冬の名月棚田 The Moon Viewing Rice Fields in Winter

2009.01.29: その他 Miscellaneous

This morning I tried taking some guests to Obasute Station for them to catch the train. However, the road was closed for construction. I decided to detour through the Obasute terraced rice fields, not recommended to do with a big car unless you are familiar with the narrow roads. Thanks to taking guests on the Obasute Night View / Legends tour all the time, I am familiar with the roads.
The construction worker was surprised we'd take such a detour, and asked if our purpose was to take pictures. What a coincidence -- our guest was a photographer, Haraguchi-san. As we entered the rice paddies, we were struck with this view of the terraced fields in the foreground, Chikuma River in the middleground, and the snow covered peaks of Togakushi, Takatsuma and Iizuna mountains in the background. I stopped the car and Haraguchi-san and I took pictures.
The construction worker must have had ESP.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

須坂に夢のトレインギャラリー Suzaka's Dream Train Gallery

2009.01.26: その他 Miscellaneous

Misaki enthralled by the trains

I had to drive to Suzaka to pick up some guests, so along the way I took our kids to "Train Gallery Nagano". We got to meet the owner, Fukasawa-san. He even put on a special demonstration for us of his miniature trains. Our kids really enjoyed it (as well as their dad!).
Fukazawa-san says the soba and tonkatsu in the adjoining restaurant are pretty good, and he gave us some coupons for free gelatto. So any of our guests that are interested in taking their kids to see the train display can ask us for the gelatto coupons, too.

ギャラリーのHPはこちらClick here for the Gallery's website.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.





戸倉上山田温泉:日本一ラーメン屋密度 Togura Kamiyamada: Most Ramen Shops Per Capita in Japan

2009.01.23: その他 Miscellaneous




There are lots of ramen shops here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. I once heard that we have more ramen shops per capita than anywhere else in Japan (for that matter, probably the world). I took one of our sons out tonight for a walk around our neighborhood to count the ramen joints. Starting with the one across the street from Kamesei Ryokan, we counted 12 in a 5 minute radius. If there are 12 just in our neighborhood, there must be about 50 throughout the entire onsen.

It's common sense to avoid talking about politics and religion with casual acquaintances. Here in Nagano, there is one more taboo subject: which soba restaurant is the best. (That always leads to heated arguments -- we are passionate about our soba here.) Furthermore, here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, it's probably also difficult to talk about which ramen shop is the best. You'll just have to come and decide for yourself!

雪の姨捨棚田 Snowy Obasute Rice Fields

2009.01.16: その他 Miscellaneous



The "Tagoto-no-Tsuki" rice fields of Obasute looked splendid in their coat of white snow. The name refers to the moon reflecting in the individual rice fields. I wonder if that works with the moon glistening off the snow, too.

美しい看板 An absolutely beautiful sign board

2009.01.06: その他 Miscellaneous

Take a close look at this sign. Isn't it just the most beautiful sign you have ever seen? Umm, no? Well, let me explain. This sign is located across the street from Obasute Station. There has been a movement recently to make improvements to the station -- so many things like planting flowers, putting up a new sign above the entrance hand carved and designed by a local calligraher, putting up a painting by local wood block print artist Mori Bakuro, displays and descriptions of the Obasute Mountain and other legends, even getting Coca Cola to paint their garish red vending machine white to match the building. In comparison, the sign across the street had been rusting and falling apart -- a major embarrasment. I can't tell you how many times I've complained to City Hall about it. Then, lo and behold, the other night when I took another group of guests to see the night view from Obauste Station, I saw the sign had been replaced with this beautiful brand new one. It's the most beautiful sign I've ever seen in my entire life. I was so excited I almost started drooling! I don't know who the heck put it up, but I really, really appreciate it!

お正月の芸者挨拶New Years Geisha Greetings

2009.01.02: その他 Miscellaneous






I once had the opportunity to hear a talk by a National Geographic photographer. One thing he said that stood out in my mind was a photo op never jumps out at you. A good photo comes from careful preparation -- from having the right equipment to judging light, angles, positions, etc. A picture of an animal in the wild may look deceivingly simple, but the animal never just jumps out for its picture to be taken. The photographer has to study the movements of the animal, account for light and distance, etc. in order to make a publishable photo. In his many decades of photography, only once had the subject jumped out to be photographed.

