ナイトビュー姨捨 駅舎掃除 Cleaning the Station for JR's Night View Obasute

2012.04.14: その他 Miscellaneous

Night View Obasute



運転日は と 亀清旅館の空状況
4月20日(金) 空き室 X
4月21日(土) 空き室 △
4月27日(金) 空き室 〇
4月28日(土) 空き室 △
5月2日(水) 空き室 〇
5月3日(木) 空き室 △
5月11日(金) 空き室 △
5月12日(土) 空き室 △
5月25日(金) 空き室 △
5月26日(土) 空き室 〇


JR Nagano is scheduled to run a special "Night View Obasute" train starting 20-April.
The train will depart Nagano Station at 18:48 and arrive Obasute Station at 19:33.
Entertainment will be offered at Obasute Station by the Rakuchikai volunteer guides and a group that specializes in telling folk tales.
The return train departs Obasute at 20:24, and arrives Nagano 20:59.

This is JR Nagano's biggest event. One of my buddies that works at JR, O-san, contacted me to help spruce up Obasute Station in advance of the event. So I brought one of our sons, and we volunteered and helped clean the station's windows.

Hopefully all the guests coming for the special train will enjoy Obasute Station.

ナイトビィー姨捨 Night View Obasute

スノーモンキーへのアクセス 2012年グリーンシーズン Snow Monkey Access for 2012 Green Season

2012.04.02: その他 Miscellaneous

Updated as of 01-April, 2012


Train and Bus access for the snow monkeys / Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park updated for the new April 1st, 2011 schedules. The monkeys look so blissful as they soak in their onsen baths, and the babies will be born in the spring time -- watching those little fur balls run around is so entertaining.

From our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen to the monkey park, it's a 25 minute train ride to Nagano Station changing to either a bus or train/local bus combination for minimum 45 minutes, plus a 30 minute stroll through a beautiful cedar forest. A perfect day trip from Kamesei Ryokan.

戸隠奥社の杉並び木: パワースポット親孝行 Togakushi's Spritual Cedar Trees with Mom and Dad

2012.03.26: その他 Miscellaneous

With Mom and Dad at Togakushi







Above Zenkoji Temple is mountain area called Togakushi. It is in the midst of a popularity boom right now with everyone in Japan for its spirituality. The way to the Inner Shrine is lined by massive cedar trees, trees that give off a strong sense of the power of nature. I like to tell people in Japan that foreigners have no problem feeling that power, too.

My parents are here visiting Nagano, so I took them up to Togakushi for the walk to see (and feel) the cedar trees. Somehow we timed it for a snow storm. But despite the snow and wind, coldness and dampness, we made it to the trees and were able to experience their awesome power.

I am so jealous of everyone here in Japan. They can go take their parents to Togakushi any time, without running into a snow storm, without even having to take an airplane.

Filial Piety, Togakushi style.

I will never forget it.


貸切露天風呂「しなの風呂」の庭に節分草の初咲 Kamesei's New Family Bath: Setsubunsou Flowering in the Garden for the 1st Time

2012.03.23: その他 Miscellaneous

Shibateranthis pinnatifida (Maxim.) Satake et Okuyama




Kamesei Ryokan's new "Shinano-buro" family bath features a garden designed by Okada-san, our gardener. When he built it last year, he planted some bulbs for a rare flower called "Setsubunsou" in Japanese. They have just started blooming, something I have been looking forward to seeing.

Setsubunsou flowers are cute little things, with white petals and purple and yellow centers.

Here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, the nearby Kitty Park (above Togura Station, nicknamed "Tengu-Kouen") has a cluster of setsubunsou growing wild. They attract photographers from far and wide. And justly so. Now perhaps the photographers can come for and enjoy a bath here at Kamesei Ryokan, and get to view more setsubunsou flowers as they soak in the onsen!

北野美術館の春展示 Kitano Museum of Art's Spring Collection

2012.03.16: その他 Miscellaneous



北野カルチュラルセンター「ノスタルジック・シーン ~建物のある風景~」は4月22日まで


Nagano City's Kitano Museum of Art sent us fliers for their Spring 2012 Collection as well as for their sister facility, the Kitano Culture Center.

Kitano Museum of Art "Seishun no Sho" (A Chapter from Youth) through 29-May

Kitano Culture Center "Nostalgic Scenes" Architectural Artwork through 22-April

The two facilities are members of the Zenkoji Plain Art Line. There are a total of 14 members, including the Higashiyama Kaii Museum, the Mizuno Art Museum, Suzaka City's Tanaka Honke and Obuse's Hokusai-kan. This spring would make a perfect time to tour these esteemed art museums.

北野美術館Kitano Museum of Art

千曲市・戸倉上山田温泉「四季彩々」春2012 Togura Kamiyamada's Spring 2012 Brochure

2012.03.05: その他 Miscellaneous

Spring 2012 Brochure with Geisha Show debut


今回、一番嬉しいのは新しい商品が登場しました:芸者ショー。  亀清旅館で外国人観光客小グループが来る時に、三味線一人とたちかた1人を呼んで、30~40分の芸者ショーを時々やっています。芸寮組合と交渉して、全お客さん向きのちゃんとした商品になりました。今回の式彩々でデビュー!


Chikuma City's Tourism Association has released the Spring 2012 edition of its quarterly brochure. (Guess who is the vice-chairperson of the PR committee -- me!)

For this edition, the item I am most proud of is the new Geisha Show. Here at Kamesei Ryokan we had been organizing these mini Geisha shows for small groups of foreigners. With a little negotiation, the "show" has become official, and has made its debut in the quarterly brochure with this edition.

