夏休みに亀清で滞在♪ 周辺観光の人気トップ10; Long Stay Vacation in Nagano: Top 10 Nearby Day Trips

2020.07.13: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains, その他 Miscellaneous

この夏は長野で長期滞在の休みは如何でしょうか? 亀清旅館をベースにして、長野を探検しましょう! 亀清旅館のお客さんに調査した結果: 周辺のトップ10人気観光スポットを発表します。




亀清旅館からのアクセス: 車で27㎞、約50分。国道18号線を下って、長野の市街に入れば看板が出ます。電車で戸倉駅⇔長野駅は25分、それからバスで約5分。



長野県の代表的な高原リゾート、軽井沢は自然で恵まれて、美術館やブティック店と飲食店のメッカ、可愛いチャペル、そして…アウトレット! 豪華な万平や三笠ホテルそして別荘地でリッチな気分になります。





亀清旅館からのアクセス: お車は2ルートがあります。従来なのは善光寺まで出て、登っていくの45分+45分、合計90分。しかし、更埴ICから上信越道に乗って信濃町ICで降りて、裏から登れば亀清から奥社の駐車場まで60分で行ける。遠回りだし、高速代がかかるけど、早い。電車は戸倉から長野駅まで25分、Alpicoバスで戸隠まで約60分です。

亀清のアドバイス: 戸隠は四季にそれぞれの魅力がある。秋は一番人気(特に鏡池の紅葉風情が良い;10月の週末はマイカー規制がかかるのでご注意ください)。しかし、春は水芭蕉やバードウォッチング、夏は高原の涼しさや川遊び、そして冬はスノーシューのパラダイスです。良いコースを紹介しますので、ご相談してください。 忍者について、忍法センターは忍者村ほど大きくないけど、穴場的なので、お勧め。




亀清のアドバス: 私たちは松本の民芸文化が好きです。中町とその延長の日ノ出町で小さな楽しいお店が沢山ある(ちきりや工芸店が大好き!)。少し離れている松本民芸館で松本家具とか見れます。そして、5月末で行われるクラフトフェアは全国から集まる。




亀清からのアドバイス:町の中心街に高井鴻山記念館が私たちの気に入りスポット。高井さんは北斎のパトロンでしたので、小布施町と北斎のルーツを探れる。 中心街から離れたら、岩松院の奥に浄光寺、別名「スラックラインでら」があります。まあ、とにかく、住職がお寺の歴史を守りながら、色んな発想で新しい取り組みも。隣の「茶房まめ家」のお豆腐レストランがお勧め。

6.日本の屋根: 上高地や美ヶ原、そしてロープウエーや夏リフト

長野は山の国である。北、中央、南の3つのアルプスに志賀高原や北信五岳、どこに行っても、山! 乗鞍エコラインのバス、駒ケ岳ロープウエー(千畳敷カール)、美ヶ原のビーナスラインや車山展望リフト、北志賀高原の竜王SORAテラス、斑尾・タングラムの野尻湖テラス、白馬のマウンテンハーバーなど、すべてが亀清旅館から簡単に日帰りできるし、私達が近年に自ら行ってますから様々のアドバイスが出来ます。割引券もございます。






最近、長野産のワインが話題になってきてます。素晴らしいワイナリー(景色、風情、ワイナリーレストランなど)沢山あります。私たちが特に好きなのは東御市の リュードヴァン、上田市のシャトー・メルシャン椀子ワイナリー、隣の坂城町のVino della Gatta、須坂の楠ワイナリー(このシャルドネは人生を変わる!)、飯縄のサンクゼール。






10.姨捨「田毎の月」棚田 *日本遺産*




信州の山々が読んでます。 Nagano's Mountains Are Calling

2019.08.20: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 日米関係Culture Shock, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains, その他 Miscellaneous





After the O-Bon holiday, the inn has quieted down a bit so the proprietress and I got to go for a hike.  We climbed the nearby 1204m tall Mt. Hattoh, which is visible from our inn and hence the namesake for one of our guest rooms.  The trailhead is 7.6km (15 minutes by car) from our onsen town.  The hike itself is relatively short (only 2.8km) aggressively climbs up 415 meters to the summit.  With water breaks, it took us about 50 minutes.









