朝方:露天風呂から湯気 Steam rising from the outdoor bath at dawn

2010.04.21: その他 Miscellaneous

steam coming off the outdoor bath


Even now in late April, Nagano is still chilly in the mornings and evenings. When I checked on our outdoor bath, steam was coming off the surface of the hot spring mineral water and rising up into the crisp spring morning air. If I didn't have to flip futons and was a guest instead, I would have loved to warm my body up in the inside bath first, then move outside and plop down into the outdoor bath, soaking in the warm water as the cold air bites my face, watching the sun come up over the garden and listening to the morning serenade of the little birds, as steam rises up around me. Ahhh, aren't onsen ryokans great?

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

里帰りの楽しみ:地元で観光 Being a Tourist in your own Home Town

2010.03.26: その他 Miscellaneous

With Mari on Queen Anne Hill overlooking Seattle's Space Needle



One of the fun things about going back to Seattle is it's a chance to do the touristy stuff that you never get to do when living there. On this trip, we went on the venerable (?) Underground Tour (picked up some tips for my own Obasute Night View tour!), saw the Space Needle, and climbed the Fremont Troll.

It's important to be a tourist in your own home town sometimes.

Kenny and the Fremont Troll

Skylights for Seattle's Underground

Drinking Fountain at the Pioneer Square Pergola

Andy / Kenny / Shoma totem pole

at the Market

お猿の温泉 写真800枚 800 Pictures of the Snow Monkeys

2010.03.23: その他 Miscellaneous



We have a guest from Norway staying here at Kamesei Ryokan for the better part of a week. Marius-san made a day trip to Jigokudani to see the snow monkeys. Seeing his huge camera, I jokingly asked how many hundreds of pictures he took. His reply: 800! He shared some of his best with us for our blog.

To see more about Marius and his 8 week (!) trip here in Japan, check out his blog:

Marius Risting Andersen マリアス・リスチング・アンドソン

まさかな姨捨夜景 A Whodathunkit Obasute Night View

2010.03.22: その他 Miscellaneous

Night View? What night view?


The night view from Obasute last night was the worst. All day long the weather had been so weird. The day before was an unseasonably warm 23 deg C clear day, but we woke up to the worst "yellow sand" (dust blowing over from the Gobi Desert) that I had ever seen. Then we had strong winds in the afternoon, followed by a dramatic drop in temperature. At night, when we took the guests to go see the night view from Obasute Station, it even started to snow. (Mind you, the previous day had been 23 deg C -- we certainly didn't expect snow!) Then when we got to the station, it was totally covered in snow, and we couldn't see any of the lights of the valley down below. The worst night view tour ever!
Well, I entertained our guests with stories of local legends, so I think they enjoyed the tour anyways, But we'll have to have them come again to see what the night view usually looks like!

Snow in late March? This is what we woke up to this morning.

ナプキン4枚のバーガー@松本 A 4-Napkin Burger in 'Moto

2010.02.26: その他 Miscellaneous

4 Napkins later...

そのバーガーの世界の中で、どうやってバーガーの美味しさをはかるかというと、一つな方法は使うナプキンの枚数です。つまり、バーガーがトマトやピックルやソース、ジューシーで美味しい時こそ、ナプキンを使うとの事です。この間、親友に松本の元町に連れてくれました。ここで、MOSちゃんもあって、Big Boyもあって、そして地元のヤミーヤミーもあります。松本のバーガーのメッカです。連れてもらったのはその地元の方のヤミーヤミーでした。元町と駅の近くの2店舗にライブハウスもやっていると言う応援したくなる頑張っているお店です。自家製のパンに沢山のバラエティーのバーガー: 490円のBLTエッグバーガーから1390円のビッグモンスターバーガーまで。(ビッグモンスターに何が入っているの?と思ったら、何が入っていないから聞いた方が早いかもしれない。)
We Americans love hamburgers. It's no coincidence that global burger chain McDonald's originated in the States. Ever since I was a kid, I've eaten many, many a burger. Even now, when I'm feeling run down and need an energy pick-up, I head for MOS Burger. I've found that sushi also works, and is a lot healthier! But every once in a while, I get a craving for a nice, juicy burger. And how do us Americans measure how good a burger is? One way is by how many napkins you need to eat it.
The other day, my buddy Ken took me to Matsumoto's Motomachi district. There's a MOS and a Big Boy's, as well as a local burger joint Yummy!Yummy!, making Motomachi Matsumoto's hamburger mecca. Ken introduced me to Yummy!Yummy! and there home-made buns and their huge selection of burgers -- everything from a 490 yen BLT Egg Burger to the 1390 yen Big Monster Burger. (Rather than asking what the heck is in the Big Monster, it might be faster to determine just what ISN'T in it...) Ken and I settled for the Che-Avo Burger, billed as being so thick as to be scary. And it was thick -- we were pretty amazed when we saw it. Ken was a little miffed that the restaurant has a "How to eat a Hamburger" explanation, thinking that was rude to suggest Japanese people don't know how to eat one. Ken had lived in the States long enough to become a pro himself. But I have seen a lot of Japanese people who had difficulties getting their mouths around some American hamburgers so the explanation probably is useful to have. Even me, someone who is used to tackling big burgers, was going to be challenged by this Che-Avo guy. Summoning up my 39 years of burger-eating experience, I successfully managed to eat it, and used 4 napkins in the process. That, in my book, is a good burger!
Yummy!Yummy! has another branch near 'Moto station, and they run a "live house", too.

