百年風呂の庭が馴染んできました。 Our outdoor bath's garden is coming into fine form

2009.05.26: その他 Miscellaneous

Our showy rhodie


This is the 2nd spring for our "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath's garden. The various plants are leafing out beautifully as they have become accustomed to their places in the garden. The rhodendron at the base of the 'yagura' tower is particularly splendid right now. Last year, it only sprouted a few blossoms. This year it is covered in pretty white flowers. It is one of the many plants that can be enjoyed while bathing in our outdoor bath.

姨捨棚田の田植え+満月=田毎の月 Full Moon + Rice Planting at Obasute = Tagoto-no-tsuki

2009.05.10: その他 Miscellaneous

The nearly full moon, upper right


Last night, when I took guests to see the night view from Obasute, we were treated to the sight of the nearly full moon. A few of the Obasute terraced rice fields are already wet in preparation for this season's planting. The Obasute rice fields are famous for "tagoto-no-tsuki", the moon reflecting in the individual fields. This can only be seen when there is a full moon at the beginning of planting season, when there is water in the fields. I'm going tonight with more guests -- hopefully we'll be able to see the tagoto-no-tsuki. If not, by the full moon next month, all of the fields will have water in them by then -- prime moon viewing season!
One of the other treats of the start of the planting season is the water in the fields means frogs come out. It is fun being seranaded by a frog chorus while watching the night view from Obasute Station.

地獄谷+春=赤ちゃんスノーモンキーズ Jigokudani + Spring = Baby Snow Monkeys

2009.05.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Picture courtesy of Katsuyama-san



One of our guests just came back from Jigokudani, the famous snow monkeys onsen. He gave me this picture of the newly born baby monkey. Every spring, the cute little monkeys give birth to even cuter little baby monkeys. If you are thinking of going to Jigokudani, now is perfect timing. The snow is gone, but you can see the babies that were just born this spring.

According to Hagiwara-san, the park manager, babies are usually born between mid-April to the end of June. So far this year, there are 6 newborns, with more expected soon as the "peak" approaches.

Hagiwara-san also advises their shop has some new DVD's as well as T-shirts and other souvenirs. This is certainly an exciting time for the snow monkeys!

Jigokudani is a pleasant day trip from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen.

地獄谷のHPはこちらClick here for the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park website.

更新した情報は萩原さんのブログにて。Updated info on Hagiwara-san's blog. In Japanese, but lots of descriptive pictures.

外国人向けの日帰り芸者プラン New "Lunch with a Geisha" Plan

2009.04.24: その他 Miscellaneous

Lunch with a Geisha
* 亀清旅館の会席料理
* 上山田温泉のお湯
* 戸倉上山田温泉の芸者体験
地獄谷のスノーモンキー、善光寺の歴史と文化、松本城と日本アルプス、白馬や野沢、志賀高原のスキー場、等など、長野県のInboundの魅力は沢山あります。この”Lunch with a Geisha"プランで海外からの旅行者が温泉文化にも触れ合えるように目指しています。
I moved to Nagano 3-1/2 years ago to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen to continue my wife's family inn, Kamesei Ryokan. I really like the traditional feel of Kamesei, with its central garden and semi-detached rooms and warm wood construction. Togura Kamiyamada Onsen also appeals to me with its geisha heritage, and I love Nagano's beautiful nature -- the green mountains and soothing onsen baths. Now I have created a plan incorporating the best of all three:
Lunch with a Geisha
* "Kaiseki" meal served in our traditional ryokan
* A soak in our Kamiyamada Onsen mineral baths
* Entertainment by Togura Kamiyamada geishas.

This is Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's first lunch-time Geisha plan. Our Chef Takei will prepare a full multi-course meal featuring local and seasonal ingredients, and I will add a detailed explanation in English for our guests from overseas. Before or after the lunch, the guests can enjoy Kamiyamada's onsen water high in sulfur content. We feature outdoor baths in both the men's and women's sides. And there will be geisha entertainment. Some songs and dances will be performed for the guests to enjoy passively, but then the geisha will engage the guests in traditional parlor games as well as teaching them some of our local dances. It should be a memorable "ryokan" and "onsen" and "geisha" experience for the guests.

