家族風呂工事: 飛び石の通路 Building the Family Bath: Stepping Stones Path

2011.11.10: その他 Miscellaneous

Rice mill stepping stone -- rude or re-use?



The building of Kamesei Ryokan's family bath is continuing. Right now I am working on the approach to the bath, a path made of stepping stones.

When I went to the gravel company to pick out the stones, there were some round carved stones used to mill rice. I thought it would be interesting to use them for the path, too. Some people may think it's rude to use a food-related thing for people to step on. But I think re-using something that has been thrown away is a better use of materials. What do you think?

家族風呂工事: 庭の下準備 Building the Family Bath: Garden Prep

2011.11.07: その他 Miscellaneous

The garden ready for planting



Kamesei Ryokan's private family bath's garden is slowly coming into shape. Our gardener, Okada-san, has placed the large rocks and prepared the soil. In a couple of days, he will plant the trees and flowers.

The bath itself is all ready, but it wouldn't be enjoyable to use without the garden around it. I am really looking forward to the garden's completion.

家族風呂工事: 庭の石設置 Building the Family Bath: Setting the Garden's Rocks

2011.11.06: その他 Miscellaneous

Which side is the 'face'?



Pictures from setting the rocks for Kamesei Ryokan's new private family bath. One of our neighbors has a stack of rocks left over from when they built their garden. He gave some to us for free. Of course, moving them entailed a lot of cost. But our gardener, Okada-san, was thrilled with the quality of the rocks.

Leave it to a gardener to think huge rocks are 'cool'.

Anyways, the trees and smaller plants will be planted this coming Thursday. Then our new bath will be ready for guests to try it out! I can't wait.

Craning in the dirt

家族風呂: 新築祝い  Dedicating the Family Bath

2011.11.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Dedication by Shishi




On the 3rd, the Kamiyamada Kagura Preservation Group came and did a lion dance to dedicate Kamesei Ryokan's new private family bath.

I have been working hard since August on the bath, so to have it dedicated like this means so much to me.

As soon as the garden is finished, we will be able to let our guests use the new bath!

家族風呂工事:プレ・プレオープン New Family Bath -- Pre-Pre-Open

2011.11.01: その他 Miscellaneous

Kamesei's Family Bath pre-pre-open




Rumor had it that Kamesei's private family bath would be finished by the end of October. Or at least that's the date I've been targetting since I started building the bath at the beginning of August.

So, did we meet the target? Well, I went ahead and tested out the bath with onsen water, and everything looks okay. However, the garden is going to take a couple more weeks.

For now, I'm calling it the pre-pre-open!

家族風呂工事: 飛び石通路 Making the Family Bath: Stone Walkway

2011.10.31: その他 Miscellaneous

Stone path starting to take shape.


Work on Kamesei Ryokan's private family bath is progressing. Right now I am working on the stone path approach to the bath. Then I'll do a test-fill of the bath with onsen water for a Pre-Open.

家族風呂工事: 通路の飛び石

2011.10.29: その他 Miscellaneous



家族風呂工事 竹の塀 Building the Family Bath -- Bamboo Fence

2011.10.26: その他 Miscellaneous

The new bamboo fence


The construction on a family bath here at Kamesei Ryokan is proceeding along. I built a fence with the bamboo I had gotten from the bear mountain. Now guests will be able to bathe in private. We had targetted the end of October as a completion date, but it looks like the garden will take a while longer...

家族風呂工事: 熊を注意しながら竹採り Building the Family Bath: Gathering Bamboo in Bear Country

2011.10.19: その他 Miscellaneous

Bamboo and Bear Droppings

今作っている亀清旅館の家族風呂の庭に竹の塀を作りたく、知り合いの山へ行って竹を取りに行きました。それは良いけど、竹株に熊の糞がありました。糞があるという事は本人(本熊?)もちかく? ドキドキしながら竹を取りました。

For the new outdoor family bath I am building here at Kamesei Ryokan, I needed bamboo for a fence. A buddy of mine took me to his lot out in the woods and let me cut down bamboo. That was all fine and well, but there was bear poop by the bamboo patch. Which means bears nearby. So I nervously collected the bamboo I needed, and got the heck out of there!