千曲市の美術家と触れ合い Meeting Chikuma City's Artists

2010.11.24: その他 Miscellaneous

The kids posing with Kakizaki-san





I took our kids to go see Chikuma Art Council's "Art Now! 2010" show. A few of the artists themselves were present, making the show that much more meaningful as we could see the faces behind the creations.

Our kids especially liked meeting Kakizaki-san and seeing the video of his modern flower art / dance choreography in Sweden.

For me, it was an honor to once again meet Kondo Shiro-san, the organizer of the art show. I am hoping they hold another show here in our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada!

千曲アート協会のHPはこちらClick here for the Chikuma Art Council's website.

Kondo-san's fanciful creations

千曲市の芸術家ショー Art Show by Chikuma City Artists

2010.11.20: その他 Miscellaneous



この戸倉上山田温泉の版画家 若林 文夫 さん

森地区の杏の里の古民家をRescueして、ギャラリーとして使っている版画家 森 獏朗 さん

JCでお世話になっているフラワーアート作家 柿崎 順一 さん

当団体のリーダー、稲荷山の陶芸家 近藤 しろう さん


期間 11月20日(土)~23日(火)
場所 あんずホールの小ホール 026-273-1880

Chikuma City's resident artists formed a group last year ('Chikuma Art Kyoukai'). This weekend they are putting on their 2nd annual art show "Art Now 2010" at Anzu Hall, our city's main event location. This is a great chance to see the works of our city's talented artists, many of which I have had the pleasure of meeting, including:

Fumio Wakabayashi (wood block print artist from right here in Kamiyamada Onsen)

Mori Bakuro (wood block print artist from Mori)

Junichi Kakizaki (flower modern art; my buddy from the JC's)

Kondo Shiro (ceramicist from Inariyama and the leader of this group)

and many more, a total of about 20 artists. Yamazaki-san, the stained glass artist the kids and I visited last week, is also a member but won't be exhibiting this time.

The show runs from 20-Nov (Sat) through 23-Nov (Tues) from 9am to 5pm. For more info, check out the website.

ギターの音楽家、白柳さんの演奏 Shirayanagi-san's Acoustic Guitar Performance

2010.10.19: その他 Miscellaneous

Chance to hear Shirayanagi-san live

亀清旅館のロビーのBGMでいくつかのCDの音楽が流れています。その1つはアコースティックギターの音楽家「白柳 淳」さんです。戸隠の鏡池や、千曲川の夜景などのテーマの歌なので、なんとなくこの信州の旅館の雰囲気に合うのです。


Here at Kamesei Ryokan, one of the CD's we play as our lobby's background music is by acoustic guitar artist Atsushi Shiroyanagi. He takes his inspiration for his songs by local spots like Kagami-ike (Mirror Pond) at Togakushi and the night lights around the Chikuma River, so the songs' calming rythm seems to perfectly match our lobby.

Next month, on Saturday November 6th, Shiroyanagi-san will play at Fuga in the Inariyama neighborhood of Chikuma City. This is a great chance to hear him play live. If you can't make it, you can come and listen to his music in our lobby any time.

戸隠特集6: 特典お店やアクセス情報 Togakushi Tribute 6: Valuable Info for Shops, Access, etc.

2010.10.14: その他 Miscellaneous

Lots of Togakushi Info


ここで一つなアドバイスを紹介したい: アクセスの件。


戸隠特集5:どのそば処が美味しいか Togakushi Tribute 5: Which Soba Restaurant is Best?

2010.10.13: その他 Miscellaneous

戸隠のお勧めなおそば屋: 山口屋







It is said that you should avoid talking about religion and politics with casual acquaintances. Here in Nagano, there is one other subject best to be avoided: which soba restaurant is the best. Breaking that taboo is certain to lead to a heated discussion, as Nagano-ites are passionate about their soba.

And nowhere is that more true than in Togakushi, Nagano's soba mecca. This is not where soba is grown, but noodles prepared with the area's crystal clear water and graced by the pristine mountain air are simply the best. With shops like 'Uzuraya' which always seems to have a line of people waiting out front, and media darling 'Sobanomi' and dozens of other soba shops to choose from, which one is the best?

Answer? All of them. I have yet to hear of someone being disappointed by a soba restaurant in Togakushi.

Among all the restaurants, we here at Kamesei do have a recommendation: Yamaguchi-ya. The restaurant's sitting area has a great view of Togakushi Mountain, so you can enjoy the mountain's unique shape as you eat the soba. And the soba chef, Yamaguchi-san himself, has a secret: He's a ninja!

Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we have a special coupon to use at Yamaguchi-ya, as well as other information (in English as well) on Togakushi. We would be happy to be your center for Togakushi information.

Togakushi Soba Festival 2010 Info
Every year, Togakushi celebrates the arrival of the new soba crop by throwing a festival. 2010 marks the 41st year, and the main dates will be November 5th thru the 7th.

山口屋そばレストランのHPはこちらClick here for soba restaurant Yamaguchi-ya's website.

戸隠特集4: 古道の拓本 Togakushi Tribute 4: Inscriptions Tour

2010.10.12: その他 Miscellaneous

Andy and Kenny making a Stone Etching


「戸隠古道」拓本集印帳は戸隠観光協会で販売されています。全印を集まれば、ピンバッジをもらえるそうです。詳しくは戸隠観光協教会 Tel(026)254-2888

For people who want to get to know more about the wonders of Togakushi, there is a great tool: The Togakushi Komichi Stone Etchings collection. You can by a book at the Tourism Agency with maps to the 31 locations of the stone etching monuments located throughout the area. The major 'power spots' of Okusha (the inner shrine) and Chusha (middle shrine) and major draws like Kagamiike (Mirror Pond) are of course included, as well as other, lesser-well-known scenic, historical and mythological spots. By going around to the various monuments and making rubbings of the etchings, you get to see more of Togakushi's many faces and learn about the area's natural and spiritual history.

