった!)、長野県のインバウンドの人たち11人と情報交換しました。諏訪の伊藤さんが地元の外国人をVolunteer Guideとして育っていく事業や、松本の清風荘の「浴衣を着て松本城散策」、南信州観光公社のエコ体験実例などなど、外国人観光客が長野県をさらに楽しめるようにの努力を聞いて、感心しました。これからはここでも詳しく紹介していきたいと思っています。
I met up with some of my fellow "Nagano Inbound Summit" participants for a meeting in Suwa yesterday. We did 2 'excursion' tours with a power lunch in the middle.
The 1st excursion was a tour of Masumi Sake's brewery. Their Export Manager, Keith-san, graciously showed us the facilities and explained Masumi's sake production. His enthusiasm for sake and Masumi was impressive -- I think I've become a Masumi-fan, too.
The owner's boss (?), Kumi-san, proceeded to explain Masumi's sake "concept". Most sake brewers just concentrate on how to make sake -- Masumi also focuses on how to enjoy sake. Their sake-tasting room provides the proper ambience for guests to properly enjoy Masumi's sake, and their gift shop has everything from sake cups to a wide variety for local and other foods to complement their sake.
The 2nd excursion was to see Suwa City's new "Onbashira Experience Park". The park just opened last weekend and features two pillars of the same size as that will be used in next year's once-every-seven-years Onbashira Festival. An important component of the festival is the Kiyari, a traditional work song. We were fortunate to have Komatsu-san of the Shimo-Suwa Kiyari Preservation Society come and lead us in a chant. Another local, Itoh-san of B&B Megu House ZuKu, provided English explanation. Seeing the massive pillars was impressive, but hearing Komatsu-san's (aka Mr. Onbashira) chant reverbrate off the far away buildings was most memorable.
In between the excursions, we met over bento at Masumi (compliments to Kumi-san for her miso soup!) and shared info on recent Inbound-related activities. Itoh-san gathering local foreigners to be volunteer guides, Seifuso in Matsumoto organizing a "Wear a Yukata to Matsumoto Castle" event, Minami-Shinshu Kanko Corporation's successful eco tourism, and so much more. I hope to introduce some of these activities here in this blog.
It was impressive to hear everyone's efforts to make Nagano Prefecture a more enjoyable place for tourists from overseas.
At the end, some of us stopped at Shimo-Suwa's Aki (Fall) Shrine. I was really enthralled by the area, and announced I had become a fan of Shimo-Suwa. One of my buddies said I should wait until I've seen the shrines at Kami-Suwa before deciding. I guess that means I'll have to come back to Suwa again soon!


真澄 Masumi

御柱 Onbashira

B&B めぐハウス Meg House ZuKu

南信州観光公社 Minami Shinshu Kanko Kosha

Entrance to Masumi

Bottles with Braille -- new Barrier-Free

Shimosha Onbashira

Kamisha Onbashira

Shimosha Aki-Miya's ancient, peaceful shrine

300年の歴史と伝統を自分の手で体験:上田紬 300 Years of History and Tradition, at YOUR Fingertips: Ueda Tsumugi

2009.07.07: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


When I first came to Nagano, I was impressed by the prefecture's long history and rich tradition. I first lived in Ueda City, and got to see and know such historical things as Ueda Castle, Ueda Shi-Shi, soba shops that have been run by the same families for generations ("Katana-Ya" has been in existence for over 300 years -- that's longer than my own country!), Kokubun-Ji Temple's Yokado Festival, and so much more.
One such area of Ueda that impressed me was "Ueda Tsumugi", the traditional silk weaving traditionally used for kimonos. Ueda's style dates back over 300 years and is regarded as one of the top 3 weaving styles in Japan. It was reknown in Kyoto for its sturdiness and beauty.
Ueda Tsumugi owes its existence to the area's silk industry (Nagano Prefecture has traditionally been Japan's largest producer of silk). It's influence can be felt in Shinshu University's School of Fiber which continues to research and develop better varieties of silk. I personally love Ueda Tsumugi's patterns and coloration, as well as its texture.
In Ueda City's Shiojiri neighborhood, there is a studio that continues to make Ueda Tsumugi. It is called Koiwai Tsumugi Kobo, and we went there yesterday for a tour. The building is impressive with its historical construction, and it was amazing to see how Tsumugi is woven. We found out they offer mini lessons and I signed up for one for the end of July. I'm looking forward to making my own bit of Ueda Tsumugi.

