新しい物が出来る前に、まずは古い物を壊す Before You Build, You First Gotta Demolish

2011.08.03: その他 Miscellaneous




As we start building Kamesei Ryokan's first family bath, we have a lot of demolition to do at the start. We're using a corner of an old pool for the bath, so we first have to remove much of the concrete from the pool wall.

I don't think I'd want to use a jackhammer every day for my work, but every once in a while like on a job such as this, it's actually kind of fun!

亀清旅館の家族風呂: 今日から作ります。 Kamesei Ryokan's Family Bath: Ground Breaking

2011.08.01: その他 Miscellaneous

The 'Before' Picture



When Mari and I moved to Nagano 5-1/2 years ago to start helping out here at Kamesei Ryokan, we oftened heard comments from our guests that they enjoyed our inn's onsen bath, but would enjoy it even more if there were an outdoor one. "We want to soak in the onsen as we bathe in the starlight," was how one guest eloquently put it.

So, after a lot of effort and help from friends, I built our "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath. And countless guests have enjoyed it over the years.

Since then, a new need has surfaced -- a family bath. We have the guy's bath and ladies' bath, both now with outdoor baths. But it would be great to have a bath that families or couples could enjoy together. So I have broken ground on our next bath. I hope to complete it by the end of October. Check back for updates on the progress.

温泉夏祭りその4:お神輿運転 Summer Festival 4: Driving a Mikoshi

2011.07.17: その他 Miscellaneous










For this year's big Onsen Summer Festival, I switched from the giant shi-shi lion to the omikoshi (see previous entry for omikoshi explanation).

On the first day of the festival, the biggest
'Goshintai' omikoshi is paraded around town in the evening. It carries the, err, object from the fertility-themed Okutsu Shrine.

For the second day, 4 smaller omikoshi are paraded around an even longer route from just after lunch until late at night, at which the Goshintai mikoshi is brought out again for a grand finale.

So, how was my first experience with the omikoshi?

Well, to be honest, it was boring at first. I ended up being in charge of sweeping up garbage for most of the first day. It was my 5th summer festival, but only my first with the omikoshi guys so I figured 'low man on the totem pole...'

But the second day, I started out with a bit more action. I was charged with accompanying the hiko mikoshi on the side, keeping the carriers safe from the surroundings and vice versa. After we put the hiko to rest and brought out the masive Goshintai mikoshi, I was told I wouldn't be needed on the side any more. Instead, I would be at the back pushing the mikoshi.

I thought, "How could I do that? I've never done it before!" But I soon figured out the techniques to follow the leader's baton-like 'onbeh', pushing the mikoshi forward here, twisting to turn it there, and trying to stop it from turning over there. In other words, I was driving the mikoshi!

Was it okay to be having so much fun?! It turns out the mikoshi was a blast!

And talking to our guests the next day, it wasn't just the mikoshi. The lion, taiko drums, fireworks all were so exciting. For a small town, we sure put on an energy-filled summer festival. Hopefully you can come see it next year!

旅館青年部の大事な集まり@…つくばサーキット?! Important Ryokan Junior Assoc. Meeting at -- Tsukuba Circuit?!

2011.07.06: その他 Miscellaneous

Tsukuba Circuit




The Northern Kanto / Niigata / Nagano Block of the Ryokan Junior Association held a major gathering at Ibaraki Prefecture. It was scheduled to take place in March, but got delayed due to the 3.11 earthquake disaster.

At night, we stayed at a ryokan at Tsubasan Onsen. During the ensuing banquet, I became the manager for a ladies pro wrestling team. That will have to be the subject of another blog entry. Just not on this blog!

Anyways, the main event of the gathering was go-cart racing at Tsukuba Circuit. A pro driver showed us some techniques, and we all got a chance to drive on the racing track.

My Dad always told me, one has to work hard, but also play hard. Along with my fellow junior innkeepers, I certainly took care of the latter today.

つくばサーキットのHPはこちらClick here for Tsukuba Circuit's website.

姨捨駅リニュアルオープン:7月24日 Obasute Station's Renewal Open Set For 24-July

2011.07.05: その他 Miscellaneous

Obasute's pre-Renewal Depot


今回のリニューアルセレモニーの目玉改造工事は駅の事務室が整備された事です。「無人駅になぜ事務室が必要か」と思われるかもしれないが、その理由は事務室が「くつろぎの駅」になり、「おばすて くつろぎの駅友の会」の方々がボランティアーでお茶を出したり、周辺の観光案内をしたりする訳です。


Chikuma City's pride and joy Obasute Station has been under construction getting a face lift since the start of spring. The station house is pretty much finished, and now the footbridge is getting touched up.

Everything will be wrapped up by 24-July, or it had better be because that's when JR is holding an official ceremony to commemorate the station's renewal open. JR big wigs will be there along with Chikuma City's mayor and our local Kamuriki Taiko from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

The main part of this restoration is the depot's office. It has been refinished into a 'kutsurogi-no-eki' -- a Relaxation Station. Some may wonder why an unmanned station needs an office. But some local volunteers have agreed to offer tea service at the office.

So come and help celebrate the grand re-opening of Obasute Station on July 24th.

詳しくはJRのHPへClick here for details from JR's website.