The Etchings Book is available at the Tourism Agency's office. For more info, call 026-254-2888.

戸隠特集3:お土産 Togakushi Tribute 3: Souvenirs

2010.10.11: その他 Miscellaneous

Matsuhashi-san's Souvenir Stand


Togakushi has lots of unique souvenirs to take home from your visit. There are wooden baskets made of woven bamboo, made locally, as well as the famous soba buckwheat noodles and flour (I use this flour in the cookies I bake to serve our guests with their tea here at Kamesei Ryokan), ninja toys and equipment, and, in keeping with the current Togakushi 'power spot' boom, power stones, too. My favorite souvenir is a tenugui bandana sold at the souvenir stand inside of the Yamaguchi-ya soba shop. It features a pattern of torii gates in honor of the Togakushi shrines. But if you look closely, one of them is actually the Chinese character for Togakushi's "To". It's a clever design.

Of the several souvenir shops in Togakushi, this time we stopped in at Matsuhashi-san's shop in front of the Chusha (Middle Shrine). If you are curious about Togakushi's ninja traditions, Matsuhashi-san is the man to ask. Just beware his way of answering may be hazardous to your health!

戸隠特集2:自然散策 Togakushi Tribute 2: Nature Walks

2010.10.10: その他 Miscellaneous

Wandering Togakushi's nature paths


Judging by the overflowing parking lot at the trailhead, the walk to Okusha (Inner Shrine) is the most popular in Togakushi. However, taking a step beyond the beaten path will bring you to an entirely different, and much quieter, natural realm. In the past, our family has gone for walks in the Togakushi Nature Reserve and around Kagami-Ike ('Mirror Pond'). This time, the boys and I walked along the Sasayaki no Komichi trail from the Togakushi Bokujo (Pasture) to the Zuijinomon Gate at the start of the massive cedar tree-lined section of the trail to Okusha.

The Sasayaki course takes you through broad leafed deciduous forests, groves of larch trees, and several other different microclimates all in the space of a short, 60-minute walk. You can make a loop out of it, by walking down from Zuijinmon and following the side path at the trailhead back to the Togakushi Campground.

The walk to Okusha is Togakushi's premier hike, but for those with the extra time, the side hikes are really rewarding.

戸隠特集1: 秋キャンプ Togakushi Tribute 1: Fall Camping

2010.10.09: その他 Miscellaneous







Togakushi is experiencing a boom in popularity due to its recognition as a 'power spot'. Long before this boom, Togakushi has been our family's favorite destination to get out and enjoy nature. Besides its spirituality, Togakushi is also famous for soba and ninjas. For this blog series, I'd like to put the spotlight on some of Togakushi's lesser known attractions. First up:

Togakushi Campground

Our kids had a day off from school, so I piled the two boys in the car, loaded up the tent and sleeping bags, and we hit the highway bound for Togakushi. We took the freeway all the way around to Shinanomachi IC and approached the campground from the backside, enjoying views of Kurohime Mountain along the way.

Togakushi campground is pretty popular in the summertime, but on this weekday in the fall, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. The hardest part was deciding which part of the wide grassy field to choose to put up our tent. We ended up selecting a spot underneath a lone tree showing off its brilliant fall colors. At night, we were treated to a gallactic show of stars, and two planets, Neptune and Mars, who appeared practically one on top of another. In the morning's light, we were delighted to see just how close Togakushi Mountain was.

Besides the tent area, the campground has 2 cottages and about 60 bungalows in a birch tree setting. Next to the campground is a river play area as well as the Togakushi Bokujyo Ranch, which we intend to come back and enjoy in the summer.

Access to Togakushi Campground is most convenient by car, but there is also easy access by bus. Kawanakajima Bus has about 10 runs a day from Nagano Station to the bus stop right in front of the campground. (Approx. 60 minutes, no service in winter.) Tent and gear rental is available, so it is possible to literally catch a train from Tokyo, change at Nagano Station to the bus, and reach the campground all by public transport.

戸隠キャンプ場の詳しくはこちらClick here for Togakushi Campground's website

交通パスの便利さに目が覚めた I've Awoken to the convience of Transport Passes

2010.09.10: その他 Miscellaneous

First Pasmo, then JR East Pass, what's next?







On this marketing "caravan" to Tokyo, I bought a Pasmo transportation pass.

For the first time in my life.

No more hassles figuring out the fares, no more stopping to buy tickets. How convenient. I used it not only for the subway but for busses and the JR trains, too.

If it makes moving around easy for me on business, it must be even more convenient for tourists!

I've been calling for a similar pass for Nagano, too, for years. Now, in conjunction with the Nagano Destination Campaign, JR East is offering a special 3-Day Pass from September to the end of November. It can even be used on non-consecutive days. And, for the first time ever, it is also useable on Shinano Railway (for access to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen), Nagano Dentetsu (to get you to the Snow Monkeys) and other private railroads.

Unfortunately, it's only available for use by foreigners on tourist visas (foreign residents and regular Japanese can't use it), it can't be used on busses (so no Togakushi or Kamikochi), and it's only available for a limited time. But it's a great start. And from someone who has now seen how convenient such passes can be, I for one really hope for an even broader-use pass in the future.

Click here for more info on the 10,000 yen 3-day JR East Pass のくわしくはこちら。