2019年お盆のお勧め穴場: 池の平湿原 Recommended Secret Spot for O-Bon, 2019

2019.08.12: 温泉Onsens, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, グルメFoodie, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains





2019年はトレッキングと秘湯: 池の平湿原と天狗温泉。


・浅間サンラインから94号を上る。この「新張」交差点は亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉から車で30分 ←便利!


・湯ノ丸高原 ←ビジターセンターで花などの情報をチェック

・林道で池の平湿原へ。車を止めて(500円)、トレッキングを。ベーシックな湿原コースは距離2.1km、高低差60m、所要時間90分。小さいお子さんやご年配の方でも楽で回れる。見晴らし台を通る三方ヶ峰コースは距離2.1km, 高低差120m, 所要時間2時間半。ちょっと大変ですが、湿原を上か見れて、浅間山の景色も素晴らしい。池の平湿原の標高が2000mで、下より気温が約10℃低い。真夏でも涼しい。なおかつ、穴場スポットですから、混まない。





なお、2019年8月7日に浅間山が噴火しまして、火山レベル3となりました。火口から4kmは山入り禁止。このコース(湯ノ丸高原、池の平湿原、高峰高原、天狗温泉・浅間山荘)に影響が無いです。無いけど噴火による不評被害が心配です。応援を兼ねて、訪ねましょう! アップデート: 8月19日に火山レベル2に下がりました

Escape the heat -- and the crowds -- this summer using this suggested 1/2 day driving course, the start of which is a quick 30-minutes from Kamesei Ryokan.  Enjoy trekking the relatively-unknown Ikenotaira Marsh followed by a soak in the rusty-red waters of the secretive Tengu Onsen.



3月10日の姨捨夜景ツアーはこの青い目のガイド♪ Obasute Night View Guide

2018.03.05: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains



ビッグニュースがあります: 戸倉上山田温泉発の姨捨夜景ツアーこの青い目のガイドで参加したい皆さん、今週末(H30年3月10日・土曜日)がツアー料金の値上げ前のラストチャンスです。現在はツアー参加費が2000円/人ですが、H30年4月からは千曲市観光局がその料金を値上げする予定です。




night view tour flier

(Apologies for the lack of updates recently.)

He's back!  This is Tyler, American-born owner of the traditional onsen inn, Kamesei Ryokan.

I have big news:  This Saturday, 10-March, 2018 will be the last time you can take the Obasute Night View Tour with me as the guide before the price goes up.  Currently, the tour costs 2000 yen per person but the Chikuma City Tourism Bureau is set to raise the price in April.

The Obasute Night View Tour departs our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada around 8pm, stops at Obasute Station to look down upon the picturesque lights of the Zenkoji Plain, continues up to the Obasute SA for another angle of the view, and stops at our local miso factory Takamura Shoten on the way back to the Onsen.  Along the way, participants are given a commemorative entrance ticket to Obasute Station, a post card from the SA gift shop, and a sample of Takamura's miso.  Plus, you get one of us local volunteers to tell some of the area legends and explain about the places to see around Togura-Kamiyamada and Obasute.  If 10+ people sign up for the tour, it will be done by bus and I am scheduled to be the guide this Saturday, so the explanation can be in English.

We still have rooms available at Kamesei Ryokan for 10-March, so I invite you to come and spend the weekend, and join us for the Obasute Night View Tour.

長野流のGW Golden Week - Nagano Style

2015.05.03: 温泉Onsens, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, グルメFoodie, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains







Happy Golden Week, everyone.

Or is it?  With practically everyone and her brother having the week off, it seems wherever you go there will be crowds, crowds, and still more crowds.

