雪の「田毎の月」の棚田 The Obasute Terraced Rice Fields with Snow

2011.02.18: その他 Miscellaneous

Snow covered terraced rice fields



While taking some guests up to Obasute Station, I stopped to enjoy the view of the snow-covered Obasute terraced rice fields. These are rice fields of the moon-reflecting legends that attracted many a haiku poet. If you ask me, the rice fields are pretty any time and any season, not just when reflecting the moon.

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is so fortunate to have the scenic beauty of Obasute so close by.

Reverse Angle

Snowy Switchback

聞き取り調査@野猿公苑 Surveying at the Snow Monkey Park

2011.01.31: その他 Miscellaneous

Interviewing a fellow Seattleite at the Snow Monkeys




The NInJA Project members and I made another trip to the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park to interview the monkeys, oops, the travellers from overseas who had come to see the snow monkeys. Even some kid ninjas came this time, and we all braved the cold weather and managed to get 35 questionaires filled out.

Just by coincidence, one of the people I interviewed was from Seattle. In fact, from Wedgewood, the neighborhood where I grew up! She had come with a group of photographers and was going to stay by the monkey park for 3 days and photograph the cute monkeys as they blissfully soaked in their onsen bath.

The Project members and I will now get busy with data input and analysis, and start putting together our report. Keep your eyes out for it!


地獄谷野猿公苑Snow Monkey Park

Yes, That's a Ninja Interviewing a Monkey

More Monkeys, or More People?

Snow Monkey Driving?

米軍操縦士vs.武さん 座敷遊び U.S. Air Force Pilot trying to beat the Geisha

2011.01.30: その他 Miscellaneous

Good luck beating a geisha





The geisha here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen have recently started to offer a new program, a short, 30-40 minute "zashiki asobi" (parlor games) plan. We took advantage of it for a group of pilots from the U.S. Air Force base at Yokota.

For their dinner banquet, we had Harugoma (shamisen) and Takeshi (dance) come to entertain the guests. First they played (and danced) two songs, then taught the guests some dance moves and everyone joined in the dancing. The entertainment finished with a drinking game called Konpira. The game starts out deceptively easy, but as Harugoma-san picks up the pace on the shamisen, you get dizzy quickly. Warning: It's almost impossible to beat a geisha!

Normally, geisha entertainment is a minimum of 2 hours and 18,000 yen per geisha, but wtih this 'zashiki asobi' plan, the price is a more reasonable 10,000 yen.

For details, feel free to contact us, or the geisha office.

Groove like a Geisha

信毎「大人の贅沢」に亀清旅館の「プッチ贅沢プラン」 Kamesei's Petit Extravagance Plan

2011.01.27: その他 Miscellaneous


<立春の候: 温泉で贅沢>


1泊2食付き 2名1室
11,550円 (消費税込、入湯税別)


松代パワースポット「皆神山」のふもとのパワーラーメン「男気」 Power Ramen at the base of Matsushiro's Power Spot Minakami Mtn.

2011.01.13: その他 Miscellaneous

Minakami 'Power' Mtn and Otoko-gi Power Ramen

長野市の松代町に不思議な山があります: 皆神山。形はピラミッドに似ていて、噂によるとUFOが来るそうです。つまり、パワースポット。



In Nagano City's Matsushiro neighborhood, there is a mysterious mountain: Minakami-yama. It's shape looks like a pyramid, and there have been rumours of UFO sightings around the mountain. In other words, it's a 'power spot'.

At the base of the mountain is a ramen shop called "Otokogi", meaning 'Male Spirit'. It's ramen is the thick-soup type that I like. The other day, our family went there for lunch. According to the wife, this is the type of ramen that businessmen like to eat to get energy for the rest of the day (i.e., 'stamina' ramen), but it also has plenty of vegetables so it is quite nutritious, too.

Anyways, as we were leaving, I asked the waitress if the mountain across the street was the fabled Minakami Mountain, and she wasn't sure. I suggested that since their ramen is energy-building anyways, they should name one of their dishes 'power ramen' in honor of the power spot mountain that overlooked their shop.

