雨の日=クッキー作りの日 Rainy Day = Baking Day

2008.11.16: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Fresh out of the oven

We had nice fall weather up until yesterday. I took advantage of it and made good progress on painting the surroundings of our 2nd outdoor bath that I am starting to build. I was planning on more painting today, but it clouded up and started to rain. So, what is there to do on a rainy day? Bake cookies, of course!
My mother gave me a recipe for oatmeal cookies, and I bake them to give to our guests with their tea. Our guests this evening were fortunate -- their cookies came right out of the oven. One guest asked if we sell the cookies. I told him no, that they're only for people who come and stay with us. He said I was a clever businessman. I didn't intend it that way -- it's just if I sell a bunch, that means I have to make a bunch more. And that means waiting for another rainy day...

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen in Nagano

クッキーのレシピーはこちらClick here for the cookie recipe

クスクスとお箸:日仏交流 Cous Cous and Chopsticks

2008.11.07: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Japanese-French Relations

Our Chikuma Int'l Exchange Assoc. hosted a group of Japanophiles travelling from LeMans, France. We held a banquet tonight for them. I don't speak any French, but by using Japanese and English (as well as help from the interpreter) we had some great conversations. Part of the banquet's cuisine was French as well. One thing I discovered: cous-cous and chopsticks don't work well together.

足湯お風呂掃除My turn to clean the Foot Bath

2008.10.31: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


The other night, I was the designated cleaner for our town's new Foot Bath. Every time I go by it during the day, people are using it, so it's apparently a big hit. I was happy to contribute my energy to keeping this 'takara' (treasure) in good condition and look forward to continuing to do so along with the other people in our town!

ガーデニングブームから町興し Gardening Civic Boom

2008.10.11: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


「町興し」と「ガーデニング」;両方ともが流行っています。昨日、その2つをつなぐ講演が小布施で行われました。国土交通省がスポンサーで「観光カリスマ」及び元小布施町長唐沢彦三さんやNHKの「趣味の園芸」キャスター 須磨佳津江さんなどの話を聞いてきました。
小布施の町興しが20年前から始まっています。皆はそれぞれの意見があったが、取り敢えずは庭と言う共通点から始まったと。そして、市民が定期的に欧米へ勉強の旅をしたら、Open Gardenの発想が出ました。今は住宅100件以上が庭を観光客に見せています。人に見せ始まったら、どんどんと綺麗んにしていく。そうすると、町全体が面白くなる。町が面白くなれば、観光客が来はる。というのが小布施のおもてなし現象です。
"Civic Development" and "Gardening" are two popular ideas currently. Yesterday I attended a conference sponsored by MLIT that combined the issues. It took place in nearby Obuse Town, which has been actively pursuing civic development for over 20 years, lead by an Open Gardens movement. Currently over 100 homes have their gardens open to the public for viewing. Some of the ideas that came out of the conference were how civic leaders have such varying ideas, it's important to start from a common ground. In Obuse, that was gardening. When you open your garden to outside viewers, you naturally want to make improvements. The overall effect is for a more beautiful town, which in turn draws tourists.
While some areas of Obuse have a unique, only-in-Obuse feel (like the Chestnut Lane I wrote about in a previous entry), "gardening" in Japan tends to be Western style -- roses, peonies, etc. I don't think that would match the overall style of our traditional onsen town here at Togura Kamiyamada. So what would work here? Kamesei and several other inns have very presentable 'naka-niwa' Japanese-styled gardens. How about an Open (Japanese) Garden tour of the various inns in town? Would you readers out there be interested in such a tour?

ふれあい広場でいい経験Good Experiences at the Fureai Hiroba

2008.09.14: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Kenny helping out with the games

Our town's 'Fureai Hiroba' (kind of a volunteer group fair) was held today, and our Int'l Exchange Assoc. had a booth. As vice-chairperson, I went to help out, and brought along our kids. Son Kenny enjoyed helping out with the games -- a good experience for him. An acquaintance of mine who is wheelchair-bound had a section where anyone could try using a wheelchair. Our eldest son, Andy, gave it a whirl -- another good experience. Towards the end, the boys rode the mini steam engine train. A fun day, with lots of good experiences!

Andy trying a wheelchair

Riding a mini-SL

N2C2ワークショップ Workshop

2008.09.13: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Juicy Discussion at N2C2

An NPO in Nagano City called N2C2 held an interesting workshop today, and I was invited as a facilitator. The main speaker was Arudou Debito, who was born in the States but has taken on Japanese citizenship. He lives in Hokkaido, where he made news fighting a bathhouse with a 'Japanese Only' sign. The workshop was an introspective look at our own feelings on the matter. One opinion that came out from the Japanese participants was if they ran up against such prejudice they probably wouldn't fight it, but if their foreigner friend was refused service, they would protest. My hope is as Japan becomes increasingly internationalized that 'Japanese Only' signs don't spread.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

N2C2のHPはこちらClick here for N2C2 website

アルドウデビトさんのHPはこちらClick here for Arudou Debito-san's website

せっかく晴れている日なのに会議ばかりToo Nice of a Day to be Stuck in Meetings

2008.09.09: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Our Turtle Says 'Hi'

On a sunny day like this, you feel like doing something outside. However, I was stuck indoors today with 4 different meetings. There was a big one on the town's 'machi-okoshi' followed by a small one on the same, then a meeting of the Soba Festival organizers (I partook as the head of the Halloween Festival), and finally a meeting to coordinate a speech I will be making in Nagano City in November. As a result of these meetings, I had to run back and forth between Kamesei and the Kanko Kaikan Meeting Hall so many times. Each time, I saw our new Utility Pole Sign, shining in the sun with the green willow tree branches and the blue sky.

若旦那達の暑気払い Innkeepers BBQ

2008.09.02: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Can you smell the bbq? 🙂

Normally the other innkeepers and myself are busy running our inns (including flipping futons in my case) and also with the various service projects in town. But once a year, we take time out for a barbeque at Kamiyamda Hotel's foot bath - equipped beer garden. The 'Senpai' bring the meat and their special sauces, and us 'Kohai' do the cooking. I think it's great to make time to relax and get to know each other better once in a while.

亀清旅館のおニュー:三万円の軽トラOur New 300-Buck Truck

2008.08.27: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Carrying firewood or delivering garbage had always been a hassle. Here in Nagano, a "Kei-truck" (aka "K-Tora") really comes in handy. But I have been hesitant to get one because of the hassle of owning an extra vehicle. Our local dealer came by the other day with a used for the sweet price of $300. We couldn't say 'no' to that, so we're the proud owners of a slightly rusty K-Tora. And I just christened it with a 90-minute drive (each way) to Matsumoto!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

'Moto Castle in the background

射的当番 My turn to run the Shateki

2008.08.15: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


As part of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Bon Odori dance, the town's Business Association runs several food and game booths. Friday night I was in charge of the Shateki (cork gun target shooting) booth. It was a happening night -- we raked in twice as much as the previous night. Some of Kamesei's guests even came. Thank you everyone!

Togura Kamiyamada's Bon Odori