Here in Nagano, the major attractions such as Matsumoto Castle, the Utsukushigahara ridge drive, the resort town of Karuizawa etc. also tend to be jam-packed during peak holidays.  And the many major events taking place in Nagano during Golden Week, such as the hot air balloon festival in Saku, the rape blossom festival in Iiyama and, especially, the once-every-seven-years Gokaicho at Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City, will likely draw hordes of visitors.

Don't despair -- the prefecture has plenty of off-the-beaten-path places and simple, local events to enjoy in a quiet, Nagano-like fashion.

As but one example of how to enjoy Golden Week Nagano-style, here is what my daughter and I found on a drive to the Hakuba area.


First, we stopped at Aoki Lake just south of Hakuba Village.  The Northern Alps were still covered in snow which contrasted brilliantly with the deep blue color of the sky and the lake.  The cherry trees were still in bloom, adding a spash of reddish-pink to the scene.

Aoki Lake with the Snow-capped Hakuba Range in the Distance

Aoki Lake with the Snow-capped Hakuba Range in the Distance 青木湖と雪景色の白馬連峰



The old 'Chikuni-Kaido' trail passes on the west side of the lake.  This ancient path used to be known as the Salt Road by which mountainous Nagano got its salt from the sea.  Every year for three days during Golden Week, a special event is held to commemorate the trail's history.  Participants walk along the trail, one section each day, many in period costume.

青木湖の西側に通る千国街道。塩の道祭りがここを通る。 Chikuni Trail along the west side of Aoki Lake.  The Salt Road Festival procession passes along here.

Chikuni Trail along the west side of Aoki Lake. The Salt Road Festival procession passes along here.


While at Aoki Lake, we stopped for lunch at Seebrick, a ramen shop in a quaint log cabin located along the old lane on the lake's east side.  We tried the soysauce based ramen, mine with the extra charshu pork (the thickest slices I've ever seen!).  The miso based version as well as the curry rice menu options looked enticing, too.  The restaurant was busy, but not nearly as much as the restaurants we passed on the main highway.




Seebrick's woodstove ゼーブリックの薪ストーブ

Seebrick's woodstove


After lunch, it was time for a soak in an onsen bath.  Since the sky was so clear and the snow-capped Alps were so blazingly beautiful, we opted for Mimizuku no Yu in the center of Hakuba Village.  The baths, both the indoor ones as well as the open-air outdoor ones,  feature a stunning view of the Hakuba Range.  The onsen water source is Hakuba Happone, and has a pH of 11.6 -- possibly the highest in all of Japan.  We were surprised how silky smooth it made our skin feel.  The onsen water is clear and doesn't have any smell, but the view and the beautifying effect of the water are both outstanding.

みみずくの湯 Mimizuku no Yu Onsen Bathhouse


みみずくの湯の外観 Mimizuku no Yu's Facade

Mimizuku no Yu's Facade

みみずの湯の露天風呂から見える山景色 The View of the Hakuba Range from Mimizuku no Yu's Outdoor Bath

The View of the Hakuba Range from Mimizuku no Yu's Outdoor Bath



On the way back towards Nagano City along the Olympic Highway, we passed the road that heads to Kinasa.  This hamlet tucked in the hills above Nagano holds a very local, non-touristy festival during Golden Week involving some ornately-carved 'dashi' parade floats.  This year's festival featured some shamisen entertainment.  This is the type of event that best showcases Nagano's rural charm -- and without crowds!


鬼無里の祭りのチラシ Flyer for Kinasa's Festival

Flyer for Kinasa's Festival


So, enjoy Golden Week by coming to Nagano and exploring the countryside of Japan!