The loom

dyed silk threads

woven fabric for women's kimonos

You can make your own Ueda Tsumugi like these.

坂井ほたる祭り Sakai Firefly Festival

2009.07.06: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The moon coming up over Sakai Village


Last night, on the way back from Tazawa Onsen, we drove through the old Sakai Village (now part of Chikuhoku Village) and happened upon their Firefly Festival. It was a quaint little setting with fireflies glowing along a little stream surrounded by rice fields. When the moon came up, it reflected off the fields, creating a magical scene.
Sakai's fireflies come out in the beginning of July, and the festival is held at the Mandara produce stand.

田沢温泉へ日帰り温泉 Going for a bath to Tazawa Onsen

2009.07.05: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

田沢温泉の江戸の雰囲気 Tazawa Onsen's Edo feel



Our family runs an onsen ryokan. So what do we like to do on our days off? Go see other ryokans and take an onsen bath, of course! Today we went for a drive to Tazawa Onsen.

Tazawa is a small onsen with only 3 inns in operation. But the narrow cobblestone street is lined with 2~3 story wood buildings, many built in the Edo era, with manicured pine trees giving the town a classic feel.

We went to Masuya Ryokan for our bath. The innkeeper, Ken Miyahara is actually the leader of the prefecture's Junior Ryokan Association. His inn has the type of construction that I just love -- warm wood with long corridors running along the outside of the building, all in a confusing web of passageways.

As for the onsen water, well, I had heard that Tazawa Onsen is only lukewarm. And sure enough, with the onsen source being only 38C, the baths were quite a bit cooler than ours. But that meant we could enjoy a nice, long soak. The outdoor bath was especially enjoyable, with views of the blue sky above and pine trees and bamboo on the hillside next to the bath.

Tazawa Onsen -- blessed by Nagano's wonderful nature and featuring classic Edo-era architecture. It makes my list of Cool Japan.

(Tazawa Onsen is about a 45 minute drive from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.)

田沢温泉のますや旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Masuya Ryokan in Tazawa Onsen.

Tazawa's Edo Streetscape

Public Bathhouse

Masuya Ryokan's entrance


スピリチュアルな自然、そばと・・・忍者!久しぶりの戸隠 Spiritual nature, soba, and...ninjas! A fun day in Togakushi

2009.06.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Andy and Kenny exploring one of the Togakushi Okusha cedar trees.



A special Congratulations to all of you Dads out there on this Father's Day. I hope all of you spent a fun day with your families. We sure did here at the Lynch household -- we went for a drive up to Togakushi.
Our Togakushi trips tend to follow this formula: delicious soba noodles at Yamaguchi-ya, ninja fun at the Ninja Center, and feeling the power of mother nature among the massive, ancient cedar trees lining the path to Okusha Shrine.
This time, however, we immersed ourselves a little further into the Togakushi experience (a bit too literally at one point). After ooh-ing and aah-ing at the Okusha cedar trees, we decided to check out the Nature Reserve next to it. We had never been into the actual reserve before. The path towards Okusha isn't exactly crowded with people, but it was amazing that just leaving the path and entering the reserve brought us to a world of lush greenery and intense stillness. Only the sound of the wind through the leaves and the birds chirping could be heard. The quietness of the woods and marshes was powerful. Once again, we were amazed by Togakushi and became even bigger fans of Nagano.
After stopping for icecream, we drove over to Kagami-ike (Mirror Pond) to watch the sun set over Togakushi Mountain. Togakushi and its western peak seemed like they were playfully streaming their fingers through the high clouds that were drifting by. The scene was beautifully reflected in the lake surface. My wife and I were just thinking how romantic of a setting it was, when all of the sudden, Splash! Our #2 son, Kenny, had fallen into the pond.
Maybe we should have stopped after the first child. Just kidding!
After that little "happening", we took bare-bottomed Kenny (who would have thought we'd need an extra pair of pants for an elementary school kid!) and the other kids for a real-life, hard-core Togakushi Ninja training. I will write more about that a later time, but let's just suffice it to say that it was the real thing, and my entire body is in pain as a result.

