この為に長野に来ました: スノーシュー@戸隠 This is what I came to Nagano for: Snowshoeing at Togakushi

2012.01.07: その他 Miscellaneous

Misaki snowshoeing at Togakushi






私達は県道36号沿いで車を止めて、普通な靴で杉並び木の入口にある随神門まで歩きました。そしてスノーシューを履いて、左折して、森林植物園に入りました。鏡池向けのコースなのでクロスカントリースキーで人気あるみたい; スキーの後は歩きやすい道となっていました。100mぐらいで先の参道と平行して、入口に戻るトレールがある。というか、雪の下にトレールがあったが、足跡は無かったから雪はそのまま0.5mぐらいの深さでした。





Togakushi Highlands above Nagano City's Zenkoji Temple is in the midst of a popularity 'boom' right now for being a 'power spot'. Our family has been fans of Togakushi's natural energy long before the 'boom', and not just in summertimes but in winter, too.

The last day of our family's New Years holiday, we went for a drive up to Togakushi and had soba for lunch. Then we rented snow shoes and went for a walk to the cedar trees lining the path to 'Okusha', the Inner Shrine.

You may be wondering what the access to the cedar trees (the power spot 'vortex') is like in the winter. The trail is used well enough that even this far into winter, with a half a meter of snow accumulation, the trail itself is compacted enough to travel with normal hiking shoes.

We had a couple from Australia staying at our inn last week. Using a couple of pairs of rubber boots that we lent them, they made the trek to Okusha just fine. The last 200 meters past the trees to the shrine itself can be steep and slippery, so be careful.

In our case, we carried our snow shoes to Zuijinmon gate, the entrance to the cedar trees. Then after putting on our shoes, we walked along the side road towards Kagami-ike (Mirror Pond). This course is popular with cross-country skiiers and the single-track path they created was easy to walk along. After about 100 meters, there is a path parallel to the trail to Zuijinmon Gate that leads back to the entrance. This path had no foot prints or ski tracks -- totally virgin snow.

This is where our snowshoes came in handy!

I trailblazed the way through the powder snow, with the kids and Mari following behind. Going through the cedar tree glens and deciduous tree woods, over the marshes where skunk cabbage comes up in the spring, all with fresh snow criss-crossed with animal tracks -- this is the type of nature only accessible with snow shoes. I was in heaven!

Before we moved to Japan, I had gone snowshoeing fairly frequently in the mountains around Seattle. But this was my first time here in Japan. And Togakushi was the perfect place. I am so glad I came to Nagano!


Info on Togakushi at the following link. On January 21st, the 'Dondo Yaki' fire festival will be held at the Togakushi Chuusha Ski Slopes. Details also at the following link.


Zuijinmon and the 'power' cedars

2m Tyler dwarfed

Andy's first snow shoeing

Trail meant for snowshoeing

Togakushi Forest Preserve

For the little creatures, too

赤ちゃん雪猿+上林温泉ニュース Baby Snow Monkey + Kanbayashi Onsen News

2012.01.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Snow Monkey Baby



五平餅とスパゲティー?すごい組み合わせ。まあ、私は言う立場じゃないですけどね (伝統的な温泉旅館の青い目の若旦那なので…)



I wonder if the Jigokudan snow monkeys realize it's New Years. They seemed oblivious to the larger than normal crowd of people there for the New Years holiday. My old host brother was visiting, so we took him and his family to go see the monkeys. They really enjoyed seeing them, and I got to take a few choice pictures of the monkeys bathing in the onsen, including a really cute baby monkey.

During the winter months, the main access to the snow monkey park is via Kanbayashi Onsen. Near the path entrance is a small restaurant that had previously been closed during the winter. However, Mokubei was open and happily selling their trademark goheimochi (sticky rice with a sweat sauce) as well a Japanese, Chinese and Italian mix of noodle dishes -- soba, ramen, and ... spaghetti.

