第2露天風呂造り:その6 ペンキ塗り Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: Painting

2008.11.19: その他 Miscellaneous

The work on our second outdoor bath goes on. Today I did some more painting. The original color was a hideous yellow. It reminds me of remodelling our home back in Seattle. Some of the base colors were putrid golds and ugly greens from the 1950s and 60s. What were people thinking back then? The yellow on our exterior here wasn't that bad, but is sure looks cleaner and prettier with a fresh coat of white paint.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

100年風呂の初紅葉First Fall Foliage for the 100 Year Bath

2008.11.14: その他 Miscellaneous


Just in this past one day, the leaves of the ginkgo tree next to our 100 Year Bath outdoor bath have turned into this brilliant yellow color. And the various maple trees have turned red and brown and yellow. At night, the full moon gives the bath and the garden a soft, glimmering light. This time of the year our outdoor bath is at its finest!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano


第2ラウンド、その5:しっくい Round 2; Plaster

2008.11.12: その他 Miscellaneous

Trying to Shikkui

As previously mentioned, I've started working on building a second outdoor bath, this time outside the ladies bath. I wanted to use a traditional Japaneses wall plaster called 'shikkui' to decorate the concrete block walls. When I went to our area's largest home center store, they only had 1 bag in stock. So much for Japan maintaining its traditional building techniques. Anyways, I went ahead and bought their one and only bag and tried applying it to the wall. Then I contacted the manufacturer to find out where to buy more. He kindly informed my that you can't apply shikkui to concrete -- it sucks the water out too much. So instead, as per his advice, I bought some white-colored mortar and will try again. Trial and Error -- maybe that's the name I should call this 2nd bath! 🙂

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

しっくいの家庭科学社のHPはこちらClick here for the Shikkui manufacturer's website

戸倉上山田温泉の名物動物 Our town's famous pets

2008.11.10: その他 Miscellaneous

Toshiki and his pet horse

A common site in any town is a dog being taken for a walk. Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, the neighborhood dogs and their owners gather at Chuo (Central) Park behind Kamesei. However, here in our onsen town, you'll often see a sight that will surprise you. I still get surprised every time I see it even after seeing it so many times. It's the sight of Haruka and Hangetsu out for a walk. They are the pets of Toshiki, of Kamiyamada Hotel. What's so surprising about these two? Well, it's because they are so big. And that they aren't dogs -- they are horses!
Toshiki lets people pose for pictures with his horses and sometimes lets kids ride them. He also rides around town with Haruka and Hangetsu pulling him in a hand-made carriage.
Haruka and Hangetsu head for higher, cooler elevations in the summer time. But the rest of the year you can see them around town, especially cutting grass at the main park in the center of town.

注:この文書は戸倉上山田温泉旅館組合の若旦那ブログと連携です。Note: This entry is a collaboration with the Waka-Danna (Innkeepers) Blog: http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/togurakamiyamada

第二ラウンド、その4:下準備完成 Round 2: Prep Finished

2008.11.06: その他 Miscellaneous

ground zero

Last year I built an outdoor bath outside of the men's bath. Looking back, I don't know how I found the time to do it. I've been intending to build a 2nd outdoor bath, this time outside of the women's bath, but lately I've been busy with the Nagano Inbound Summit and Halloween, so I haven't been able to get started on the 2nd bath. But recently I finished clearing out the space for the bath, and met with the bath builder (this time it will be a wood bath), the Onsen Company, our gardener, and a carpenter. So now I have to build the concrete base, run the onsen pipes, finish the surround, build the wooden deck and planters. The goal is to get everything done by the end of the year. Here we go!

珍しい電車の体験 A Rare Train Ride

2008.10.25: その他 Miscellaneous

Celebrating the Sarashina Roman


Japan Rail ran a special old-fashioned train today between Nagano Station and Obasute Station. It was in honor of the 120th anniversary for that rail line. I took our kids to ride the classic train. It was fun to feel it jostle and jar us -- it certainly makes you appreciate the modern trains of today.
Apparently this particular train is popular with rail aficionados. There were so many people all along the way and at the station photographing this unique train. And at the station, we were greated by taiko drums and they ceremoniously opened a confetti ball to commemorate the 120th anniversary. It all seemed a little silly, but the mayor was there and everything, so I guess it was a big event.
The next train event coming up is a steam engine locomotive scheduled to run between Nagano Station and Kurohime on 22, 23 and 24 November.

