姨捨駅落ち葉大会2 子供達と Obasute Leaf Raking 2 With the Kids

2009.11.21: その他 Miscellaneous





The other day, Ono-san from JR and I raked up a K-Truck-full of leaves from in front of Obasute Station. Nature worked its magic again, and there was another pile of leaves that needed to be cleaned up. So this morning, I took our kids and we scooped up another K-Truck load's worth.

There's something about kids and leaves. I sure have fond memories of helping my dad rake leaves when I was a kid -- making a big pile and jumping into it.

And there's something extra special about volunteering to rake leaves. Back when we were living in Seattle, every year I used to go to our local church and rake up all the leaves from the huge Japanese maple trees in front. I'd take my wife and/or son, pile up all the leaves and then throw whoever was helping me onto the pile.

I guess it's in my genes to help volunteer raking up leaves at least once each Fall...

若旦那のお勧め: 大衆演劇@大勝館 Innkeeper's Suggestion: Geisha Drag Show ?!

2009.11.18: その他 Miscellaneous




We had some guests the other day that came to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen to see the Taishu-engeki ("theater for the masses") show at Taishokan. That reminded me --- this month's act is supposed to be a very popular one. One of these days, Kamesei's proprietress and I have to go check it out! The show features beautiful dancing, beautiful kimonos -- it's just the hairy legs make for quite a combination. It's basically like a geisha drag show, with several dance routines set to everything from traditional songs to worldbeat. The time I went, there was a geisha-yakuza themed 1-act play, too. Very entertaining.

大勝館のHPはこちらClick here for Taishokan's website.
Note: 2 shows daily at 1 and 7pm. Tickets are 1700 yen. (discount tickets available here at Kamesei.)

イチョウの木 紅葉見風呂 Ginkgo Bath

2009.11.15: その他 Miscellaneous


The Ginkgo tree next to Kamesei's 100 Year Bath has finally started to turn colors for this autumn. How about soaking in our outdoor bath while enjoying the beautiful yellow leaves? Pretty soon the leaves will fall, creating a yellow carpet around the bath.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

100点満点の夜景 Full 100-Point Night View

2009.11.06: その他 Miscellaneous

The moon over the Chikuma River


Not to brag or anything, but I've seen the night view from Obasute 100-plus times. I've seen it from everywhere from in the middle of a snow storm to after the rice field planting with bull frogs seranading in the background. Out of all those time, last nights was perhaps the most beautiful. The crisp autumn air meant we could see the lights from far off in the distance of the Zenkoji Plain. More than that, though, was the moon. Now, the moon was even the harvest moon, nor was it even a full moon, but with the clear autumn air, it was bright and clear as it rose over Kyodai-san mountain. And when I looked down at the Chikuma River, I noticed a silvery-white light in the area in between Kamuruki Bridge and Heiwa Bridge. I had never seen a light there before, and realized -- it was the moonlight reflecting in the surface of the Chikuma River.
Obasute is famous for its "Tagoto-no-tsuki" terraced rice fields where the moon supposedly reflects in the individual rice paddies. But I found out last night that the moon reflecting in the river is spectacular, too!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website for Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

千曲市の自慢:前向きな温泉街 Pride of Chikuma City -- An Onsen Town Moving Forward

2009.10.30: その他 Miscellaneous








Togura Kamiyamada just got a new arch for its main entrance. Kamesei and the other ryokans along the main street paid to have the old arch taken down and replaced by this new one. It's a strong physical symbol of our onsen town's resolve to push on through this weak economy and to persevere.

姨捨の落ち葉捨て Throwing Away Leaves Instead of Old Ladies at Obasute

2009.10.15: その他 Miscellaneous



Obasute Station got its name from the legend of throwing away ("Sute") old ladies ("Oba"). I often take guests there at night, not to throw them away but to show them the view below of the lights of our town and Nagano City in the distance. Today I went to Obasute to throw away leaves. Across the street from the station is a cluster of acacia trees, and ever year at this time their falling leaves create a mess. Ono-san, the main volunteer that takes care of the station, called me yesterday. I drove our K-Truck up there and we scooped up all the leaves into the back and took them away for disposal. It felt great for me to give something back to the station.

千曲市自慢:外湯巡り Pride of Chikuma City: Public Baths

2009.10.05: その他 Miscellaneous





10:00~23:00 (毎月16日及び月末が定休日)
大人350円 中人150円 小人70円

09:00~25:00 (土日祝は06:00~)(第3火曜日が定休日)
大人650円 小学生350円 幼児100円

09:00~22:00 (第1・3水曜日が定休日)
大人250円 子供120円


04:00~23:00 (第2・4月曜日が定休日;但し、祝日の場合は翌日)
大人300円 小学生120円 幼児70円

08:30~22:00 (月初め1回)
大人300円 中学生300円 小学生120円 幼児70円

09:30~20:00 (第2・4火曜日及び年末が定休日)
大人500円 中学生280円 幼児100円

05:00~22:00 (第1・3月曜日が定休日;但し、祝日の場合は翌日)
大人300円 中学生250円 小学生120円 幼児70円


13:00~21:30 (年中無休)


10:00~21:00 (第2・4水曜日及び年末・初めが定休日;但し、祝日の場合は翌日)
大人650円 小学生350円 幼児100円

09年の中秋の名月 2009's Harvest Moon

2009.10.01: その他 Miscellaneous


Here is a picture of this year's harvest moon with Kamesei's main sign. The Moon Viewing Festival in nearby Obasute is scheduled to start on 02-October. That first day looks like rain, but it should be clear by Saturday afternoon. So this weekend is a great chance to see the Harvest Moon and Obasute's terraced rice fields. We still have a few rooms available, so come on out!

詳しくは千曲市観光協会のHPClick here for details.

姨捨の棚田の収穫が始まった Harvesting of the Obasute Terraced Rice Fields has Started

2009.09.14: その他 Miscellaneous

On the way to drop off guests at Obasute Station, I stopped to shoot this photograph. This year's harvest of the Obasute Terraced Rice Fields has started. Seeing the rice stalks hung out to dry with the terraced rice fields as a backdrop is such a classic view. And the Harvest Moon coming up in the beginning of October this year will add a graceful touch to the scene.

朝5時の姨捨山 Obasute Mountain at 5am

2009.09.05: その他 Miscellaneous


While driving back from the 5am Zazen meditation, I spotted Obasute Mountain poking out from the clouds. I just had to stop the car and take this photo of the mountain lit up by the sunrise, all peaceful in the quiet morning. This type of natural beauty is one of the reasons I moved to Nagano.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.