2014.01.25: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains



駒ヶ根シリーズ: ロープウィーで一気に2600m千畳敷カールへ Komagane Series: Ride the Ropeway to 2600m Senjojiki Cirque

2013.08.03: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains










注: ロープウェーで千畳敷カールまでは夏にTシャツと短パンで気楽で行けます。駒ヶ岳の頂上までは天気が良ければ登山の格好しなくても大丈夫です。私達が行った時は事情があって、私はハワイで買ったスリッパで駒ヶ岳の途中まで登った。それぐら気楽で、簡単で行けるわけです。

注意、その2: 私達が行ったのは夏休みに入ったばかりの平日でした。帰りのロープウェーは20分ぐらい並んだ。お盆やピークの時は4時間待ちとの事があるらしい。防いだ方が良いかもしれない。

For many people that come to Komagane, the main draw is riding the Komagatake Ropeway and seeing the Senjojiki Cirque.

Meaning "1,000 tatami mats" (indicating its size), Senjojiki Cirque is a bowl-shaped depression carved out of the top of the Chuo (Central) Alps by glaciers 20,000 years ago. Located at a high altitude elevation of 2,600 meters, normally the only access would be a day-long climb of the mountain. Thanks to the Komagatake Ropeway, though, you can wisk up there in 7-1/2 minutes. Amazingly quick and easy access to this amazing alpine wonderland.

The journey to Senjojiki Cirque starts at the Suganodai Bus Station (850m) a convenient 5 minutes from the Chuo Expressway Komagane IC (or an easy bus ride from Komagane Station). Hop on the red & white bus for a windy ride up to Shirabidaira (1662m) where you'll find the Komagatake Ropeway station. Then you dart up to Senjojiki Cirque Station (2612) and views across Komagane City below to the Southern Alps in the distance. On clear days, you can even see the World Heritage mountain, Fuji-san.

From the upper station, there is a 45 minute walk around the cirque giving you a parade of alpine flowers in the summer, and stunningly beautiful autumn colors in the fall. For those with more energy, a 2 hour hike will take you to the 2,956 meter summit of Mt. Kiso-Komagatake. You'll pass the Hokendake mountain hut. There is a branch in the trail for Mt. Hokendake, which is better left for hikers will full gear.

High-alpine hiking and being able to look down on the world we live in from above is a joy normally reserved for serious mountain climbers. But with the Komagatake Ropeway, anyone can enjoy being at the top of the world at Senjojike Cirque.

The Komagatake Ropeway is deceptively close to Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada. It is only 1 hour 45 minutes from Komagane IC to here by car, and there are highway busses that can take you from the same IC to Obasute SA in a mere 1 hour 40 minutes. So for guests coming here from the Nagoya area, we highly suggest a stop to take the ropeway up to Senjojiki.

Note: Riding the ropeway and a summer walk around Senjojiki Cirque can be done wearing shorts and a t-shirt. However, as the saying goes, mountain weather is as fickle as a woman's heart. Pay close attention to the weather. When we went, we had clear weather and I was able to hike up partway to the 2956-meter Komagatake peak wearing a pair of slippas I had bought in Hawaii -- it was that easy. But the very day before, 4 mountain climbers from Korea died on Mt. Hokendake. When the clouds move in, you can't even see your hand in front of your face. Do not underestimate the Japanese Alps.

Note #2: We went early in the summer vacation season. For our return ride on the ropeway, we had line up for about 20 minutes. But during O-Bon and peak times, the line can be 4 hours long. Plan accordingly.

駒ヶ岳ロープウェー・千畳敷カール Komagatake Ropeway, Senjojiki Cirque

The Komagatake Ropeway Car

View of the Southern Alps from Senjojiki Station

Looking up Senjojiki Cirque towards Mt. Hokendake

Wild Alpine Flowers

Looking back towards Hokendake Mountain Hut

東信を上から 親子で噴火中の浅間山登り Seeing Eastern Nagano from Above -- Father-Son Ascent of Volcanic Mt. Asama

2013.07.19: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

東信の一番高い山: 2568mの浅間山。小諸や軽井沢を通り度にいつも浅間山を見上げる。頂上から堪えずに煙が出ていて、恐るべしな火山。












At 2568m, Mt. Asama is the largest mountain in eastern Nagano. The active volcano towers over Komoro and Karuizawa, frequently sending up plumes of volcanic ash and smoke. The Nagano Shinkansen is named after Mt. Asama, and riders of the bullet train get a front seat view of the awe-inspiring mountain.

