戸倉上山田のネオンの復活? Togura Kamiyamada's Neon is Back?

2011.08.02: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada



Hollywood has its famous sign on the hills above the town. Here in our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada, we have a sign with our town's name in kanji on Jo-yama, the hill behind us. But since the March 11th disaster, the sign's lights have been dark. Partially due to saving electricity in the disaster's aftermath, but also to allow for construction to switch the lights over to LED.

Last night, the workers must have been testing it, because the sign was lit up. I hope the testing is completed soon so we can have our town's symbol back in operation!

上山田温泉勇獅子の兄弟会 Family Reunion for Kamiyamada Onsen's Isami Lion

2011.07.31: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

(Picture courtesy of Kodaira-san)







You know the saying "All Roads Lead to Rome"? Well, here in northern Nagano, it's more like "All Roads Lead to Zenko-ji", the temple around which Nagano City was built. The temple and its main shopping district, Gondo, are at the heart of our region.

Kamiyamada Onsen's summer festival originated with the arrival of a shi-shi lion given from Gondo. Shinonoi, Matsushiro and other nearby towns all have shi-shi lions that originated from Gondo. Today, Kamiyamada's Isami Shi-Shi, Gondo's Kiyoshi Shi-Shi,and two from Shinonoi had a sort of family reunion in celebration of 'Shinonoi Year'.

I myself participated and for the first time in 2 years, got to be inside the lion. That was a lot of fun, but it was an honor to be able to see the other shishi. All have the lion head and the body pulling a 2-story cart with musicians below and geisha ladies performing on the top. But beyond that, each one is very unique. I thought Kamiyamada's lion head was heavy at 35kg, but the others were 65kgs and are carried by 3 people (ours is carried by one person at a time). In some cases, those 3 guys coordinate their leg movement in a choreographed dance -- way cool! I was surprised to see some of the lions have mouths that open. But the biggest shock was seeing the decorative carts from Shinonoi. Kamiyamada's is rather plain by comparison -- the others apparently had benefactors that payed for traditional craftsmen to create beautifully detailed and elaborate roofs.

Seeing the 4 shi-shi together, each with their own characteristics and sense of pride, really gave me a feeling of the history and tradition involved.

For the grand finale, all 4 lions came together and, err, rubbed noses. (Guess who had the honor of being inside Kamiyamada's lion's head!)


戸倉上山田温泉 射的大会 8月1日~31日 Shateki Tourney here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

2011.07.30: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Shateki Poster





The Togura Kamiyamada Ryokan Association has been running a special promotion to support the areas affected by the 3.11 disaster. In conjunction, we have held a series of charity events, with Yours Truly being the man in charge.

For Round 1, we had flower corsages for Mother's Day and a bicycle ride with the Chikuma Cycling Club for Father's Day.

So far for Round 2, we are hooking up with the 4 shateki stands in town. Shateki is a cork gun target shooting game. Throughout the month of August, we ryokans will be selling shateki tickets for 500 yen, with 200 yen to be donated to the relief effort. And as a special event, the 4 shateki stands which are usually open only at night, will be open in the afternoon on Wednesday August 10th for a shateki contest, onsen guests vs. us ryokan junior association members. You can win a free stay at one of our inns!

For more info, feel free to contact us here at Kamesei Ryokan.

戸倉上山田温泉の近くに乗馬クラブ Horse Riding Club near Togura-Kamiyamada

2011.07.26: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada





Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, for some reason we have a lot of horses. My buddy from Kamiyamada Hotel, Toshiki-san, has 2 ponies he keeps right here in town. Another buddy, Murakoshi-san, has a huge horse he keeps on the other side of the river. And another acquaintance in Mori built a fabulous horse carriage and reportedly has acquired some horses, too.

With all of these horses around, I have been feeling an urge to go horseback riding.

Fortunately, a horse club has opened up in Ueda City's Hanga district, a short 15 minute drive from here. HANGA Horse Riding Club (Tel# 090-8723-2722, Ishii-san) operates daily 08:00-17:00 and offers horseback riding from 3,000 yen.

This summer, come to Togura Kamiyamada and enjoy horseback riding along the way!

戸倉上山田温泉の射的屋さん達: 新しいパンフ New Brochure for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Shateki Joints

2011.07.25: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Shateki brochure cover





Here in onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, we are fortunate to have 4 shateki places. Shateki is basically a carnival-like game of target shooting using a cork-gun. And no other onsen resort town in Nagano has as many shateki joints as we do here.

Whenever a friend comes to visit, I often take him or her to go do shateki. Especially if they have kids. And everyone really has fun doing it. Our kids love shateki, too.

So I've always wanted to do something to better promote such a fun activity. And starting in August, the ryokan junior association and I are planning a shateki-related event. But first we had to make a brochure with information on the 4 shateki places.

I enlisted the help of Tomioka-san, our town's photographer. He took the photos and designed the pamphlet. And our daughter and the kids from another inn helped out by being the models in the pictures.

I've forwarded the brochure data to all of the inns for printing, so now us inns will be able to guide our guests to go and enjoy shateki!

花火屋と千曲川花火大会 A Fireworks Maker and the Upcoming Chikuma River Fireworks Display

2011.07.21: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada






Today I was in Nagano City near the venerable Zenkoji Temple. While walking the streets in the area, I came across a shop that makes and sells professional-grade fireworks. They had some huge ones displayed in the shop's window. One of them was showing a cross-section.