Today was one of the best Father's Days ever!

Father's Day lunch at Yamaguchi-ya


忍者センターの入口 Entrance to the Ninja Center

Ninja Pose with Togakushi Mtn. in the background

The Ninja Fun House

Ninja training

Shuriken Dojo

Getting attacked at the ninja museum

tools of the trade


植物園 Forest Reserve

Mirror Pond at Sunset

「諏訪の男は命をかけて祭りを」諏訪御柱 "Men in Suwa put their whole lives into the Onbashira Festival"

2009.06.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



At the sales meetings in Tokyo, the most memorable person was Komatsu-san of Suwa's once-every-seven-years Onbashira festival. The next festival is scheduled for April to mid-June 2010.
I asked him to pose with me for this picture. He explained that the men of Suwa put their lives into the festival. Each time, rumor has it that some people die celebrating the festival. The participants certainly put their lives at risk bringing the massive logs from the nearby mountains down to the Suwa Shrines. The logs are moved through a series of ceremonies, including down precipitous cliffs and through freezing cold rivers, climaxing in a ritual standing-up of the logs.
Komatsu-san said they have explanations in English and other languages available. When I get them, I will post them to this blog.

松本はお城の次に人気 Matsumoto's #2 most popular attraction

2009.05.27: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

JUM's modern exterior


Matsumoto's top attraction is, of course, the castle. But among foreigners, what is the city's #2 most popular spot? According to one innkeeper who caters to guests from abroad, it is JUM, the Japan Ukioye Museum.
Today I met up with some of my fellow Inbound colleagues in Matsumoto. We are working on projects to make Nagano friendlier and more accessible to travelers from abroad. Anyways, since we were meeting in 'Moto, we decided to hold the gathering at JUM. The curator, Sakai-san, graciously offered to give us a talk about the museum. He went into some fascinating subjects about why Westerners fancy ukiyoe, the roots of the Japanese people (as well as natto -- both are surprisingly international), etc.
Then Sakai-san narrated a slide show on the museum's current display, works by Hiroshige from the 1860's on popular spots (of that time) in Tokyo. Ukiyoe was THE pop-culture art of the period, and seeing scenes of Tokyo in ukiyoe prints really brings the era alive. It's amazing to see Ocha-no-mizu in a snow scene, and even more amazing to hear that the river was so clean its water ('mizu') was used for making tea ('ocha'). Another fun scene was of tourists sightseeing at a waterfall in Shinjuku. This scene was surprising for 2 reasons -- first, a natural waterfall in Shinjuku?!?!; second, one of the tourists was obviously a foreigner -- "Inbound" back in the 1860's!
Sakai-san offers his talks in English, Japanese, or an English-Japanese mix. If he isn't available to talk in person, his narration is recorded and can be played back while watching the slide show.
JUM is located about a 10-minute walk from the Matsumoto Interchange, which is accessible by highway bus from downtown Matsumoto. So if/when you visit 'Moto, after seeing the castle, lose yourself in the ukiyoe world at JUM!

Click here for the website for JUMのHPはこちら

松本のジャパニーズ・イン・グループのメンバーが清風荘です。着物着付けやお茶会の体験が出来る宿です。HPはこちら。Ryokan Seifuso in Matsumoto is a member of the Japanese Inn Group. They offer courses in wearing kimonos and Japanese tea ceremony for their guests. Click here for their website.