How does that compare to writing this blog? It's been a little over 3 years now that I started this life of an innkeeper in Japan. Is it difficult to find subjects to write about every day for this blog? Do I have to struggle to find something of interest about Kamesei Ryokan, the onsen town here of Togura Kamiyamada, and/or Nagano as a whole?

Actually, today I was starting to ponder what subject to write about, when our entrance door opened and this group of geisha came in to make their New Years greeting. They looked stunningly beautiful in full kimono and make-up. Several of them gave us thier own unique 'tenugui' hand towels.

That's what my life has been like here -- every day some interesting event jumps out at me. Most people never have a chance to meet a single geisha their whole life, let alone a whole group of geisha dressed in full regalia. This is the kind of happening that makes writing this blog so fun.

So, in honor of this happening, I would like to try something new: I will give away one of these tenugui from a real, live Togura Kamiyamada Onsen geisha to whoever writes the best comment on why they want a tenugui to this blog. Give it a try!

Win a Geisha Tenugui 芸者の手ぬぐいに当たる

ヒバ風呂:テスト入浴 Test Soak in our new Bath

2008.12.27: その他 Miscellaneous


I filled up our new bath for the first time to see if all the plumbing works. Our kids went ahead and did a test soak. Even though the temperature outside was chilly, the kids looked nice and warm in the onsen water. I'd say the test was a success!

第2露天風呂造り:その14 サイフォン設置 Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: the siphon

2008.12.25: その他 Miscellaneous


Our 2nd outdoor bath is ready to be tested. I finished the siphon drain today. For cooking, it's called a taste test. For a bath, a taste soak? Anyways, I will give it a try tonight!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.


2008.12.24: その他 Miscellaneous


When I first came to Japan, I got hooked on, among other things, Japanese pottery. I love the rough touch of ceramics like Hagi-ware and Shigaraki-ware. And my favorite porcelain is from Tobe. The signature blue and red colors contrast so beautifully with the white porcelain.

When I came to Nagano, I saw the local "Matsushiro-yaki" ceramics. It was love at first sight. The earthy, tactile feel of the ceramic and the blueish-green glaze with its wavy, aurora borealis-like look is captivating. The color supposedly comes from the apple wood ash in the glaze. I've been to the main kiln several times to try making some pottery myself. Using a pottery wheel and creating your own cups and plates gives one a new appreciation for the craft.

Here in Chikuma City, we have a localized version of Matsushiro-yaki, called "Sarashina-yaki". It's sold in a shop here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen named Takaraya. Sarashina-yaki has a blue version similar to Matsushiro-yaki, along with a pink version. (When friends of ours get married, I often buy them a his and hers pair of tea cups.) I stopped by Takaraya today to buy my wife a Christmas gift. They had some brown colored items. When I asked, they said they are trying some new pottery using ash from the nearby active volcano, Asama-yama. I think it's great they are trying creative new things with this traditional craft.

Besides Sarashina-yaki pottery, Takaraya sells other local crafts, such as hand carved wood crests of the Ueda Shishi lion, woodblock prints by local artist Mori Bakuro, Ueda Tsumugi weaving, etc. If you come and have a wander around Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, be sure to stop in and check out Takaraya.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

注:この文書は戸倉上山田温泉旅館組合の若旦那ブログと連携です。Note: This entry is a collaboration with the Waka-Danna (Innkeepers) Blog: http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/togurakamiyamada


長野放送と言うテレビ局の千曲市代表として書いた分です。NBS television station's website Chikuma City page.
NBSのHPはこちらClick here for the NBS website.

Sarashina-yaki pottery, blue and pink

Hand-carved Ueda-Shishi plaques

New Asama-yama volcanic ash pottery


第2露天風呂造り:その13 溝設置 Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: the gutter surround

2008.12.21: その他 Miscellaneous


We took another step towards finishing our 2nd outdoor bath. I placed the gutter around the bath to catch the overflow and carry it out to the river. The bath will be 100% natural hot spring water, with a constant flow of the onsen water. Tomorrow will be the deck installation, so I'll adjust the drain gutter to the height of the deck, and finish the gutter corners with concrete.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano