家族風呂工事: 庭の土購入 Building the Family Bath -- Getting dirt for the Garden

2011.10.14: その他 Miscellaneous

Like a Tonka Toy, only bigger!




The family bath we are working on here at Kamesei Ryokan is entering the garden-building stage. I was offered some rice field soil for the garden so my buddy Go-san and his friend and I went to get it.

All those years of experience with playing with toys in the sandbox came in handy! We are working hard to finish the bath by the end of October!

家族風呂工事: 温泉の配管 Building the Family Bath: Connecting the Onsen Pipe

2011.10.07: その他 Miscellaneous



Construction on Kamsei Ryokan's new family bath is going as scheduled. We are working hard to finish the bath by the end of October.

This part of the project is branching off from the main onsen water pipe to bring the water to the new bath. Special thanks to Takai-san from the onsen company for coaching me!

パナマ運河の作った人たちの気持ちが分かる This is what digging the Panama Canal must have been like

2011.10.02: その他 Miscellaneous

Diggin' the canal


英語の言われがあるけど: 血と汗と涙。今回の作業はまさにそう。
まあ、日本語の言われ: 失敗しながら。


The construction of Kamesei's new family bath continues. For the power and water, I wanted to run the lines through the ground, necessitating a ditch. Son Andy and I went to work and powered through the hot weather and hard ground to dig the ditch. Now I know what the guys digging the Panama Canal must have felt like. (Well, maybe just a little.)

As the saying goes, 'blood, sweat and tears'.
The sweat was from doing all the digging work in the hot sun.
The blood was from all the mosquitoes.
And the tears were from when I tapped into what I thought was a drain pipe and turned out to be a live water pipe. Only part of the water streaming down my face was from the impromptu water fountain that resulted.

Needless to say I am having to call in a pro to help me connect the new bath's shower drain to the drain pipes. Japan has a saying, "Shippai shinagara", loosely translated, 'making progress while making mistakes'.

We're still trying to target a end-of-October completion date for the new family bath. Stay tuned.

家族風呂工事: 小屋の内装 Building the Family Bath: Finishing the Structure over the Bath

2011.09.23: その他 Miscellaneous


This summer, we started building a family bath here at Kamesei Ryokan. We are making steady progress. The interior walls for the structure that goes over the bath are starting to take shape. We are working hard to make our end-of-October completion goal.

姨捨「田毎の月」棚田と収穫の月様 The Obasute Rice Fields and the Harvest Moon

2011.09.18: その他 Miscellaneous

The harvest moon (upper right)





Lately I've been taking guests practically every night to see the night view from Obasute. Last night, the air was particularly clear, and the lights from the Zenkoji Plain were especially bright and twinkling. And the moon was coming up in just such a way as to be reflected in the Chikuma River. That, and a fireworks display way off in the distance made for a magical view.

Not to be outdone, tonight's view featured the moon in its harvest-orange coloration. Definitely a memorable sight.

If you come and stay here at Kamesei Ryokan, the night view from Obasute is only 10 minutes away -- I'd love to take you there!

家族風呂工事: 穴掘り Digging a Ditch for the Family Bath

2011.09.16: その他 Miscellaneous


Now I know how the guys who dug the Panama Canal must have felt. I have been digging a ditch to run the water pipes and electricity for the new family bath we are building here at Kamesei Ryokan. I couldn't have picked a hotter time of the year to be doing it.

Hopefully all the blood, sweat and tears will pay off and the soon-to-be-finished bath will be a success!

家族風呂工事: 小屋の壁準備 Family Bath Construction: Prepping the Walls

2011.09.14: その他 Miscellaneous

Wall framing



Our project that we started this summer to build a family bath is progressing along smoothly. We are working hard to complete it by the end of October. Right now, we are putting the walls together for the structure that goes over the bath.

Our carpenter, Murakoshi-san, is of course doing most of the work, but I get to help out with some of the details. As our bath starts to take shape, I'm getting excited about the thought of our guests being able to enjoy it.

本来の中秋の月見 Now this is Moon-Viewing

2011.09.12: その他 Miscellaneous

The full moon over the dimly lit Michishirube path to the Obasute rice fields







Last night I went back to Obasute to see the harvest moon over the famous terraced rice fields. It was after a meeting with the International Cultural Exchange Association planning for our upcoming Halloween event. Anyways, it was rather late, but the moon was out so I decided to stop by Choraku-ji, the moon viewing temple.

I drove my sub-sub-compact pick-up to the back side of the temple. There was a dimly lit path into the rice fields. The whole experience made my feel like a ninja.

Except ninjas probably don't drive mini pick-up trucks...

月見がカマキリ見になりました。 Moon Viewing Became Mantis Viewing

2011.09.11: その他 Miscellaneous

Not the moon, but a mantis.




With the moon being in its Harvest Moon stage right now, last night I went to Obasute Station to view the nearby moon-reflecting Obasute terraced rice fields.

Unfortunately it was overcast, so no moon. Instead, I ran into this praying mantis on the Haiku Post box on the station's platform. He (she?) seemed to be enjoying the view of the night lights from the Zenkoji Plain down below.

Even funky insects seem to like Obasute!

亀清の家族風呂造り: 塀かアート? Building Kamesei's Family Bath: Fence or Art?

2011.09.10: その他 Miscellaneous

Wavy bamboo fence





The work on Kamesei Ryokan's family bath is proceeding along. I put the finishing touches on another section of the fence that leads to the bath.

Our carpenter Murakoshi-san guided the fence making. He hates straight lines, which inspired the wave-like pattern for the bamboo.

If ya gotta make it, might as well make it fun, eh?

(Special thanks to the middle school students and my buddy Hide-san for helping.)