露天風呂に光りLighting for the Outdoor Bath

2008.06.05: その他 Miscellaneous


I don't mean to brag, but the 'andon' light I added to our outdoor bath creates just the right effect. The soft light from the andon combined with the steam coming off the hot spring mineral water and the native garden in the background creates a very relaxing mood.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website.

ガーデナーから見た露天風呂Outdoor bath as seen by our gardener

2008.06.03: その他 Miscellaneous

From a Gardener's Eye

その舞台の主役が “もみじ”。もみじはカエデ科カエデ属の落葉高木。緑の葉が赤く紅葉する様子が、色が揉み出されているみたいに見えるところから、色を“揉み出ず(もみいず)”が変化して“もみじ”となったそうです。この庭のもみじは四種。
I asked Okada-san, our gardener, on ways of expressing the wonders of our garden in Japanese, as it's not my native language. He introduced me to his blog entry, with detailed descriptions and pictures.

詳しくは岡田さんのブログOkada-san's blog *LINK*

芸者の踊り@亀清 Geisha Performance here at Kamesei

2008.05.28: その他 Miscellaneous

Takeshi and Harugoma repeat performance

The Kamiyamada Onsen Ryokan Assoc. Annual Meeting was held at Kamesei's banquet room last night. Five of our town's geisha provided entertainment with song and dance and shamisen and taiko. The timelessness of the geisha dance makes you forget the wars and economic problems of today, and takes you to a dream world. Then, as the geisha make their rounds of the guests, their entertaining conversation takes you further into the realm of dreams.... (Of course, the sake probably helps, too.)

姨捨の棚田の田植えが続いているThe planting continues at the Obasute rice paddies

2008.05.25: その他 Miscellaneous

Looks like fun to Andy and Kenny

We stopped by the terraced rice paddies at Obasute today, and saw an old lady planting the rice seedlings by hand. The paddies are too small to use machines for planting, so volunteer members of the Preservation Society come, some families from Tokyo with their kids in tow, too. The rice planting season at Obasute is one of those magical times here in Nagano.

姨捨フォトとレインは今日!?!?Obasute Photo Train - today?!?!

2008.05.24: その他 Miscellaneous

At yesterday's Ryokan Assoc. mtg, there was an announcement about JR's Obasute Special Event today. That was the first anyone had heard about it! Why doesn't the Travel Bureau do a better job of getting the word out? Why isn't JR more proactive in announcing these things? Are these guys working?!?!
Anyways, it's probably already too late, but here's the event info:
"Obasute Photo Train SHIKISAI Event", departs Nagano Station at 11:44 today. Photo Display, Travel Guide, Special View Car Train, Free Pamphlets, Original Bento and Souvenir placard, and Train / Hiking Combo. More info at JR East Nagano 026-224-5310.

姨捨 田毎の月 見て来た! Seeing the Tagoto-no-tsuki

2008.05.21: その他 Miscellaneous

Last night I took our sons to Obasute to see the 'Tagoto-no-tsuki', the moon reflecting in the terraced rice paddies. Could we see the reflections in the paddies? Well, maybe if we had drunk some Obasute Masamune sake, too. 🙂

姨捨棚田 田植えスターツRice planting season is here

2008.05.19: その他 Miscellaneous

Today I went to Obasute Station. The terraced rice paddies were starting to be filled with water, so the planting will begin soon. These rice paddies are famous for the 'Tagoto-no-tsuki', the moon reflecting in the terraced paddies. Tomorrow is the full moon -- the perfect chance to see the reflections!

Michelin Proposal ミシュランへの案

2008.05.15: その他 Miscellaneous

Geisha brochure draft

A couple of months ago, The Michelin Guide to Tokyo's restaurants came out, causing quite a stir. Now the Travel Guide to Japan is being rewritten and the editors are coming through Nagano in a couple of weeks. Our onsen town got a 10 minute appointment with them, and I will be making the presentation. We will focus on our onsen's geisha with this brochure that I made. This would be a great opportunity to spread the word about our onsen to overseas guests!

露天風呂庭に初石楠花 First rhodie in our Outdoor Bath's garden

2008.05.07: その他 Miscellaneous

白い石楠花White Rhodie

This morning when I went to go clean the outdoor bath, I was pleasantly surprised to see the rhodendron next to the bath had blossomed so beautifully with this white flower. Rhodies are the state flower from my home state, Washington.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website