電車から見た信州の雄大なアルプス View from the Train of the Majestic Japanese Alps

2011.03.14: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The awe-inspiring Alps

地震・津波・原子問題があっても、ただ胡坐をかいてテレビ見っぱなしだけじゃ… やらなっきゃいけない事をやっちゃう! 今日は以前から予定していた3つな大事な会議があって、長野市と松本市へ出かけました。もともと電車で行く予定だったので、ガソリンの節約になってなお良かった。



Even with the earthquake / tsunami / nuclear radiation problems, life goes on. Rather than just wallowing in sadness and watching the gloomy news on TV all day, we gotta go on with the things that we need to do. Today, I had 3 important meetings to attend in Nagano City and Matsumoto City so I did a bunch of train travel and made some good progress. It's good I did take the train instead of driving -- gas is getting scarce due to people hoarding it.

On the train ride from Nagano Station to Matsumoto Station, there are some spectacular views of the Japanese Alps. Seeing the magnificent mountains somehow helped to lift my psyche.

Mother Nature's power is amazing. That same power that made these mountains moved the earth last week and created the tsunami. Awe and respect.

単純に楽しめる: 茶臼山動物園 Simple Fun: Chausuyama Zoo

2011.03.13: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Chausuyama Zoo's brochure and notepads that the zookeeper gave us.






Located in Nagano City's Shinonoi district, Chausuyama Zoo is a popular spot for families with kids as well as couples. It's a fairly large zoo and features such unique things to experience as giraffe-feeding. Its location on a hill above the city provides a fantastic view of the valley below as well as the Sugadaira mountains in the distance. And Chausuyama Zoo has some celebrity animals -- the lesser pandas.

In fact, last year the lesser pandas moved into a much more expanded home. Now you can see them up close and they have real trees they can climb.

The last couple of days, there has been nothing but distressing news on TV about the M7.9 earthquake in northeastern Japan. I was in the need for a change of pace, so after seeing off our guests this morning, I took our daughter to go to mass, followed by a trip to the Chausuyama zoo. We were awed by the height of the giraffes, cowered by the imposing presence of the lion, and bemused by the funny faces of the orangutans. It was an enjoyable afternoon.

A simple enjoyable afternoon.

Gazing into the faces of the giraffes and elephant, there was no trace of worry over the earthquake. But on the way out, we ran into the head zookeeper. I had to ask -- were the animals affected? He said the only ones were the chimpanzees and orangutans. The chimps got anxious and ran around their cages; the orangutans even put blankets over their heads. So the animals closest to us humans were traumatized.

茶臼山動物園のHPはこちらClick here for Chausuayama Zoo's website.

これはジャパンだ!This is Cool Japan!

2011.03.09: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



After the recent ryokan junior association meeting at Shiga Kogen, we all spent the night in Shibu Yudanaka Onsen at Yorozuya, one of Nagano's (Japan's?) best ryokans.

This is a picture of the open air bath outside of Yorozuya's nationally renowned Momoyama bath. With the steam raising up and the andon lanterns -- this is Cool Japan!

よろづやのHPはこちら。Click here for Yorozuya's website.

志賀高原の自然保護センター + オリンピック記念館 Shiga Heights Nature Preservation Center + Olympics Memorial Hall

2011.03.08: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Shiga Kogen Nature Center









People come to Nagano from far and wide to enjoy its natural beauty. And within Nagano, it doesn't get much better than Shiga Kogen. With its majestic mountains and deep forests, not to mention the famous snow monkeys and other wildlife, Shiga Kogen's wilderness is sure to delight your senses and instill a sense of awe.

Whether it is skiing in the winter, or hiking in the 'green season', Shiga Kogen is full of ways to get out and enjoy nature. In fact, the highlands are so extensive, it is hard to know where to start. Luckily, inside the 98 Center at Hatsuike Pond there is the Nagano Prefecture Shiga Kogen Nature Conservation Center. Its displays show the various types of flora and fauna that can be found in Shiga, as well as descriptions of human interaction with the mountains over the years. A three dimensional map gives you an overhead view of the area and an idea of where the various areas are in relation to each other. The center also contains a wealth of information on hiking trails and how best to enjoy the mountains.