Fireworks sure are beautiful as they are lit and illuminate the night sky. So it is no wonder that the insides of them are so pretty, too!

Seeing the fireworks shop reminded me that our onsen town Togura Kamiyamada's big Chikuma River Fireworks Display is coming up -- August 7th. It is the biggest summer time fireworks festival in northern Nagano. Not only are the fireworks visually appealing, but the sound reverbrating off the surrounding mountains is also very exciting.

戸倉上山田の千曲川花火大会の詳しくはこちら。Click here for info on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Chikuma River Fireworks Festival

温泉の本屋さん Onsen Bookstore.

2011.07.20: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

戸倉上山田温泉に小さな本屋さんがあります: 西澤書店。もちろん、一般の雑誌と本を販売しているけど、信州に特化した本は沢山そろっています。観光ガイドや山登り、山野草など、信州の何か知りたいなら、西澤書店できっと良い本があります。場所はかめ乃湯通りです。

In our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, there is a quaint little bookshop called Nishizawa Shoten. While they have the regular assortment of popular books and magazines, they also feature a large selection of books and guides about Nagano Prefecture. From sightseeing guidebooks to mountain climbing and wildflower guides, you are certain to find what you are looking for here. Located on Kame no Yu Dori street.

温泉夏祭りその3:下駄供養から御神体担ぎまで Onsen Summer Festival 3: From Geta Offering to Omikoshi Carrying

2011.07.16: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


朝は布団上げ、お会計と見送り@亀清旅館 (作務衣)
水天宮のお祈り@水と緑と潤いのある公園 (ワイシャツにお神輿の法被)
ついでに下駄供養@同じ公園 (ワイシャツに戸倉上山田の緑色の法被)
お神輿の魂入れ (お神輿法被に着替えなおす)
近所の11区のお神輿担ぎ (私物の青い色の祭り法被)
上山田お神楽保存会と獅子舞巡り (お神楽の格好)
祭り若連の皆とご神体神輿 (白い短パンにお神輿の法被)





The first day of Kamiyamada Onsen's summer festival is always a bit hectic, including way too many changes of clothing.

This is how my day went:

Futon flipping and checking the guests out (wearing a 'samue' work outfit)
Water God ceremony at our town's main park (Omikoshi happi coat over dress clothes)
Geta sandal offering at the same park (Green innkeepers happi coat over dress clothes)
Omikoshi blessing (back to the Omikoshi happi coat)
Carrying our neighborhood's Omikoshi (my personal blue 'matsuri' happi coat)
The Okagura lion dance troupe procession (okagura garb)
The main festival omikoshi (white shorts and Omikoshi happi coat)

6 clothing changes made for a long, long day!

In the States, there's a saying about wearing multiple hats when doing more than one activity. In Japan, it should be wearing multiple happi coats!

By the way, this year's Water God ceremony had special importance. The ceremony always walks a fine line between thanking the god for supplying life-giving water, and praying from protection from that same water's destructive flooding potential. This year, the latter was especially pertinent in the aftermath of the 3.11 tsunami.

It is my hope that the sweat from this weekend's matsuri will also be for the betterment of the people that suffered in the 3.11 triple disasters.

温泉夏祭りその2 お神輿準備 Summer Festival, 2: Prepping the Omikoshi

2011.07.15: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

彦神輿: 準備ばちっし。



Preparations for this weekend's onsen summer festival are reaching a feverish pitch. Starting this year, I switched from the giant shi-shi lion group to the omikoshi group.

For those of you not familiar with 'matsuri' (Japanese festivals), an 'omikoshi' is basically a portable version of an area's local shrine. It is carried around town, stopping at various places for a special blessing.

Sounds harmless enough, right?

Wrong! This is more X-Games material than some quaint cultural feature from National Geographic.

The omikoshi weighs upwards of a ton and is carried on the shoulders of 40, 50 even more people depending on its size. They usually process around town in a somewhat controlled manner. But when they return to the main festival site for the grand finale, all controls are cut loose. Multiple omikoshi are in action -- they taunt each other and often crash into each other, sometimes crushing the people carrying them. When the omikoshi spins around, the momentum sometimes gets going so fast, especially around the corners, that the carriers can easily fall and get trampled. That's not to mention the omikoshi getting out of control and crashing into the audience.

All of this is set to a rythmic chant of 'wasshoi', from the carriers, the handlers, the people watching, the taiko drummers encouraging everyone, and the ladies standing on top of the omikoshi urging the carriers on.

But before the wasshoi, there is the final preparation for the omikoshi, which I'm doing today. Here's looking forward to the festival!

温泉夏祭り その1 Onsen Summer Festival, 1st Entry

2011.07.14: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Geta prep





これで1年間のお客様のおお越しに感謝、感謝 !

Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, our annual summer festival is the biggest event of the year. Everyone works hard on the preparations, puts in a lot of sweat during the festival itself, helps out with the clean-up afterwards, and then starts preparing all again for the next year's festival.

My fellow ryokan junior innkeepers and I are in charge of the geta sandal offering at the festival. Guests of the inns often wear the wooden sandals and go for strolls around town in their yukata robes. Over the year, the geta get worn down. So for the festival, we gather the worn out geta and place them in a mound next to the Suitengu (water god shrine). Then during the festival, we do a special offering of the geta in thanks for all the guests from the over the year.

Yesterday, the junior innkeepers and I went around to all of the inns and gathered the worn out geta. Then we piled up the geta with on ornamental giant sandal. Now we're ready to give thanks for all of our guests at the big festival this weekend.