Info on the SL情報はこちら

Andy and Kenny with the Sarashina Roman

Andy and Kenny and Misaki inside the Sarashina Roman

Sarashina Roman's Classic Interior

法螺を吹くx2 Telling Tall Tales and Blowing a Conch Shell

2008.10.21: その他 Miscellaneous

Obasute's moon coming over the horizon

A recent Obasute Night View / Legends Tour was very memorable. Not only was the moon particularly beautiful, but one of our guests told me something amazing. During the tour, I give a talk about local legends, some of which make for some pretty tall tales. In the Obasute Yama legend, there is a reference about a conch shell, and I use a real one as part of a surprise. I found out that night for the first time that "to blow a conch shell" is a way of saying "to tell a tall tale" in Japanese. My tour covers both meanings -- What a Coincidence!

信州の最新の足湯 Nagano's Newest Foot Bath

2008.10.20: その他 Miscellaneous


(長野放送と言うテレビ局の千曲市代表として書いた分の一部です。This is part of a series I am doing for Nagano Broadcast TV Station's website, as the representative from Chikuma City.)


Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's foot bath made its debut on 19-October. It's located in the town's main park, and was built by the Kara-Koro civic advancement organization, hence the name, "Kara-Koro Foot Bath". ("Kara-Koro" is the sound wooden geta clogs make on the pavement, sort of like "clip-clop". It's a reference to trying to make the town livelier by getting people out and about walking.) The bath is a joint effort by the town as a whole -- it was designed by a local architect, trees were provided by the city, it was built by our local log house builder Murakoshi-san, the sign was made by the innkeepers, and the bath will be maintained by the townspeople -- a true community effort.
My son and I went ahead and tried out the bath. We've been to lots of foot baths at onsens across the prefecture. Some have a great view, but a very cheaply built pergoda. Others have a beautiful surround but the onsen water isn't very good. The Kara-Koro foot bath has a relaxing view of the koi pond and the trees of the park, Murakoshi-san's log house style surround has a wonderful feel to it, and the water, oh the water, is soothing. Of course, it is natural hot spring mineral water from Kamiyamada Onsen.
But the best thing of all was getting to chat with the other people who were soaking their feet with us. That's the magic of a foot bath -- people naturally tend to gather around it. And that's the reason why the Kara-Koro group made it. The foot bath isn't a goal in and of itself -- it's a tool. It brings people together, both in the making and the enjoyment of it. That's civic advancement.

カラコロ賑わい協議会のHPはこちら Click here for Kara-Koro website.

全体の写真はNBSのHPへClick here for a picture of the bath at the NBS website.

黄昏時の姨捨 Obasute at Dusk

2008.10.18: その他 Miscellaneous

実波、どうしてその時間帯で姨捨へ行ったかと言うと、山梨県の大学Consortiumの先生達を姨捨駅までお送りした訳です。来月に私が「インバウンド」の事を話すように呼んでいただいていますのでそのために打ち合わせで亀清旅館まで来てくれました。山梨県も海外からの観光客を呼ぶのに悩みがあるようです。でも、長野県が逆に学べる部分もあり:Mt. Fuji Welcome Cardという、外国人を受け入れているお店を紹介する素晴らしいシステムがある。
Two or three times a week on average, I see Obasute at night as part of the Obasute Night View / Legends Tour I do for our guests. And from time to time, I visit Obasute during the day. At night, you can see the lights of the Zenkoji Plain, and during the day, the terraced rice paddies famed for the moon reflecting in the individual paddies. Last night, I went to Obasute at dusk for the first time. The lights of the city down below were starting to come on, and the classic rice paddies were still visible -- the best of both views.
Actually, the reason I went to Obasute at that time was to drop off at Obasute Station a couple of visiting professors from Yamanashi Prefecture. They have invited me to speak at their University Consortium next month on "Inbound" matters. Yamanashi also apparently has concerns about how to better invite tourists from overseas. But actually, I think Nagano has some things it can learn from Yamanashi, such as their "Mt. Fuji Welcome Card" program.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

Click here for info on Mt. Fuji Welcome Cardの詳しくはこちら

姨捨の夜景に尺八 Obasute Night View with... Shakuhachi

2008.10.14: その他 Miscellaneous


Last night's Obasute Night View tour was an especially memorable one. Not only was the air really clear making the night view lights prettier than normal, and not only was the full moon shining bright, but one of our guests brought his 'shakuhachi' (traditional Japanese flute) and played a song for us. While enjoying the twinkling lights of the night view, we were treated to the enchanting sounds of the shakuhachi.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website