In the same building as the Nature Center is the Olympic Memorial Hall. Shiga Kogen was the host of several alpine events during the 1998 Winter Olympics. Memorabilia from the events is on display in the hall. Here you can relive the excitement of the Nagano Games.

Yesterday I attended a Nagano Ryokan Junior Association meeting at Shiga Kogen and got to see the Nature Center and Olympics Hall for the first time. I also got to ride a special snow taxi -- just one of the many ways to enjoy Shiga Kogen.

Olympic Hall

The funky snow taxi

ハッピーひな祭り + 北信雛人形情報 Happy Girls Day + Northern Nagano Hina Doll Info

2011.03.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki with Kamesei's Hina Dolls




3月3日ー3月9日 松代まち歩きセンター

3月10日ー3月16日 蔵の町観光交流センター

3月17日ー3月21日 楓の館

3月22日ー3月25日 屋代駅ウェルカムステーション

3月26日ー3月30日 栗庵風味堂

3月31日ー4月3日 中野陣・県庁記念館

坂木宿ふるさと歴史館 Tel(0268)82-4193

Happy Girls Day to all you young (and young at heart) ladies out there. Here is our daughter Misaki posing with the Hina Dolls displayed in Kamesei's lobby. I'd like to take this opportunity to pass on some information about a few of the area's many Hina Doll related events.

'Burari' Northern Nagano Hina Tour
This is an event involving various Hina Doll displays along the Nagano Dentetsu Railway from Yashiro Station to Yudanaka Station. Besides a 'stamp rally', the event features a travelling 'relay' display of new dolls by local popular doll artist Mayumi Takahashi. Relay dates and locations are as below:

1. Matsushiro Town
3/03-3/09 Matsushiro Machi Aruki Center
Original Hina Dolls made of local Matsushiro-yaki pottery will be featured.

2. Suzaka City
3/10-3/16 Kura-no-machi Kankou Koryu Center
To be held in conjunction with the Hina Doll Festival at Tanaka Honke Museum.

3. Yamanouchi Town
3/17-3/21 Kaede no Kan

4. Chikuma City
3/22-3/25 Yashiro Station 'Welcome Station'
Also on display will be Hina Dolls made out of 'haniwa nendo', a local clay. One day during the event, participants will be able to make their own clay dolls. Contact the Welcome Station for more info: tel(026)272-3223.

5. Obuse Town
3/26-3/30 Kurian Fumido

6. Nakano City
3/31-4/03 Nakano Jinya & Kencho Memorial Hall
Don't miss the 'Hina Ichi (Market)' festival. It takes place every year on March 31st and April 1st, and features clay dolls painted by local artists in a tradition that has been handed down over hundreds of years. People come from all over the country to add to their tsuchi-bina (clay doll) collections.

Finally, one more local Hina Doll event:
6th Annual Sakaki Kobina Festival
2011 Dates: 2/19-3/19
Features historical Hina Dolls displayed in the Sakakijuku Furusato History Hall, Tel(0268)82-4193.

信濃の国の…手ぬぐい本?! Shinano no Kuni Bandana-book

2011.02.24: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

My new favorite tenugui








Japan's 47 prefectures all likely have an official Prefecture Song, but Nagano's "Shinano no Kuni" is probably most loved by its people. It's sung by every school kid and danced to at every Bon Odori festival, so practically all Nagano-ites have the lyrics memorized.

Now "Shinano no Kuni" has been made into a book. Or, is it a tenugui bandana? Actually, it's a tenugui book -- a book that opens out into a tenugui.

The 'book' has the beloved lyrics to the Shinano no Kuni song, and features representative drawings of Nagano: serow (the prefectural wild animal), birch trees (the prefectural tree), gentian (prefectural flower), ptarmigan (prefectural bird) as well as soba noodles, apples, snow monkeys (high points for that!) and onsen. One of the drawings is of snow monkeys in an apple onsen bath slurping soba. Well, minus the soba.

Where to Purchase:
I don't really know. I suppose these Nagano tenugui books will be available at various stores throughout the prefecture. One place for sure is where I bought it: Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's clothing shop 'Beniya' where it's being sold for 1,500 yen. Tel(026)275-1249

Even the cute snow monkeys!