また「田毎の月」タイム@姨捨 It's Moon Reflecting Time at Obasute Again

2011.06.15: その他 Miscellaneous

Obasute Rice Fields Reflecting the Moon




The famous moon-reflecting Obasute terranced rice fields are all planted for this season. But the seedlings are still young, meaning this month's full moon is another chance to see the moon reflections.

Last night, I drove to Obasute to check out the scene.
The light of the full moon falling softly over the fields,
The silhouette of Obasute Mountain in the backgound,
The mesmerizing patterns of the rice seedlings in the paddies,
The glistening of the moon's reflection
The gurgling of the water flowing through the fields,
The sounds of the frogs serenading the night.

All in all, a magical scene.

芸術家から見る日本旅館 An Artist's View of Japanese Ryokans

2011.06.01: その他 Miscellaneous

One of Agnes-san's artistic creations











Artists and Onsen.

Onsen and Artists.

Is there a connection? Is it possible to make a connection?

Things are still very much in the planning stages, but I am hoping to put Togura Kamiyamada Onsen together with our local artists. We are fortunate to have a small group of talented artists here in our town. This morning, I had coffee with a husband and wife team of artists: wood block print artist Fumio Wakabayashi and Hungarian-born ceramicist Agnes Husz-san. Both of them, especially Fumio-san, have had many years of ties with Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. I was fortunate to get their perspective on our onsen town and its relation with art.

One of Fumio-san's comments especially struck me:

What is the difference between a business hotel and a ryokan? A hotel is simply a box. A ryokan uses the tokonoma alcove in the rooms to display a piece of art as well as a 'kakejiku' hanging scroll. In other words, the difference is culture.

It made me think about Kamesei. We have an assortment of artwork displayed throughout our inn. Everything from a piece of calligraphy from living national treasure katana-smith Miyairi-san (since deceased) to hand-made quilts from my mom. But a common occurance is for a guest to ask what a particular object is, and for us to say, "I don't know; We'll have to ask the proprietress."

On the other hand is the case of one of the ryokans I most look up to: Yorozuya in Yudanaka Onsen by the snow monkeys. Once I had the privelege of participating in a tour of the inn. When asking about some object, we were told, "Oh, that's from Meiji era. There are only two of them in the world. One is here and the other is in some top class museum in Kyoto."

"Huh, and you have just have it sitting here out in the open with no explanation?"

"Well, if someone knowledgeable sees it and appreciates it, that's great. But if people don't and just walk by, that's fine, too."

We here at Kamesei will never be able to duplicate the level of culture at Yorozuya, but bit by bit we are starting to expand our collection with pieces that have meaningful stories. And connecting with our local artists will be a major part of that.

姨捨情報: 今は田毎の月タイム Obasute News: Now is 'Tagoto no tsuki' time

2011.05.18: その他 Miscellaneous

The elusive 'tagoto no tsuki'






The nearby Obasute terraced rice fields are famous for 'Tagoto no tsuki' -- the moon reflecting in the individual rice paddies. In order to see that, 2 things are required:
1. the moon
2. water in the paddies.

Right now is the full moon (1. OK!), and all the fields have been flooded in preparation for planting (2. also OK!)

So right now is the magical 'tagoto no tsuki' time! Last night I took some guests, and the full moon reflecting in the fields was sereenely beautiful.

NOTE: In order to see the moon reflecting in multiple fields (which 'tagoto no tsuki' mysteriously hints at), I suggest drinking some of the local Obasute Masamune sake first!

姨捨駅・周辺の掃除・工事 Obasute Station Construction Alert

2011.04.11: その他 Miscellaneous

Station Facelift




The Obasute Station station house is getting a heavy-duty cleaning. The normally cute station house is currently covered in green construction netting. But we'll only have to put up with it for a couple of months, and then the facade will surely be even cuter than ever.

In addition, the roads around Obasute Station and Choraku-ji Temple are being torn up for sewage pipe installation. The construction will result in some road closures. Details are on the Chikuma City Tourism Bureau's website.

None of this construction will affect Kamesei Ryokan's 'Obasute Legends / Night View Tour'. So if our guests would like to go on the tour, I would be happy to go with them. And the famous moon-reflecting Obausute rice fields are in the process of being prepared for flooding and planting. Hopefully this year I'll be able to see the moon reflecting in the rice pads.

善光寺平アートライン 春の企画 Zenkoji Plain Art Line's Spring Program

2011.02.26: その他 Miscellaneous

Kitano Museum of Art's Spring Program

善光寺平アートラインの加盟館 北野カルチュラルセンター と 北野美術館 から春の企画のチラシが来ました。




Two of the Zenkoji Plain Art Line museums have sent us their Spring Program fliers:

'Mountain Pilgrimage'
Kitano Cultural Center
March 1st - June 26th
Togakushi Mountain above Nagano City has been a hit lately as a 'power spot'. But the spiritual power of the mountains has been the muse for many an artist from time eternal. This display features paintings inspired by not only Togakushi, but mountains from Asama to Fuji.

'Haru wo Shouyou' (Greeting Spring)
Kitano Museum of Art
March 2nd - May 29th
Spring-inspired artwork by Japan's master painters. Just in time for the season of snow melting and the flowers coming out.

Both museums are approximately 1 hour from Kamesei by car, and are perfect for seeing in conjunction with Zenkoji Temple. Stop by Kamesei first for the fliers which contain discount coupons.

詳しくはHPへClick here for details.