But what does the world look like from the top of Mt. Asama? And can you see into the volcanic crater? I had always been curious, so on a recent day when our oldest son had a day off from middle school, we decided to make an ascent of the volcano.

There are 2 main climbing routes for Mt. Asama. Both involve driving or taking a bus up Cherry Park Road from Central Komoro towards Takamine Kogen. Partway up is a branch to the right signed 浅間山登山口 -- Trailhead to Climb Mt. Asama. (If coming by bus, get off here and walk.) That road turns into a dirt track and ends at 1400m Tengu Onsen Asama Sansou hotel and campground. Park your car if you drove (500 yen) and from there, start hiking.

The 2nd route starts at 2000m Takamine Kogen which would seem easier due to the higher elevation, but ends up taking about as much time due to a lot of up-down business and Mt. Kurofu along the way.

We chose the Tengu Onsen start because that route is the original pilgrimage path with Ichi no Torii and Ni no Torii gates. The Kazankan ranger station-like shelter is on the way and we wanted to say 'hi' to Kanda-san, the director. Of course, we also were looking forward to a bath in Tengu Onsen's rusty-red waters at the end.

After leaving civilization (i.e. Tengu Onsen) behind, the trail basically follows a creek through a forest up to the Yu no Daira meadow, a relatively flat bit of respite from the ascent. Along the way to Yu no Daira, there were colorful wildflowers beside the path, spots in the creek where the water was a brilliant shade of orangeish red, a side path to Fudotaki waterfall, the before-mentioned torii arches, and a clearing named Kamoshika-daira, a crossroads of sorts for 4 heards of kamoshika, the ubiquitous stubby Japanese serow.

As the thick forest gives way to a equally thick carpet of sasa bamboo grass, the path turns a corner and you come face-to-face with the imposing Kibayama ("Fang Mountain"). Here the stream bed puts on a show of mineral colors while a strong scent of sulfur fills the air -- sure signs you are heading into volcano territory.

Another bend in the path and you arrive at Kazankan. If you speak Nihongo (Japanese), have Kanda-san explain the geological wonders of Mt. Asama. It is actually three volcanoes-in-one, with the three consecutively built on top of each other -- the only one like it in the world.

After bidding Kanda-san farewell, it's another brief incline before reaching Yu no Daira, a wildflower-filled flat meadow. Then the ascent begins in earnest. Once you leave the scraggly pines, you enter the volcanic rock zone and your first views of the barren summit. Actually what you can see is Maekake Mountain, the remains of the 2nd of 3 volcanoes. The path ends at the 2524-meter top of Maekake, giving you an unimpeded view of the 3rd volcano, 2568m Kamayama, formed by a volcanic eruption in 1783.

Currently Mt. Asama's volcanic activity is at level 1, which means access is technically limited to Maekake. But there is a path up to Kamayama's crater edge for those brave souls who, taking full responsibility by themselves, wish to peer into an active volcano crater. The path up is well travelled, so apparently there are a lot of brave souls out there.

Climbing Mt. Asama --
Three volcanoes in one,
Three very varied terrains (coniferous forest, alpine meadow and barren volcano rock),
it all makes for an unforgettable experience.

My son Andy and I are looking forward to climbing Mt. Asama again to try some of the other paths and explore areas we didn't get to on our first ascent.

Before you go, check the Komoro City website for current volcanic activity info.

小諸市浅間山登山情報 Komoro City Mt. Asama Climbing Info

Mt. Asama Tengu Onsen Trailhead

1st torii gate

2nd torii gate

Kibayama (Fang Mountain)

Hiking through the sasa bamboo grass carpet

Serow Meadow

volcanic creek


J-Band trail

Warning Sign

Start the Ascent

Looking back at the inner side of the J-Band

At the crater's edge

Deep into the crater

スキーメッカ信州 親子で野沢温泉 Ski Mecca Nagano: Family Ski at Nozawa Onsen

2013.02.01: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

Misaki learning how to Ski at Nozawa






The kids had a no-school Friday.
The weather was postcard-perfect.
Lots of work to do, but....