Hmm, goheimochi and spaghetti -- a rather odd combination. However, I am not one to talk, being the blue-eyed proprietor of a traditional Japanese inn.

By the way, our family's favorite spot for eating by the snow monkeys is the rustic ryokan across the river from the park -- Korakukan. We especially love their 'chimaki' (rice wrapped in bamboo leaves) in addition to their soba.

Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park
Kanbayashi Onsen map

Gohei mochi, soba, and ... spaghetti? Mokubei by the entrance to the snow monkeys path

Monkeys to the right, people (for chimaki) to the left

亀清の家族風呂の「初」雪 Kamesei's Family Bath's FIRST Snowfall

2011.12.26: その他 Miscellaneous

Shinano Buro's first snow





Ever since Kamesei Ryokan's private family bath 'Shinano Buro' was completed just last month, I was looking forward to seeing it with snow. This morning, I got my wish -- over night it snowed about 10cm and the boulders and plants and trees, including the namesake shinano tree, looked so elegant draped in snow.

During the winter months, it tends to be quite chilly. And since Shinano Buro is an open air bath, soaking in this onsen requires a bit of courage. But I believe the experience is a worthy reward. Especially when the surrounding garden is covered in snow.

Kamesei Ryokan's 'Shinano Buro' private family bath is available in 45 minute time slots. Normally the price is 2,100 yen, but during the winter months it is free.

姨捨: 雪のスイッチバック Obasute: Snowy Switchback

2011.12.20: その他 Miscellaneous

Snowy Switchback




A quick 10 minute drive from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, Obasute Station has a unique construction. It is built switchback style.

While dropping off a guest there, I took time to venture out to Platform #2 which serves as a viewing platform for the Zenkoji Plain down below. I was rewarded with a wintery scene of Obasute Station covered in snow, and of the JR Shinonoi Line train coming up from Nagano Station on its way to switchback into Obasute Station.

For train fans like me, that was really exciting!

亀清の玄関から出て、3時間後は冠着山の頂上 Walk Out Kamesei's Front Door, and 3 Hours Later, Be at the Top of Kamuriki Mtn.

2011.12.14: その他 Miscellaneous

Early Winter Hike of Kamuriki-Mtn.









Today, I walked out of Kamesei's front entrance, went down Kamiyamada Onsen's main street about 10 minutes walk to Sarashina Shrine. From there, a road goes up the side of Hachioji-yama and at a saddle point starts a hiking trail to the top of Kamuriki Mountain. There commenced a 3 hour, very strenuous hike to the peak.

On the way up, my buddy and I were rewarded with views of the Chikuma River valley and the Zenkoji Plain down below, as well as of the far off Northern Nagano 5 Peaks and the snow covered Northern Alps. The trail passes a wide variety of microcosms, from oak and beech tree woods to fields of bamboo grass spotted with wrangled, weathered red pines. We saw all kinds of signs of wildlife, such as bear and deer scat as well as fox foot prints. Part of the hike included fixed rope ascents and scrabbles over gravel fields.

All in all, an amazingly enjoyable hike. And all easily accessible from our front door!

I recently helped put together a hiking / cycling map for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen / Chikuma City and surrounds. For our city's signature mountain, this 1252-meter Kamuriki-yama, we showcased the short, 50 minute hike from 900-meter Bojo-daira. However, I had heard that the peak could also be reached by walking along the ridge all the way from Sarashina Shrine.

Hence today, my buddy Peter and I set out from the trailhead, and 3.8 kilometers and 880 meters of elevation gain later, we got to the peak.

All from our inn's doorway. And of course, after the hike, we came back and soaked in our inn's onsen bath.

Awesome hike, awesome onsen -- an awesome day!

Viewpoint over the Chikuma River Valley

Trailhead above Sarashina Shrine

Better view of the viewpoint

Our course. Start = 370m (Courtesy of Peter-san)


2011.12.12: その他 Miscellaneous

Officially Open!

