初詣@善光寺 + 鬼島太鼓との出会い New Years @ Zenkoji + Meeting Kijima Taiko

2012.01.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki at Zenkoji










Here in northern Nagano, the most popular temple / shrine to visit for New Years is the esteemed Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. On the 2nd, I took our kids to pay our respects. Despite the snowy conditions, there was a healthy throng of visitors to the temple, including a few brave ladies wearing kimonos.

We took the train to Nagano City and were treated to a taiko performance that was being held in front of the MIDORI department store next to Nagano Station.

To be honest, I've seen my fair share of taiko performances over the years. Everything from amateur groups for free in Seattle, to the world-class Kodo pro group from Sado Island (certainly not for free). But never before have I been so overwhelmingly amazed as with this group that performed, Kijima Taiko from the Kijimadaira Village, northeast of Nagano City.

Kijima Taiko is made up of only girls, and only of school age. Once the member graduate highschool, they automatically 'retire' from the group. Not only do they participate in nationwide contests, but they also perform overseas once a year.

5 girls of their elementary school division performed today.
With snow falling around, they banged away on the taiko drums while laying down, while jumping, while dancing, while shouting,
from one song to the next with absolutely no rest in between,
It wasn't a testosterone-filled show of strength, it was simply raw girl-energy.
All the while with snow falling around!

It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Our 4 year old Misaki was so impressed, when we got back to Kamesei she excitedly played the taiko drums in our lobby for what seemed like endlessly.

Girls growing up in the countryside likely don't have much opportunity to excel and put their energy to use in such a way that it puts them on the world stage. I applaud Kijima Taiko for giving these girls this opportunity. I am sure the members take this experience with them and put it to use succeeding in their adult lives.

Every year Kijima Taiko performs a spring concert, and this year it will take place in Sakaki, next to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. It will be on Saturday March 24th, and I am so looking forward to seeing it!

鬼島太鼓 Kijima Taiko

Feel the girl power -- Kijima Taiko

クリスマス@軽井沢 Christmas in Karuizawa

2011.12.25: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Ginger Bread Cookie Monsters



夕方の松本中町 Matsumoto's Nakamachi at Dusk

2011.12.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano




The other day I was in Matsumoto for a meeting, and walked down Nakamachi street. It was just dusk, and the lights from the various shops was softly drifting out to the street. The lacquer-ware shop, traditional crafts shop, clothing boutiques, tempting restaurants -- it was such an enticing vibe.

It seems like I'm always just passing through Nakamachi and Matsumoto's other classic shopping street, Nawate-dori, on the way to or from some meeting. One of these days I'm going to have to come with Kamesei's proprietress for a more leisurely stroll.

松本中町Matsumoto Nakamachi

栄村の震災見学 Touring the Earthquake Damage in Sakae Village

2011.10.25: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Sakae Village earthquake damage






After the Chamber of Commerce ceremony, there was a bus tour of the areas in Sakae Village damaged by the earthquake. We saw a lot of houses being repaired but the collapsed ones have apparently been cleaned up. Most of the roads were passable, but a lot of cracks in the road surface remain.

The biggest landslide was next to the town's main onsen bathhouse, "Tomato no Kuni". Fortunately the bathing facilities themselves were protected from the slide by a grove of cedar trees. While the prefectural government plans on taking over 10 years to stabilize the slide zone, "Tomato no Kuni" is on schedule to be repaired and open by this December.

Along the main highway is the Sakae Shin-etsu Road Station. I was glad to see an abundance of local farm products and handicrafts for sale. It looks like the villagers have really bounced back from the earthquake.

Until now, my only experience with Sakae Village has been to enjoy the remote Kiriake Onsen. But now seeing the main village has made me want to come back and explore more. The villagers' lives are shaped in large part by the hardships of deep winter snows, giving the area a unique culture. There is a volunteer organization called Sakae Network that offers tours giving insight into the village's lifestyle -- perfect for further exploration.