もう40年間生きる理由 A Reason to Live Another 40 years

2011.02.15: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Ganshoin -- home to Hokusai's Phoenix Painting and Inspiration for Issa






という事は、完成してから160年がたっていますので、これから40年後にこの絵が一番良いそうです。40年後という事は私が80歳… その時に又来なっきゃ!

While at Obuse the other day, I also went to see Ganshoin Temple. It is famous for a ceiling painting by ukiyo-e master Hokusai as well as being the setting for one of Issa's most well-known haiku poems.

I had heard and read so much about the temple, so I was looking forward to seeing it in person. Do you really lie down on the tatami to look at Hokusai's painting? From where did Issa watch the frog mating that inspired his poem?

I had so many questions!

And luckily, the lady behind the counter was full of answers. Not only did she cure my curiosity, but she shared a number of fascinating facets about the temple.

The thing that amazed me the most was regarding the pigments in Hokusai's painting of a pheonix on the ceiling. I inquired if the colors were fading at all after being on display constantly for so many years. The lady told me Hokusai picked the pigments, he calculated their natural evolution over time in such a way that the painting's colors would be at their most brilliant 200 years after he finished. It's been on display for 160 years, so that means in another 40 years from now, the painting will be at its peak coloration.

I'm 40 now, so that means I have to come back to see it again when I'm 80 years old!

There are so many stories in that one painting -- hidden Mt. Fuji's, depictions of age-old leaves and branches that had grown attached to the 'ancient' phoenix, the gruesome fact as to why no spiders ever make webs on the painting (some of the pigments were made from poisons), etc. etc.

And then there was the garden, and the pond that was the home to the frog mating ritual that inspired Issa to write his famous poem:

Makeru na! Issa,
Kore ni ari."

Roughly translated, it means

"Skinny Frog,
Don't give up! Issa
Is here."

He apparently had taken pity on a smaller frog that was getting muscled out of the way competing with larger frogs for mating. The poem is said to have been dedicated to Issa's son who was battling an illness. Unfortunately, the son died not long after Issa wrote the haiku.

I took a quiet moment taking in the scene of the wood decked balcony overlooking the pond, home to the frolics of the battle frogs as well as to a poignant story of human drama from long, long ago.

More on Ganshoin here.

Issa's balcony

信州の冬の楽しみ:雪景色の野天風呂 夜間瀬温泉「遠見乃湯」 How to Have Fun in Nagano in the Winter: Snowy Outdoor Baths Yomase Onsen 'Tomi no Yu'

2011.02.02: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Imagine a view





On a snowy, cold winter day, people in other places in Japan may stay inside and bury themselves beneath the quilts of their kotatsu. Here in Nagano, we embrace the snowy scenery and head for the hills to soak in one of the many 'notenburo' -- onsen baths with scenic views.

Last weekend, I took our kids to Yomase Onsen's famous 'Tomi no Yu' for the first time. Located above Shibu Yudanaka Onsens at the entrance of the Kita-Shiga ski area, Tomi no Yu's bath features an amazing view of the Zenkoji Plain with Nagano City down below, along with glimpses of the 5 Northern Nagano Peaks as well as the Northern Alps in the distance.

The day we went, it was snowing so unfortunately we couldn't enjoy much of a view. But the kids loved hopping out of the bath, jumping in the snow surrounding the rim, then hopping back into the onsen. I, on the other hand, simply let the piping hot onsen waters warm my body to the core as snow flakes gently fell on my face.

The experience inspired a little haiku:

Soaking in the bath
Face looking up to heaven
Snow flakes gently fall

Tomi no Yu doesn't have an indoor bath, and the washing area is rather spartan, but the outdoor bath with its spectacular view makes up for it. If you want to enjoy one of Nagano's premier onsen baths with a view, then make sure to check out Tomi no Yu.

Located 50 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Also accessible by bus from Nakano Station on the Nagano Dentetsu Line, or in the winter by busses from Nagano Station going up to the ski resort in Kita-Shiga. Website is here.

From the outside

隠れ宝物: 茂田井間の宿 Hidden Treasure: Motai Post Town

2011.01.29: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Frozen in time?






During a recent exploration with son Andy, I recently went to Motai, a way-station along the old Nakasendo road. Located in Saku City, it is technically an "in-between" station, catching the overflow from Mochizuki post town on one side, and Ashida post town on the other. I was happily amazed to see such an unmarred Edo-era townscape, with beautifully maintained earthen walled storehouses and not one but two operating historical sake breweries.