ヤミーヤミーとU2グループのHPはこちらClick here for Yummy!Yummy! and the US Group's website.

Unassuming facade

How to Eat a Hamburger for the un-initiated

大月の月見風呂 Big Moon Viewing Bath

2010.01.30: その他 Miscellaneous

Andy and Kenny enjoying our moonviewing bath


This month is when the earth and the moon are their closest, so tonight's full moon was extra large and bright. Our guests were delighted to be able to soak in our outdoor bath while bathing in the moonlight.
When I built this outdoor bath, the "100-Year Bath", I debated on whether or not to build a roof for it. On nights like this, with the moonlight streaming in, I realize that I made the right decision to leave the bath open to the sky!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website for Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

夕暮れ冬の姨捨「田毎の月」棚田 The wintry Obasute "Tagoto no Tsuki" rice fields at dusk

2010.01.13: その他 Miscellaneous


I often get to see the Obasute terraced rice fields at night, but today I got to see the famous "tagoto no tsuki" moon reflecting fields at dusk. I took a couple of magazine writers from Indonesia to see Obasute, and we happened to time it for just as the lights of the Zenkoji Plain were starting to come on. That, and the beautiful patterns of snow on the rice fields, made for a magical scene. I wanted to stay and enjoy the view longer, but the two from tropical Indonesia wanted to get in out of Nagano's cold winter and soak in the onsen bath! But I couldn't help but feel fortunate for having such a picturesque spot here so close to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.


新発売、その1:姨捨夜景ツアーDVD New Releases, No.1: Obasute Night View DVD

2009.12.28: その他 Miscellaneous

千曲市のボランティアーガイド、楽知会のProduceで【夜景バスガイドツアー 千曲市・姨捨・長楽寺・棚田に行く」というDVDが出来ました。亀清旅館は独自でお客様と一緒に姨捨夜景・伝説ツアーにいつも行っていますので姨捨の認識度を高まる為にこの新しいDVDのプロジェクトを応援しております。数枚を手配しておきましたのでご興味のある方は是非、申し付けてください。1枚1,000円となります。
Chikuma City's volunteer guide group, the Rakuchikai, put together this video of Obasute Mountain and the night view. We here at Kamesei often take our guests for a tour of the Obasute night view, and want to support this video project. The 15 minute DVD has footage of Obasute and its moon-reflecting terraced rice fields during the day, as well as images of the night view taken during a full moon. The disc also features a detailed explanation of the Obasute area (in Japanese language only). We have some of the DVD's on hand here at Kamesei, and are offering them for sale at 1,000 yen each. So for a momento of your tour of the Obasute night view, or for people curious to learn more about Obasute, we highly suggest this new DVD.

雪の姨捨と冬の夜景 Snowy Obasute and Winter Night View

2009.12.27: その他 Miscellaneous


Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we always offer to take our guests on a tour to Obasute Station to see the night view. However, during the "End of the Year" banquet season, guests tend to be more interested in the banquet instead of going out in the cold to see the lights. Last night, though, some guests from Niigata wanted to go, so I finally got to do the night veiw tour. Down here at our onsen, the snow has already melted away, but up at Obasute Station everything was still white. It was chilly, but the clear winter sky made for a beautiful night view. The guests enjoyed it, saying there's not night view like this back in Niigata. (To be honest, I enjoyed seeing it, too!)

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

姨捨棚田は信毎のヘッドラインに The Obasute Rice Fields in the Headlines

2009.12.12: その他 Miscellaneous


Today's Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, Nagano Prefecture's main newspaper, had a big picture of the Obasute terraced rice fields on the cover. Apparently, they had been selected as an Important Cultural Scenery, one of 19 across the country and the only one here in Nagano Prefecture. The rice fields look much the same as they did during the Edo era. I think it's great that Obasute is getting such recognition. Myself and the other inns here in Togura Kamiyamada have been trying our hardest to get the word out about this jewel of a place.

信毎の記事はここClick here for the article.