日経新聞:姨捨は去年「行ってみたい駅第2」、今年は「月見スポット第... Nikkei Newspaper Awarded Obasute Best Station to See #2 Last Year; This Year: Best Spot for Moon Viewing #...

2008.09.07: その他 Miscellaneous



Last year, the venerable Nikkei Newspaper created a list of the Top 10 Train Stations to visit. Our favorite local station, Obasute, was listed as #2. The station is unique because it is on a Switchback. In days past, the steam engine trains couldn't make the steep grade and had to do switchbacks on their way up. Obasute Station is located on one, and even today you can see local trains literally backing into the station.
Obasute's station building itself is a cute, historical structure.
The view from the station is fantastic. During the day, you can see the Obasute terraced rice fields, famous for reflecting the full moon in each paddie ("Ta-Goto-no-Tsuki"). Some of the ancient haiku greats like Bassho and Issa came here just to see the moon reflecting in the rice paddies. At night, you can see the lights of the Zenkoji Plain, making for a spectacular night view. The view is so nice, in fact, that Obasute Station has been selected as one of the Top 3 "Views from the Train Window" locations in Japan.
And on top of all of that (literally) is Obasute Mountain, from the famous legend about taking the elderly ("Oba" means old lady) and throwing them away ("Sute") at the top of the mountain. Add all of that up, and you get the #2 station in Japan to visit.

That was last year. This year, yesterday's issue in fact, Nikkei made a new list: The Top 10 Places to View the Moon. And this time, Obasute was listed as #1!!!! The "Ta-Goto-no-Tsuki" rice paddies are getting some well-deserved recognition. Besides the moon reflections, just below Obasute Station is Chorakuji Temple. The temple has its own moon-viewing building, "Tsukimi-Dou". How cool is that?

The timing of this Moon Viewing Award couldn't be better. Coming up on September 13th through the 15th, Obasute will hold their 25th annual Moon Viewing Festival. There will be a haiku contest, a guided walk, special illumination at night of Chorakuji, and much more. Shuttle busses will provide access from our Onsen, Togura Kamiyamada.

姨捨観月際の詳しくはこちらClick here for info on the Obasute Moon Viewing Festival

一番の月見スポット姨捨!(長楽寺)#1 Spot for Moon Viewing: Obasute! (Chorakuji)

JR姨捨駅スイッチバック特別列車:夜景号も! JR Special Event Train for Obasute's Switchback, with Night View train, too!

2008.08.30: その他 Miscellaneous


JR East is planning a special event train, the Sarashina Roman, for Obasute Station's switchbacks. The train is scheduled to run on 25-Oct (Sat) and 26-Oct (Sun) in the afternoon, and the 25th in the evening. Riding in classic train cars while enjoying the night view from Obasute -- Double the Fun!
(Note: Seat Reservations Required)


JR信越本線開業120周年SL特別列車Ride a Steam Engine to Celebrate JR's Shin'etsu Line's 120 Years

2008.08.30: その他 Miscellaneous

JR is celebrating 120 Years on its Shin'etsu Line with a special running of a real steam locomotive. I'm planning on taking our sons for a trip -- how often do you get to ride a real steam engine train? Dates and times as per the chart. Contact JR to make a seat reservation.

千曲市自慢:上山田お神楽保存会Pride of Chikuma: Kamiyamada's Okagura Lion Dance Preservation Society

2008.08.26: その他 Miscellaneous

TV Station NBS (Nagano Broadcasting) is having me contribute blog entries from Chikuma City for their website. I just sent in the entry for September. It's about the Kamiyamada Okagura (Lion Dance) Preservation Society, in tribute for their upcoming main yearly event: the Habeshina Shrine Autumn Festival (scheduled for 23-Sept.). You'll have to wait for the entry to come out on NBS's website to read the whole thing, but one part is as below:
Right before I joined the group, they had a new member from Togura. Apparently they were pleasantly surprised by having a member come from the other side of the (Chikuma) River. When I joined, they were even more surprised, as I came from the other side of the (Pacific) ocean. Now, as previously mentioned here in this blog, we have our first female member. Kamiyamada's Okagura group is protecting the past using very modern ways -- and is thus the pride of Chikuma City.



田毎の月はお昼にも綺麗!The Obasute Rice Paddies are Beautiful in the daytime, too!

2008.08.22: その他 Miscellaneous

I had to pick up some guests at Obasute Station today, and on the way back to Kamesei I took them for a drive through the Obasute 'Tagoto-no-tsuki' terraced rice paddies. I usually pass through them as part of our Obasute Night View tour, so it was nice to see them during the day for a change. And how beautiful they were, with their rich green color.

露天風呂に雨のマジック Rain's magical touch on our outdoor bath

2008.08.19: その他 Miscellaneous

The moss has grown in well around the stepping stones

Guests often comment on how relaxing the garden around our outdoor bath is. On rainy days, the garden takes on an even more relaxing ambience. Do you feel like taking a soak?

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

Raindrops glisten on the leaves


2008.08.16: その他 Miscellaneous

After the evening showers (actually, more of a typhoon-like downpour), I took some brave guests out to see the night view from Obasute Mountain. Thanks to the rain, the air was really clean, so the lights of the night view twinkled even nicer than normal.

夏は露天風呂へのアプローチが大オープンOur summer open-door approach for the outdoor bath

2008.08.14: その他 Miscellaneous


On these nice summer days, we have been leaving the doors open between the changing room and the outdoor bath, giving a clear approach to the bath. This way, our guests can also enjoy the outdoor bath's garden from the changing room. Please, come and enjoy our bath!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

次の姨捨スイッチバック列車Next Obasute Switchback Special Train

2008.08.10: その他 Miscellaneous


My special contact at JR told me the next Obasute Switchback Special Train is scheduled for Friday and Saturday October 24th and 25th. This time, there will be afternoon AND evening (=Night View!) runs, and the train will be pulled by.... a steam engine! JR still doesn't have details on their website yet, but as soon as I get them I will present them here.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

鶴亀がなじんできた。Our Turtle-Crane has come into shape

2008.08.07: その他 Miscellaneous


亀清旅館の露天風呂の庭に「亀」はいくつかあります。その1つはこの写真の中です。見えますでしょうか?大きい石が頭、そして手、足と尻尾の石も。体は青い植物で出来ている。縦に刺している石ともみじとススキが「鶴」のイメージです。その植物は去年の10月に植えつけられたばかりなのに、もうなじんできたようです。鶴のススキは特にすごいおい!正確の名前はハチジョウシマススキです。もみじはベニシダレモミジ “タムケヤマ”です。
Kamesei Ryokan's open air bath has several 'turtles', one of which is in this picture. Can you find it? The large rock to the upper left is the head, then there are rocks for the front and back legs and the tail, and the body is made up of lots of green plants. The vertical rocks and Japanese maple and pampas grass symbolize a crane spreading its wings. The crane-turtle combination are a symbol of good fortune in Japan. Ours was planted last October, and the plants have really taken a liking to their new home.
(Scientific names for the maple and grass are:
Acer palmatum var. matsumurae cv. Ornatum
Miscanthus sinensis. condensatus Hack.)

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

ガーデナーの岡田さんのHPはこちらClick here for our Gardener, Okada-san, website