Nagano is fortunate to have so many attractions for foreigners -- Jigokudani's snow monkeys, historical Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City, Matsumoto Castle and the Japanese Alps, Hakuba & Nozawa, Shiga Kogen and other ski resorts, and so much more. Now, with this "Lunch with a Geisha" plan, I hope to share Nagano's onsen culture with visitors from abroad.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.
Info: Tel(026)275-1032

スイッチバックの上の満月 Full Moon over the Switchback

2009.04.11: その他 Miscellaneous


Nearby Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is Obasute Station, which features a spectacular night view. I often take guests there after their dinner for a special "Obasute Night View / Local Legends" tour. Last night's was especially nice with the added drama of the full moon. I asked our guests to take some pictures for the new Kamesei Ryokan brochure we are making. I want to thank Kinoshita-san, Satoh-san and Shibahara-san for their cooperation!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

Showing the guests the night view from Obasute

会社卒業の祝い  Career Graduation Celebration

2009.03.21: その他 Miscellaneous


In Japan, March is graduation season. It seems like every day, some local school or university is having a graduation ceremony. Even our son Kenny's preschool graduation party was this morning.

But it's not just graduation from schools. Like our guest from last night, Nagura-san, there are some people retiring from their jobs as well. Nagura-san turned 65, and is graduating from work. He says from now on his biggest difficulty will be to wake up in the morning and decide which of his many hobbies (bird watching, painting, onsens -- Kamesei, of course!) he will do that day. Well, we congratulate him and all other work graduates!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

座敷遊び:芸者に勝つのは無理! You'll never beat a geisha at a parlor game

2009.03.15: その他 Miscellaneous

Tamako-san playing konpira fune-fune with a guest

The geisha world is deep and mysterious, and it's difficult for outsiders to enter. So I consider myself fortunate, because thanks to my job at the ryokan here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, I am able to see some of the shamisen music and traditional dance at our guests' banquets. Last night was another first for me: geisha parlor games. I'd heard about the games, but had never really seen one. So when I heard the sound of the shamisen and stepped into the banquet room last night, I was thrilled to see "konpira fune-fune" taking place. And not only did I get to watch it, but then one of the guests said, "Hey, you try it, too!" Tamako-san taught me the rules (it's too complicated to explain here), and I gave it a try. One thing I learned really quickly was it's impossible to beat a geisha. They are pros! While the shamisen is going slowly, I could keep up with Tamako-san, but as the shamisen picked up speed, before I knew it I had lost. Playing the game accompanied live by a shamisen was so cool!

長野の最新の駅 Nagano's Newest Train Station

2009.03.14: その他 Miscellaneous

New Chikuma Station

Do people sing "Happy Birthday" when a new station opens up? I'm not sure, but seeing the brand new wooden station house at Chikuma Station, which opens for business today, put me in the mood for singing. Chikuma Station is in between Togura and Yashiro on the local Shinano Railway line. I stopped by today to see what it looks like, and there were some other railroad fans there, too, taking pictures.
I'm not sure how much this new station will be used, but starting 20-March the New Kigure Circus opens there tent for a 2 month run within walking distance from the station. If you get a chance, check it out!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

しなの鉄道のHPはこちらClick here for Shinano Railway's website.

姨捨マジックObasute Magic

2009.02.22: その他 Miscellaneous


Last night, our Obasute Night View / Legends tour took place, the first time in quite a while. Lately, most of our guests have been locals coming for New Year banquets, and/or the guests have chickened out due to cold temperatures. The guests last night were actually Obasute Repeaters. They had stayed with us last August and had gone on the tour with me then. But they wanted to see the night view in the winter when the air is clearest. When we went last year, another couple had gone with us, and those two couples ended up keeping in touch with each other, even sending each other New Years greeting cards. Obasute has that magic effect on people.

Classic Snow Monkey Pics 雪猿写真

2009.02.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Mr. Thackray and his daughter took a day trip to see the snow monkeys at Jigokudani. The pictures they brought back were so cute, I just had to share them here. Their expressions are so human-like!
For anyone who has never been to the wild monkey park at Jigokudani to see the monkeys soaking in the onsen bath, I highly reccommend it. The park is about 1 hour by car or 1.5 hours by train/bus from Kamesei + approx. 30 min. walk.

地獄谷野猿公園のHPはこちらClick here for the snow monkeys website.

Baby pondering

snow droplets

see,hear, speak

the look


亀清のロビーの無線インタネットを利用しているThackray親子 The Thackray's using WiFi in Kamesei's lobby to upload monkey pics