For anyone interested in the brochure, feel free to inquire here at Kamesei.

屋代線さよなら及び姨捨特別列車 Yashiro Line 'Sayonara' & Special Obasute Train

2012.02.27: その他 Miscellaneous


戸倉上山田温泉周辺の鉄道はこの春、一つな悲しみがあります: 屋代駅と須坂駅をつなぐ長野電鉄屋代線は3月31日で廃線です。さよならイベント2つ、そして関係ない姨捨特別列車の情報をお知らせします:

1.長野電鉄「有難う」企画: 小学生無料


3.JR東日本 快速「ナイトビュー姨捨」
篠ノ井線姨捨駅からの夜景を楽しむ為の特別列車。4月と5月の10日間運転する予定です。18:48に長野駅を出発して、姨捨駅で51分待機して、帰りは20:59長野着。姨捨駅にいる間(19:33~20:24)は楽知会と1000 曲森の会のボランティアーガイドが案内(無料)する予定です。電車はリゾートビューふるさとです。

Railroad buffs here in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada are a bit melancholy lately; the local Nagaden Yashiro Line is scheduled to be shut down as of April 1st. There are a couple of 'Sayonara' events scheduled. Following is information on those as well as an unrelated JR Obasute special event train.

1. Nagaden's Yashiro Line Arigato -- Kids ride free
In commemoration of the closing of the Yashiro Line, Nagaden is offering free rides for elementary school kids for 4 days, the next ones being March 3rd and 4th, this upcoming Saturday and Sunday. Kids can ride free all day between Yashiro and Suzaka stations.

2. Shinano Railway "Shiga Revival"
Back in the days before the Nagano Shinkansen, there occassionally were express trains called "Shiga" that ran all the way from Ueno Station in Tokyo, switching at Yashiro, to Yudanaka Station, the gateway to the Shiga Kogen ski area. As a partial "revival", Shinano Railway is offering a ride on one of the original orange and green trains from Karuizawa to Yashiro, hooking up with a separate train from Yashiro to Yudanaka. 2 runs a day for 4 days in March.

3. JR "Night View Obasute"
Special runnings of the Resort View Furusato Train during 10 evenings in April and May to take advantage of the beautiful night view from Obasute Station on the Shinonoi Line. Trains depart from Nagano Station. Volunteer guides will be on hand at Obasute Station to explain the view.

長野電鉄「ありがとう屋代線記念」Nagaden's Arigato Yashiro Line
しなの鉄道「志賀リバイバル」 Shinano Railway's Shiga Revival
JR「ナイトビュー姨捨」JR's Night View Obasute

姨捨夜景: 何百回に何百顔 「月の出」 Obasute Night View: "Moon Rise"

2012.02.12: その他 Miscellaneous

Obasute Moonrise, photo courtesy of Yoomi Kim






Close to our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is a beautiful night view spot, Obasute Station's platform. The station is a quick 10-minute drive from our inn, and features a commanding view of the Zenkoji Plain.

I often take guests there to show them the view. In fact, I've probably gone several hundred times. But each time I go the tour is different. Of course the tour members differ each time. But more than that, the view is also different. I look forward to seeing it every time.

Last night's was really special. While we were enjoying the view from the platform, the moon came up over Kyoudai-san, the mountain on the other side of the Chikuma River. In all the times I've been there for the night view, that was the first time to see the moonrise.

It was amazing.

I hope you can join me for the next Obasute Night View / Legends tour. The next 'amazing' view is waiting!

亀清の貸切露天風呂と...雪遊び? Kamesei's Private Onsen Bath and ... Frollicking in the snow?

2012.01.29: その他 Miscellaneous

Onsen -> Snow -> Onsen?




信州のお正月: どんど焼きと八日堂 New Years Tradtions in Nagano: Dondo Yaki & Yokado

2012.01.10: その他 Miscellaneous

My Nagano life, in sominshouraifu (guess which year I skipped to go to Disneyland)







Here in Nagano, we have a couple of celebrations on the first weekend of the year that, without which, the year doesn't really start.

This past Saturday was Ueda City's Kokubun-Ji Temple's Yokado festival, and the holiday Monday was our neighborhood's 'dondo-yaki' bonfire.

Yokado is mainly celebrated in the evening on January 7th. Everyone gathers in the cold (it was -7C this year!) to pay their respects at the temple, then buys a dharma doll at the dharma market (those guys really know how to bargain with you!), and buy some fried octopus balls or something at one of the food stands (I tried an omelet-frankfurter for the first time). Most important, though, is buying a "sominshouraifu", a hand carved and painted wooden object that supposedly wards off evil and beckons good luck for the new year.
For me, though, these talismans are a symbol of my life here in Nagano. This year, I bought the 4th one, the biggest size. Next year I start over at the 1st one, the smallest. When lined up, the sominshouraifu are a visual reminder to me of how long I've been here.

On Monday, the "Coming of Age Day" holiday, everyone from our Kamiyamada Onsen neighborhood gathered at the park along the Chikuma river, piled up all the spent New Years decorations, and had a bonfire. While the fire is a sensual treat, it is the bonding with the neighbors over sake and fresh-roasted mochi sticky rice that is so meaningful for me. Forget all the civic improvement meetings and the summer festival worries, it is a time for simply slapping a neighbor on the back, wishing them a happy new year, seeing how their children have grown, and having a sake with them.

I feel fortunate to have this community here to bond with!

信濃国分寺 Shinano Kokubun-Ji Temple

With Andy braving the -7C temp's at Yokado

The Dondo Yaki pyre

Happy New Year sake and mochi