If you live in Nagano, you gotta go skiing at least once during the winter.

So the kids and piled in the car, and went up to Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort. Andy wanted to try the 39-degree "Wall", and I was looking forward to a soak in Nozawa's onsen after skiing. So Nozawa was perfect.

While Andy tackled the Wall and the rest of Nozawa's courses, I taught #2 son Kenny and our daughter Misaki how to ski at the Kids Park at the bottom. Andy was excited to have seen the ocean from the peak, and had a blast exploring all the various runs. Meanwhile, especially Misaki got hooked on skiing and wants to try it again.

Nagano Prefecture, with so many fantastic ski areas, is such a great place to live!

野沢スキー場 Nozawa Ski Resort

Olympic-class ski resort, Nozawa Onsen

大雲寺自然公園・霊靜山石仏・神群ハイキング Hiking Daiun-ji Temple Nature Park and the Mt. Reijou Stone Statue Ring

2012.11.25: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

Daiun-ji Temple's Susuki-filled Pond





About 20 minutes by car or 50 minutes by bicycle, in Chikuma City's Yawata district is Daiun-ji, a very historical temple. The imposing castle-like building was constructed in 1581. Massive cherry trees add a soft, graceful touch with their blossoms in April. On the east side is a moat, err, pond-like reservoir that in late July and August explodes in color with beautiful lotus flowers. On its other three sides the temple is surrounded by Mt. Hitoe and Mt. Reijou that tower 250-meters over the temple grounds.

Daiun-ji and its pond and surrounding mountains have been designated the Daiun-ji Nature Viewing Park. The other day, I took our kids for a hike on the park's approximately 1-hour trail.

Being that it was November, the pond's lotus flowers weren't in bloom but the susuki (Japanese pampas grass) were in full fluffy form. On the north side of the pond is a boardwalk that extends into the heart of the pampas grass, for a fuzzy-wuzzy feeling.
From there, we walked a bit north and entered the forest, climbing up to 490m Mt. Reijou and its foothill. Both peaks offer surprisingly outstanding views of the Chikuma River valley and the Zenkoji Basin. And Mt. Reijou is crowned by, well, a crown of stone and wooden statues. It's a curious mix of Buddhist and Shinto figures -- a scary Oni (ogre), a funky cat god there. The kids and I enjoyed looking at the often-times comical expressions on their faces.
After descending from Reijou-san, our 5-year old daughter Misaki led the way up to the top of 520-meter high Mt. Hitoe. The peak has a wooden gazebo that serves as a lookout point. From there, we waded through the fallen leaves and descended back down to the temple.

View-filled hike with a colorful pond, thick forest, and small mountains topped by funky statuettes. The Daiun-ji Nature Viewing Park makes for a perfect family outing.

大雲寺Daiun-ji Temple

霊靜山の石仏・神 Mt. Reijou Statues

Andy enjoying one of the many viewpoints along the Daiun-ji Hiking Trail

Misaki and one of the Mt. Reijou statues

今回の大雲寺自然探勝公園コースのガイドが友人Peter Ninnesさんの千曲市ガイド本でした。Peterさんはコースがどうやってわかったか知らないけど、この本がなっきゃ分からなかった。
Our guide for the Daiun-ji Temple Nature Viewing Park hiking course was my buddy Peter Ninnes' book "Hiking, Walking and Biking Nagano: 20 Nature, History and Culture Tours in Chikuma City". I don't know how Peter found the trails when he researched the book, but it was an absolute necessity in trying to decipher the path around Daiun-ji.

Hiking, Walking and Biking Nagano: 20 Nature, History and Culture Tours in Chikuma City
By Peter Ninnes