亀清旅館の最新のお風呂は正式的にオープンです: 「しなの風呂」と言う貸切家族風呂。








この冬、どうやってスノーモンキーへ? How to Go to the Snow Monkeys / Jigokudani This Winter

2011.12.09: その他 Miscellaneous

How to go to the Snow Monkeys, Winter 2011/12


Going to see the world famous snow monkeys soak in their onsen bath at Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park is an enjoyable day trip from Kamesei Ryokan.

By car, it is an easy 1 hour drive to the trailhead. But by public transportation, it gets a bit trickier.

From Nagano Station, do you take the train or bus? And if train, how do you get from the end of the line (Yudanaka Station) to the monkey park? And which trailhead is best -- Kanbayashi or from the Jigokudani parking lot?

Fortunately for all of you snow monkey fans, I sorted through all of the options and came up with the main connections. I compiled this train / bus schedule from our local Togura Station changing at Nagano Station to go to the monkey onsen. It is now updated it for this winter's bus schedules.

Most of the public transportation options take you to Kanbayashi, from which it is a 30 minute walk to the monkey park. The trail is relatively flat and goes through a beautiful cedar forest. The patterns and color of the bark on the trees makes for a very photogenic walk. And keep your eyes out for serrow and other wildlife (including a stray monkey or two).

During the winter, Shibu Onsen offers the "Snow Monkey Holiday Minibus" from Yudanaka Station, stopping at Shibu Onsen on the way directly to the otherwise inaccessible Jigokudani Parking Lot. (Info provided by my main man, Yamada-san from Shibu Hotel. The Shibu Onsen website hadn't been updated as of this writing.) From there, it is only about a 15 minute walk to the Park entrance. Although shorter in distance than from Kanbayashi, the trail is considerable steeper.

Regardless of which way you go, proper footwear is highly recommended.

I always suggest to our guests that they take the bus from Nagano to Kanbayashi, enjoy the walk through the cedar trees to the monkey onsen. Then on the way back, cross the river and walk down past the parking lot down the road to Shibu Onsen and on down to Yudanaka Station from where you can catch a train back to Nagano Station. Shibu Onsen is a classic onsen resort with narrow, cobblestone streets lined by historical inns. There's also a footbath you can soak your frozen (?) feet in, as well as a public bath for day trippers.

Monkeys shouldn't be the only ones to enjoy an onsen!

地獄谷野猿HP Website for Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park

亀清旅館の貸切家族風呂 県の許可済み! Kamesei's Private Family Bath: Prefecture-Approved!

2011.12.06: その他 Miscellaneous

One Happy Innkeeper



Kamesei Ryokan's new private family bath "Shinano Buro" now is officially open for business. The Prefecture's Health Department made an inspection, and we got their formal approval.

This bath that we started working on back in August is now available for our guests to enjoy!

Private bath, anyone?

貸し切る家族風呂の仕上がり Putting the finishing touches on the new family bath

2011.11.29: その他 Miscellaneous



I'm putting the final touches on our new private 'family bath' here at Kamesei Ryokan.
As you can see in the picture,
the lip of the bath now has a cut-out for the 'over-flow',
and the 'changing room' portion of the shelter over the bath now has a light.

What do you think about this amount of brightness? One couple that used the bath said the lights were too bright. But I want to make sure there's enough light for safety's sake...

家族風呂工事: 看板木の植えつき Building the Family Bath: Planting the Main Tree

2011.11.12: その他 Miscellaneous



Construction of Kamesei Ryokan's family bath is progressing smoothly. Right now we are working on the garden. Or, I should say, our gardener Okada-san is. He won't let me touch it -- this is going to be a professional garden!

The boulders have been moved into place, and now Okada-san is working on the plants. First the trees, and the first tree is this 5-meter tall Shinano tree. Nagano's historical name is "Shinano", from this tree.

I can't wait to see the finished product!