Here in Nagano Prefecture, usually when you mention "Nakasendo Post Town", you get images of Unnojuku in Tomi City, and the famous ones in the Kiso Valley, Narai-juku and Tsumago. While those towns have done a fantastic job of preserving their Edo-era townscapes, they tend to be a bit touristy. For example, even though some of their old buildings are actually lived in and worked in, there are plenty of souvenir shops, tea shops, eating / drinking establishments, etc.

Motai on the other hand has none of those. We couldn't even find a parking lot, let alone a t-shirt shop. Motai is not a history display -- it is a living and breathing village. Those classical dwellings aren't polished up to look nice for tourists -- they're lived in and lovingly maintened by the people that own them. And those sake breweries -- simply amazing.

The sake brewery we visited was Takeshige Shuzo, of Misonotake and Bokusui labels. Entering their compound and looking around their facilities had me drooling. And I'm not the only one that thinks their buildings are cool -- the entire collection of 30 structures are listed on Japan's National Historical Registry. And the staff was so helpful and friendly -- "Come back on March 21st for our Open Brewery event!" they said.

All I can say is, Shame on Nagano Prefecture's Tourism Department for not promoting a place like Motai. And who am I to say? Well, for one thing, I was the one who translated the entire English travel website and their was no mention of Motai. That's a true shame, because people like me who are interested in Japan's history and the Nakasendo would go crazy over a place like this.

茂田井間の宿は車で上信越道佐久ICから下仁田浅科線で30分、電車で長野新幹線佐久平駅からバスで茂田井入口まで35分。詳しくはHPへ。Click here for details on Motai. Access by car from Saku IC on the Joshin'etsu Expwy via Shimonida Asashina Road, 30 min. Or by train from Nagano Shinkansen Sakudaira Station and bus to Motai Iriguchi stop (35 min.)

武重本家酒造のHPはこちら。Click here for Takeshige Honke Sake's website.

In front of Takeshige Brewery

The sake collection

Classic scene

Don't mind the drooling

10歳の不思議: 日本という国に、どうして梵字や象さん? A 10-year old's question: Why sanskrit and elephants in a temple in Japan?

2011.01.26: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Young Andy and a Dead Language











I took our 10-year old son Andy for a drive to explore the remains of the old Nakasendo (the medieval path between Kyoto and Edo / Tokyo). First I had to explain what the Nakasendo was to Andy. (Why does a foreigner have to teach a Japanese kid Japanese history? What do Japanese schools teach the kids?)

Our first stop was Otai-juku, one of the old post towns located in present-day Miyota Town. We parked at Houju-in and started our exploration at that temple. At the entrance was a large rock carved with interesting script.

"What kind of writing is that?" asked Andy. Uh-oh. Time for a 1-point Buddhism lesson. (Here again, why does a Christian have to teach a Japanese kid about Buddhism...)

"Do you know what country Buddhism came from?"

"Nope. It crossed over to Japan from Korea 1600 years ago."
"So this writing is Korean?"

"Nope. Buddhism came to Korea from China."
"So it's Chinese?"

"Time for a hint. Look at the facade of the temple's main building."
"Hmm, a sculpture of an elephant. So, India?"

"Right! The writing is sanskrit."

When you think about it, it is really quite remarkable to find sanskrit here in a town in the Japanese countryside. I mean, there are few scholars left even in India that speak sanskrit. And only the most educated of Buddhist monks here in Japan today would be able to read this.

And the carvings of elephants -- the animal doesn't even exist in Japan. I bet the artist who carved the elephant had never seen a real one.

Anyways, that's how our explorings of the Nakasendo started. I showed Andy the Honjin (main inn for the VIP's) and the Waki-Honjin (inn for the #2 guys). and Otai-juku's trademark warehouses where goods were transferred from one carrier to another, and tried to convey a sense of what it was like in the old days to walk along the Nakasendo. Perhaps Andy started to get an interest in Japan's history, too.

Otai-juku holds a festival every year on August 16th where they recreate an Edo-era procession. The festival is aptly called the Otai-juku Festival.

御代田町のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Miyota Town.

A Japanese Elephant?

Andy and Otai-juku

One of Otai-juku's back streets