Access to Sakae Village is via Route 117 from the Iiyama IC on the Shin-Etsu Expressway, or JR Iiyama Line from Nagano Station (Morimiyanohara Station being the village's main stop).

For More Info:
Sakae Shin-etsu Road Station website
Sakae Network website
"Tomato no Kuni" Onsen website

Landslide next to the Onsen

Cracks from the earthquake

Sakae's Road Station

長野県商工会 観光絆宣言 Nagano Chambers of Commerce Tourism Solidarity

2011.10.24: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The Guv (and Arukuma!)



On March 11th, all of Japan -- and all of the world -- shook with the news of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, as well as the ensuing nuclear disaster. Early the following morning, March 12th at 3:59am, northern Nagano shook with a major earthquake centered on Sakae Village. 688 homes were damaged or destroyed, road and sewar damage totaled 2.069 billion yen, farm and industrial damage was 2.159 billion yen.

In response, the various Chambers of Commerce from throughout Nagano Prefecture made a joint declaration of tourism unity. On October 24th in Nozawa Onsen, a special ceremony was held to announce the declaration, with the prefecture's governor in attendance. I was invited as a Nagano Inbound Ambassador. The power of seeing all the Chamber representatives making the joint declaration was impressive!

Now that's solidarity!

杉並び木ハイキング@小菅神社、飯山市 Hiking Through the Cedars to Kosuge Shrine in Iiyama City

2011.10.11: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The Cedar-lined Hike to Kosuge Inner Shrine







小菅奥社は戸隠と比較したら、すぎのパワーは少ないかもしれないけど他の面で魅力はあるし、駐車場が溢れていない。そして距離は短い(1.1km vs. 2km)だが、標高差は小菅の勝ち(登り口が540m、奥社が880m=標高差340m;戸隠は登り口が1200m、奥社が1380m=標高差180m)。汗はかけますよ!大半は石畳(?)なので、雨なくて滑りやすい。

飯山の旅(観光、食、温泉)の際、お勧めのエクスカージョン: 小菅神社のハイキング。

Iiyama City's Kosuge Shrine was historically the site of 'shugyou' ascetic training on par with Togakushi, Nagano's better known 'shugyou' spot. As with Togakushi, there is an 'okusha', or Inner Shrine. And, as with Togakushi, the path to the Inner Shrine is lined with ancient cedar trees.

However, while Togakushi's Inner Shrine is the subject of a 'power spot' boom in publicity complete with overflowing parking lots, Kosuge is shrouded in obscurity. So while Kosuge's cedar trees aren't quite as huge and awe-inspiring as Togakushi's, the hike has enough of its own quirks to make it as much if not more rewarding than it's more famous partner's.

And you won't be battling any crowds at Kosuge. Our family went to hike up to Kosuge Okusha on a 3-day holiday weekend, and only came across 2 other parties during the entire outing.

The path itself is for the most part a staircase of stepping stones lined by the aforementioned cedars. Along the way, there's an idyllic arbor for resting, historical spots ('Famed samurai Uesugi Kenshin hid behind this rock') as well as spiritual ones, trailside waterfalls, birdseye views of the Chikuma River winding its way down the valley below, and so much more. The Inner Shrine itself is a fascinating structure built halfway into the hill and half on pillars supporting it as it juts out over the hillside.

Kosuge may not provide as much 'power' as Togakushi, but is charming in its own way. At 1.1 km long, the trail is a bit over half as long as Togakushi's but is quite a bit steeper (340m elevation gain compared with 180m for Togakushi). At our little 4 year old Misaki's pace, it took 1 hour to hike. The stepping stones were pretty slippery -- I wouldn't want to do the hike in rain or snow. And public transportation to the trailhead is non-existent -- car would be a lot easier.

So if you take a trip to Iiyama City, while enjoying the sights, food and onsen, I highly suggest an excursion to Kosuge!


