紗幸さんと戸倉上山田温泉の芸者のコラボレーションSayuki Colloboration w/ Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Geisha

2008.08.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Sayuki Symposium

As part of our on-going projects to revitalize Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, Sayuki-san, a geisha from Asakusa (and Japan's first foreigner geisha) came to do a colloboration with our town's geisha guild. In order to address the problems of too few new geisha and the misconceptions between the innkeepers and the guild, yesterday had 3 young ladies try out being geisha for a day, and this morning we had a symposium with Sayuki-san, innkeepers, and the geisha guild. To me, it's important to work hard to protect the culture of Japan's onsen ryokans (which is one of the main reasons I came to Kamesei), but equally as important to maintain Japan's geisha culture, too. That's one of the reasons I introduced Sayuki-san to this onsen.

Sayuki being a role-model for the 3 trial geishas

Geisha parlor games

千曲市の自慢:姨捨駅Pride of Chikuma City: Obasute Station

2008.08.01: その他 Miscellaneous

Night View from Obasute Station







(Nagano TV Station NBS selected me to be the representative for Chikuma City for their website promoting Nagano's 81 villages, towns and cities. Once a month I will be submitting a blog entry on 'The Pride of Chikuma'. Sorry, Japanese only.)

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

夏休み(その1):もう1つの電車レストランSummer Vacation (1): Another Train Restaurant

2008.07.30: その他 Miscellaneous

All Aboard!

Today and Tomorrow, we are closing Kamesei Ryokan for our annual summer vacation. We piled the kids in the car, and are taking off for the other side of Nagano Prefecture, to Tateyama-Kurobe Alpen Route.
On the way, we stopped in Omi Village at this restaurant named 'Kasha' for lunch. Kasha is a synonym for train car, and the building is shaped like one. Our kids enjoyed the train theme. (Their dad did, too!)

観光協会の姨捨ツアーに得点 New Incentives for the town's Obasute Tour

2008.07.28: その他 Miscellaneous

(Obasute Night View picture courtesy of our guest, Iwai-san)



Our town's Obasute Night View Tour has 2 new special promotions: A free sample of local apricot jam and a free postcard from the Obasute Service Area. Tour cost is 1,000 yen per person and runs every Friday and Saturday night.

Here at Kamesei, we also provide "Obasute Night View / Legends Tour", for free, with yours truly as the guide. Last night's tour was extra special: in addition to the normal pretty lights of the Zenkoji Plain, we could see in the distance the fireworks from Shinonoi's summer festival.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

電車オタクへの知らせ:鉄道模型公開運転会 Model Train Show

2008.07.26: その他 Miscellaneous


Our family loves model trains. Last week, when we stopped at Yume House soba shop in Ueda (they have a real JR train inside their restaurant), we saw this announcement for an upcoming train show. So I'm passing on the info here for all of you fellow model train fans.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

トレーンショーの詳しくはこちらClick here for info on the train show

夢ハウスのHPはこちらClick here for Yume House website

露天風呂の庭は梅雨のお陰で段々と緑に Our outdoor bath's garden is getting greener thanks to the Rainy Season

2008.07.03: その他 Miscellaneous

Thanks to the rains of this year's rainy season, the garden of our "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath has become lush with green. Come soak in the mineral waters of Kamiyamada Onsen while taking in the natural beauty of our garden and enjoying the historical theme of the bath.

Switchback is back! スイッチバックが戻った

2008.07.02: その他 Miscellaneous





JR is running a special train this weekend, July 5th and 6th, departing Nagano Station at 10:19am. It will run the triple switchback around Obasute Station.

梅雨でも露天風呂 Outdoor bath even in the rainy season!

2008.06.19: その他 Miscellaneous



Some people ask if they can use our outdoor bath in the rain (particularly like now, during Japan's rainy season). We have these traditional 'kasa' hats by the entrance, so feel free to use them and enjoy our outdoor bath even in the rain.


2008.06.14: その他 Miscellaneous


Kamesei's outdoor bath's garden has entered its deep green stage, and is fully leafed and and full of natural energy. Here is a picture of the bath with the garden and the 'yagura' hot spring well derrick, taken from above.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

Michelin Supplement ミシュランへの追加 (2)

2008.06.13: その他 Miscellaneous

Guests joining in the dancing

The Michelin editor asked a 2nd question: What takes place at a banquet with Geisha. Following is the response I prepared:

*What kind of entertainment do Geisha provide at banquets?

Traditional Song and Dance: Usually the Geisha begin their entertainment with songs performed on the banquet room’s stage. There will typically be three ladies: one playing the shamisen and singing, one playing the taiko drums, and one dancing. They generally play two or three songs, such as ‘Chikuma Ko-Uta’, a collection of short songs about the Chikuma River which runs through the middle of our onsen. The flow of the river is poetically linked to love and romance in the lyrics of the songs. Another song is ‘Kapore’, which is an energetic song that raises the spirits of the audience.

Entertaining Conversation: After performing a few songs, the Geisha will then move around the room making conversation with and pouring beer for the guests. At these banquets, the guests are seated on the tatami mat floor and have individual tables called ‘o-zen’. The o-zen are often arranged in a u-shape with everyone facing the center. The Geisha would be in the center and greet each guest one-by-one, top off his glass of beer and make fun, facetious conversation.

Parlor Games: Depending on how the banquet progresses, sometimes the Geisha will engage in parlor games with the guests. The games are often set to shamisen and song. One typical game is a version of rock-paper-scissors with an Oba (grandmother), Tora (tiger) and rifleman. The Rifleman beats the tiger but is subservient to the Oba. The tiger in turn can eat the Oba. In this game, the loser has to drink a glass of beer. Another game is ‘Hide the Flower’ with the Geisha hiding a flower decoration under one of three tea cups and the guest has to guess which cup. Whoever loses has to drink more beer.

In short, if you arrange for a Geisha to come to a banquet, you can expect to be enjoy their traditional song and dance and to be entertained with their charming conversation and fun drinking games, creating a relaxing, pleasurable atmosphere for you and your fellow guests.

Fun conversation with a Geisha

Enjoying Geisha parlor games