第2露天風呂造り:その12 屋根 Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: the cover

2008.12.20: その他 Miscellaneous

Murakoshi-san nailing down the roof

The weatherman calls for rain soon. Just by coincidence, we finished the cover over our 2nd outdoor bath today. Originally, I had wanted to do without a roof. The outdoor bath we built last year is open, so at night you can bathe in the starlight while soaking in the onsen water -- very popular with the guests. However, this outdoor bath is made of yellow cedar, and wood ages quickly in direct sunlight. Hence the cover.

第2露天風呂造り:その11 夜なべの柱磨き Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: Column Prep

2008.12.19: その他 Miscellaneous


As the construction of our 2nd outdoor bath winds down, last night I prepared the columns for the roof. By last night, I mean the middle of the night. With all the meetings I've been going to, that was the only time I could do it.
Last spring, I received several yellow cedar logs to use as wood for our stove. After seeing them, though, I thought they were in good enough shape to be used for columns. So I kept them instead of burning them.
They're coming in handy now, as they match our new bath which is also made out of yellow cedar. I stripped their bark, then cleaned them using onsen water. Then Murakoshi-san, the carpenter who is helping us out, installed them.

第2露天風呂造り:その10 新しいサッシ Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: New Sliding Door

2008.12.17: その他 Miscellaneous

We are continuing to make progress on our 2nd outdoor bath. Today we had the wall in between the indoor bath and the outdoor area replaced by a huge sliding glass door. Up until now, the glass wall had to be covered in bamboo blinds, making the indoor bath feel narrow and dark. With the new door, it opens up the room and makes it so much brighter.
We are trying to have an initial grand opening of the bath by Christmas -- wish us luck!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano


第2露天風呂造り:その9 本体の設置 Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: The Bath is Here

2008.12.16: その他 Miscellaneous

Kitamori-san putting the final touches on Kamesei's new cedar bath

Kitamori-san of Living Tomato came all the way from Mie Prefecture to deliver and install Kamesei's new outdoor bath. It is a 1x1.8 meter bath made of North American yellow cedar. It looks spectacular, and the cedar scent is fantastic.
Our town's handyman, Murakoshi-san, was on hand to help out with the installation. I'm always amazed at how everyone in this town tries so hard to help everyone else out. Murakoshi-san and I had to pull out of the install half-way through to go to a civic improvement meeting. That's what Togura Kamiyamada is like -- everyone trying to improve their own place while helping out with the town as a whole.

リビングトマトのHPはこちらClick here for the website of Living Tomato.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

All the way from Mie in a K-Truck


Attaching the bottom

第2露天風呂造り:その8 配管設置 Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: Plumbing

2008.12.12: その他 Miscellaneous

Does my face in this picture look relieved? Today, I connected the branch pipe for our 2nd outdoor bath to the main onsen pipe. Without our onsen water, Kamesei Ryokan would be nothing, so I was sweating bullets over whether or not there would be a problem. With some coaching from Takai-san from Kamiyamada Onsen Co., I managed to get everything hooked up without any leaks! The bath itself is scheduled to be delivered next Tuesday, so I'm trying to get as much of the preparation done by then.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

お風呂から流れていく配管も設置完了The Drain Pipe, too!

第2露天風呂造り:その7 壁塗り Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: Finishing a Wall

2008.12.11: その他 Miscellaneous

Next week, the wood bath body is scheduled to arrive for our 2nd outdoor bath, so I'm scrambling to get the surrounding walls prepared. Yesterday I finished spreading white cement over the ugly block wall and put up burnt cedar planks (pre-burned! Home Center stores here carry the coolest stuff!). Not bad for an amateur.

塗る前の壁の写真はこちらHere's a pic of the "before" wall.

千曲市の自慢:射的 Pride of Chikuma City: Shateki Target Shooting

2008.12.03: その他 Miscellaneous

Andy and Kenny enjoying cork-gun target shooting

(長野放送と言うテレビ局の千曲市代表として書いた分の一部です。This is part of a series I am doing for Nagano Broadcast TV Station's website, as the representative from Chikuma City.)




When people imagine a "retro" onsen town in Japan, many people picture "shateki", a classic game of target shooting using a cork gun. Most people in Japan probably think shateki disappeared with the Showa era. Here in Togura Kamiyada Onsen, however, you can find several shateki shops.

Whenever friends come and visits, I often take them out to do shateki after dinner. Our kids love to go, too. They often ask me, "Can we go do shateki tonight?" How does it work? You plunk down 500 yen and the friendly old lady behind the counter gives you 10 cork 'bullets'. Then you aim at the colorful toys and trinkets that make up the targets. If you knock some down, you get to take home a prize. The number of prizes you get usually has more to do with what kind of mood the shateki lady is in rather than how many targets you knocked down. Kids enjoy playing the game, but to be honest, adults get a kick out of it, too. (Especially after having a beer or two.)

So, if you want to relive a Showa-era retro dream, come to Togura Kamiyada onsen and try your hand at shateki.


千曲市の英語のパンフに温泉芸者?Should our town's geisha be featured in the official tour brochure?

2008.11.29: その他 Miscellaneous











This year our town has a budget to make a travel brochure in English. I have been given free rein (to some extent) with the content. To be on the safe side, I have shared the preliminary text with several locals. Of the 12 planned pages, I used one to feature the geisha of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. One person commented that taxpayer money shouldn't be used to promote 'adult entertainment' like geisha.

I beg to differ. Geisha represent Japan's culture, and are this onsen town's heritage. Our town does have an issue with bars and bar girls. We are trying to make the town more popular with women through several projects, like making a foot bath, holding a cooking contest of the chefs from the inns with women as judges, etc. But the town's bar girls do have a negative effect on attracting women and families. I just think that the geisha are not to be put in the same place as bar girls. And City Hall seems to feel that way, too. Two weeks ago, about 50 tourism-related people made a PR caravan trip to Tokyo, including the mayor AND including a few geisha. If geisha were 'adult entertainment', then the mayor wouldn't associate with them openly like that.
Also, the current issue of Jalan, Japan's leading travel magazine, has a feature on geisha entertainment in Niigata City. This isn't Playboy, this is a mainstream magazine.
If City Hall and mainstream media can support the geisha, then I can to!

蒸気の感動:黒姫にD51 A (Steam) Blast from the Past at Kurohime

2008.11.24: その他 Miscellaneous

D51到着 The SL puffing into the station

For this holiday weekend, Japan Rail ran a special Steam Locomotive (=SL) between Nagano City and Kurohime Station. Our friend Blair and his kids came up from Niigata and met us at Kurohime to watch the big engine pull into the station. Actually, you don't just 'watch' an SL -- you hear it and feel it, too!
Watching with us was Larry, who has a cabin in nearby Nojiri Lake. He's actually a third-generation American-Japanese and remembers riding steam engines to hear from Nagoya when he was a kid. His biggest impression was of the sooty smoke. When you consider that, they aren't really environmentally friendly, but they sure are cool to experience now!

Waiting for the SL, with some of us kicking back with a beer

Impressive Steam

Mari and the kids

イチョウ風呂 Ginkgo Bath

2008.11.19: その他 Miscellaneous


The ginkgo tree is considered a living fossil, with forebearers dating back to the era of the dinosaurs. Kamiyamada Onsen dates back over 100 years. Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we have one of these historical ginkgo trees right next to our "100 Year Bath", which honors the history of our onsen. Today, the gold leaves had mostly fallen and were mingling with our bath. The two historical objects complemented each other well.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.