The stone path

Holy spot along the way

Mysterious rune

trailside waterfall

The Inner Shrine

Another view

我が家族の飯山モデルコース Our Family's Iiyama Model Course

2011.10.10: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nozomi no Yu Onsen

長野県の北側の飯山市の商工会は先月に私を講演の為に呼んでくれました。その時に商工会の方が飯山市を案内してくれた。(南沢さん、有難うございました!) 今回は私がうちの家族を連れて、案内して頂いたところを今度案内しました。



1.観光: ハイキング@小菅神社の杉並び木
2.食事: 富倉そば「かじか亭」
3.温泉: 戸狩温泉「望みの湯」




戸狩温泉「望の湯」のHPはこちら 私達が行った時に露天風呂が閉じていました(残念!)なので、要チェック。

Iiyama City on Nagano Prefecture's northern tip recently invited me to give a talk. I had the privelege of being escorted around the city for a sightseeing tour. Iiyama's big challenge is how to connect the dots (temple district, doll museum, beech tree forests, soba noodles, Madarao & Togari onsen ski resorts, etc.) into a workable course for visitors.

My suggestion was to make it a 3-part course:
1. Sightseeing
2. Food
3. Onsen bath

I just took our family for a drive to Iiyama, and for consideration, here is the course we took:

1. Sightseeing: hiking at Kosuge Shrine
2. Food: soba noodles at Kajika-tei (in Tomikura)
3. Onsen: Nozomi no Yu in Togari.

We arrived right before noon, so we drove up to Tomikura highlands tracing the route samurai warlord Uesugi Kenshin used to travel. After powering up on a hearty lunch of the unique Tomikura soba noodles, we headed back down, crossed the Chikuma River, and went up to the trailhead for Kosuge Shrine's inner shrine. The 1.1 km trail is lined by impressive cedar trees, and after the hike we were delighted to find a quaint teahouse next to the entrance -- perfect for an afternoon snack. (More about that leg of the trip in a later entry.) Finally we went down and crossed the Chikuma River again to take a dip in Togari Onsen's Nozomi no Yu's bath. A fitting finish to memorable day trip.

Tomikura Soba News:
The New Soba Festival will take place at Kajika-tei this year on Sunday November 13th. More at Kajika-tei's website.

Nozomi no Yu's website is here. Make sure to check ahead of time about the availability of their outdoor bath. (It was unfortunately closed when we went.)

Nozomi no Yu's facade

Moon over Iiyama

講演と研修@飯山 4: 伝統工芸x2 Lecture and Learning at Iiyama 4: Traditional Crafts x 2

2011.09.29: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Find out about Uchiyama Paper and Iiyama Altars at the Iiyama Art Museum

全日本伝統的工芸品は全国で212種類の伝統工芸を認めています。その内の7つは長野県にあります: 信州紬(私は特に上田紬が大好き)、先日に私達が行った木曽路のろくろ細工と漆器、以前に紹介した松本家具、信州打刃物、そして飯山から2つもあります:飯山仏壇と内山和紙。






飯山市美術館の詳しくはこちらClick here for info on the Iiyama City Art Museum.

伝統工芸の詳しくはこちらClick here for more on Japan's Traditional Crafts.

講演と研修@飯山 3: 富倉蕎麦 Lecture and Learning at Iiyama 3: Tomikura Soba

2011.09.28: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Tomikura soba and sasa-sushi







私は信州そばが詳しいつもりでしたが、今まで富倉蕎麦が知りませんでした。普通のお蕎麦と違って、繋ぎは小麦粉じゃなくてオヤマボクチ(Synurus pungens)を使う独特なお蕎麦です。




Kajika-tei is worth the journey

講演と研修@飯山 2: 小菅の杉並び木 Lecture and Learning at Iiyama 2: Kosuge Cedars

2011.09.27: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Kosuge Cedars

飯山市シリーズ、その2: 小菅神社