男気ラーメンのHPはこちら。Click here for Otokogi Ramen's website.

Otokogi's 'Gotsun' Stamina Ramen

どんど焼き: お酒、焼き餅、お正月の挨拶 Dondo-Yaki: Sake, Roasted Mochi, and Happy New Years Greetings

2011.01.11: その他 Miscellaneous

Annual Bonfire Along the banks of the Chikuma River



(今年は挨拶で特に忙しかった: 町作りの集まりの知らせもやらなくて…)

どんど焼き: 上山田温泉版。

All the spent New Years bamboo and pine branch decorations, all the paper mache dharma dolls from the past year, all brough down to the riverside park and piled into a huge mound and lit on fire.

All the neighbors gathering and, once the "Don! Don!" snapping sound of the burning bamboo quiets down, the charcoal is used to heat sake, grill mochi sticky rice, and even for grilling river fish.

Then the event turns into a big celebration -- everyone eating, drinking and wishing each other a Happy New Year. (This year was especially busy with having to go around and do PR for upcoming civic improvement meetings.)

Dondo Yaki, Kamiyamada Onsen style.

'Before' Picture with the Blue Chikuma River and Snow-Capped Togakushi Mtn.

戸倉上山田温泉の花: 芸者さん達 Our Onsen Town's Flower: The Geishas

2011.01.03: その他 Miscellaneous

Annual Geisha Greeting










焼酎飲み放題・歌い放題 90分 3,000円
Tel (026)275-7009
注: 芸者さん達がお座敷中は「ごめんなさい」。


Our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, has so many different faces.

The wide variety of restaurants with chefs always working hard to make innovative new dishes.

The local family-run shops making unique, local products.

The many entertainment spots, from a Geisha drag show theater to a piggy bank museum.

The natural scenic beauty of the Chikuma River and surrounding mountains.

The activites and cultural experiences that are offered, like stained glass making and preserved flower decorating.

And, of course, the various ryokans and onsen bathhouses.

Then, perhaps the most beautiful face is that of the Geisha ladies.

One of our town's geisha houses stopped by our inn for their annual New Years greeting. Having so many beautiful ladies dressed up in full kimono in our lobby at once was like a happy blossoming of color.

Just by chance, one of our guests, an American working at the Tokyo Embassy, was in our lobby when the geisha arrived. He was so pleasantly surprised to see them, and got his camera out right away to take pictures.

As with many of our guests, this guest from the Embassy is fascinated with geisha culture, but isn't in a position to put on a banquet and arrange for geisha entertainment. However, there is good news: Some of the geisha have started a karaoke bar where they work after the banquets. So it's possible to go for drinks and sing karaoke with the friendly presence of kimono-clad geisha.

Snack "Enya"
3,000 yen for 90 minutes including karaoke and shochu (beer and sake extra).
Tel (026)275-7009
(Note: The geisha may not be present due to banquet commitments)

I normally do not patronize the karaoke bars very frequently. Hence, I avoid making recommendations. However, I recently went to Enya with a small group of guys and ladies, and was pleased to find that the kimono-clad geisha presence adds a classy yet fun, bubbly touch to the karaoke pub atmosphere. Highly recommended!

冬の戸隠:ホワイトのパワースポット Togakushi in the Winter: Nature's White Power

2010.12.26: その他 Miscellaneous

Day Trip to Togakushi Winter Schedule





Two of our recent guests asked about the Togakushi shrines. They wanted to take a day trip to Togakushi, but had heard that the shrines were closed in the winter. While the bus service is cut back, and the entertaining Ninja Center is closed for the winter, Togakushi is still very enjoyable in the winter. Chusha (Middle Shrine) is open year-round, and while Okusha (Inner Shrine) is boarded up for the winter, the walk up to it gets enough traffic to keep the snow packed down for easy walking.

In fact, winter can be one of the most magical times to see Togakushi. The massive cedar trees that line the path to Okusha are a big draw -- you really feel the power of nature amidst their enormity. One time, our family went for a walk there at a time of very deep snow. It was a sunny day, and the sunlight reflected off the snow on the ground, making the bark of the cedar tree trunks seem to glow in a deep red color. An unforgettable image.

For people taking public transportation from Kamesei / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, I updated the train / bus schedule. The busses from Nagano Station continue to stop at Chusha during the winter, but skip the Okusha bus stop and go up to the ski slopes instead. But the difference is only about 1-1/2 kilometers, and well worth the walk.

戸隠の詳しくはHPへClick here for the the Togakushi Tourism Bureau website.

Togakushi Okusha's 'Mon' (12/26/10, courtesy Herr Colell)

Okusha's massive cedars (12/26/10, courtesy Herr Colell)

雪猿の冬のアクセス表 Winter Transit Times for the Snow Monkeys

2010.12.05: その他 Miscellaneous

Snow Monkey Winter Transport Times




Nagano Dentetsu, the main source of public transportation up to the Jigokudani snow monkeys, annonced their new winter schedule, with the changes effective 04-December 2010.

Getting to the monkey park from Nagano Station can be confusing -- do you take a bus or train? And if you go by train, how do you get to the park from the end of the line, Yudanaka Station? As many of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan make day trips to see the snow monkeys, I made a graph that matches up the trains from our local Togura Station to the busses and trains from Nagano Station.

From Nagano Station
Basically there are three options to get from Nagano Station to the snow monkey park:

1. Express Bus to Kanbayashi (1300 yen)
NagaDen Bus operates 8+ busses a day from Nagano Station's East Exit up to the ski fields at Shiga Kogen. They stop at Kanbayashi Onsen ("Kanbayashi Onsen Guchi" stop) which is in the vicinity of the Kanbayashi trailhead. From there it is a 30 minute, mostly flat 'promenade' through a beautiful cedar forest.

2. Train to Yudanaka (1,130~1,230 yen)
Nagano Dentetsu provides train service to Yudanaka and Shibu, a pair of classic onsen towns. Service is more frequent than the above-mentioned express busses, and you can choose between local trains (1,130 yen, approx. 1 hour 15 min.) and express trains (add'l 100 yen, as fast as 45 minutes).
NOTE: From Yudanaka Station to the monkey park, you can choose from the following:
A. Local Bus (210 yen)
Roughly matching up with the train arrivals, local busses connect Yudanaka Station to the Kanbayashi trailhead in a quick 7 minutes.
B. "Holiday Shuttle" (800 yen)
Shibu Onsen provides a "Holiday Shuttle" bus from Yudanaka Station directly to the Jigokudani Parking Lot. It is closer to the monkey park entrance than Kanbayashi (15 minutes walk vs. 30 minutes), but is a lot steeper of a walk. Reservations Recommended (tel# 0269-33-3600). The Shuttle runs on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from December to March, with 6 runs each direction per day.

3. Chuo Taxi (from 2,722 yen round trip)
Chuo Taxi offers hassle-free taxi trips to the snow monkey park from Nagano Station. The cost is 17,000 yen for a regular taxi (4~5 people) or 24,500 yen for a jumbo taxi (~9 people) including transportation to Kanbayashi and back, and stand-by time so you can enjoy the monkeys for an hour. Call 026-282-7777 for reservations.

地獄谷野猿公苑のHPはこちらClick here for Jigokudani Monkey Park website.

スノーモンキーホリディーシャトルの詳しくはこちらInfo on the Snow Monkey Holiday Shuttle here.

亀清のクリスマスの飾り Kamesei's Christmas Lights Story

2010.12.04: その他 Miscellaneous




Throughout our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, everyone is putting out illuminations for Christmas. Here at Kamesei, I got out the ladder and put up our lights along the roof line, giving a 3D effect.

Actually, the lights I used are ones that I brought with me from the States. They are lights that we had on my childhood house back in Seattle. I have fond memories of helping my Dad put them up along the roof. Now, I am passing down the 'tradition' to our kids.

Everywhere else at Kamesei, we are switching to LED light bulbs as much as possible. These 40-some year old lights are definitely not 'eco' but hopefully the nostalgic value makes up for that.