亀清旅館の新しい貸切露天風呂「しなの風呂」の初夏 Kamesei's New Family Bath's 1st Summer

2012.07.03: その他 Miscellaneous

幸せになる 亀清旅館の貸切露天風呂「しなの風呂」の初夏






Kamesei Ryokan's private outdoor bath "Shinano-furo" was completed last December. At that time, our gardener Okada-san designed and built a lovely garden for the bath. Now, as the garden is experiencing its first summer, the tree leaves are filling out and the plants are growing; the garden is coming into full, vibrant form.

Shinano-buro's rim is made of 'hinoki' Japanese cypress, the most prized wood for onsen baths. Along with the wood deck, the natural materials complement the garden so well.

Kamiyamada's onsen water with the hearty sulfur fragrance and soft feel to the skin,
The heady aroma of the hinoki wood of the bath,
The lush garden full of natural energy,
and a private bath with that special person.

Come and enjoy Kamesei's 'Shinano-buro' private outdoor bath as it celebrates its first summer.

亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

庭の花マップも Flower Map for the Garden

長野温泉トップ100: 大町温泉資料館 Nagano Onsen Top 100: Omachi Onsen Museum

2012.07.01: その他 Miscellaneous

Onsen pipes on display at the Omachi Onsen Museum




In the previous entry, I mentioned Yakushi-no-Yu in Omachi Onsen. One section of the bathhouse is an onsen museum. There are displays on onsen machinery, history, geology, etc.

I would say the onsen museum here in Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen has a more thorough display, but the one in Omachi has good details specific to Omachi Onsen and hot springs in the Japanese Alps.

It's a must-see for onsen geeks. (This geek just wishes there was more explanation in English...)

大町温泉資料館Omachi Onsen Museum

Onsens in the Japanese Alps

Onsen geology

Onsen History -- Samurai Warlord Shingen's 'secret' Onsens

Wooden onsen pipes

千曲市戸倉上山田 産直ギフト 通販カタログデビュー Togura-Kamiyamada Gift Catalog Debut

2012.06.15: その他 Miscellaneous

Togura-Kamiyamada's new Gift Catalog





Togura-Kamiyamada's Gift Catalog is officially available now. Kamesei Ryokan and all the inns here in the onsen town are offering the catalog to our guests. It contains everything from local sake and miso to soba noodles and apricot products, and even pottery and stained glass.

I sometimes get asked why it is I like Togura-Kamiyamada so much. This is one of the reasons -- so many great people working hard to make so many great products. In fact, making this catalog was my idea. I think it's a great opportunity to share our area's wonderful products with visitors.

姨捨「田毎の月」 2012年 Obasute's Moon Reflecting Rice Fields, 2012

2012.06.07: その他 Miscellaneous

Tagoto no Tsuki, 2012






"Okay everyone, shall we head back to the inn for a soak in the onsen baths?" I was getting ready to shuffle the guests back to the car for the trip down the hill to Kamesei Ryokan. This was the Obasute Night View / Legends trip I often take our guests on.

As I finished showing everyone the lights of the Zenkoji Plain down below and told the tales of local legends, we were just ready to depart from Obasute Station when the a yellowish glow came up in the distance.

"Wait, the moon is starting to come up." The nearly full moon was just peaking over Kyoudai-san, the mountain across the Chikuma River valley.

The Obasute terraced rice fields are famous for "Tagoto no Tsuki", the moon reflecting in the individual rice fields. In order for the light to reflect in the fields, there needs to be water in them.

Which means planting time.

Which means now!

It was perfect timing to see this year's Tagoto no Tsuki!

朝霧の冠着山の頂上 Kamuriki Mtn.'s Peak in the Morning Mist

2012.06.01: その他 Miscellaneous

Torii arch at the top of Kamuriki Mtn. Shrouded in morning mist.



A 30 minute drive followed by a 20 minute hike, and we made it to the top of 1252-meter Kamuriki Mountain.
Set out the gear, pop the tents, a campout with the kids.
Camp food dinner overlooking the lights of the Zenkoji Plain.
Early to bed, wake up with the sun.
Mountain top shrouded in fog. Mysterious mist swirling around the torii arch.
Simple breakfast, pack up, back down the mountain and straight to Kamiyamada Elementary School.

Our first camping of the year. It won't be our last!

姨捨「田毎の月」棚田 田植えの手作業 Planting the Moon Reflecting Obasute Terraced Rice Fields

2012.05.16: その他 Miscellaneous







If I had a day with absolutely nothing to do, I'd love to spend it simply watching the planting of the rice fields. There's something therapeutic about the rhythm of someone planting the rice seedlings by hand. Done in the same way, in the same types of rice paddies, as has been done generations, eons ago.

The terraced rice fields of Obasute, a 10 minute drive from our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, have been flooded and planting has started. It just amazes me to think of the work that went into building these famous, moon-reflecting rice fields.

I could just sit and watch the planting for hours.

Of course, it probably would be more appropriate to not just watch, but get into the field and help with the planting. I can just imagine the feel of the paddy's mud oozing through my bare toes....

亀清の新しい貸切風呂に今度は紫の花 Kamesei's New Private Bath; Purple Wildflowers in the Garden

2012.05.09: その他 Miscellaneous

Purple flowers blooming in Shinano-buro's garden




Kamesei Ryokan's new "Shinano-buro" private outdoor bath features a garden built by our master gardener Okada-san. This is the garden's first spring, and we have been enjoying quite a show of one flower bloom after another. Right now these 2 types of purple flowers are blooming right by each other.

Okada-san did a splendid job of making a garden that pleases the eyes wherever you look. Rare alpine plants here, beautifully patterned rocks there, and magnificent trees towering over it all.

While soaking in the onsen bath, it is possible to bathe in the beauty of the garden, as well.

And this spring, the garden is at its finest!

The bath with its garden coming into form

姨捨「田毎の月」棚田: 次の満月が5月6日 Obasute's Moon Reflecting Terraced Rice Fields -- Next Full Moon is May 6th

2012.05.01: その他 Miscellaneous




10 minutes by car from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada are the famous moon-reflecting terraced rice fields of Obasute. Preparation for rice planting is proceeding -- several of the fields are already flooded in advance of the planting.

That means its time for the moon reflecting. The next full moon will be on May 6th. When the full moon rises over Mt. Kyoudai on the far side of the Chikuma River, it comes up in such a position so as to reflect in the individual rice paddies. (A little sake no doubt helps to see it properly.)

Many haiku poets and ukiyoe artists have come to see the moon reflecting in the Obasute rice fields. Perhaps the moon can be your muse, too.

春が来た!森「杏の里」満開 Spring is Here! Apricot Blossoms in Mori are in Full Bloom

2012.04.19: その他 Miscellaneous








It's been a long, cold winter, but seeing the apricot trees in full bloom in Mori Valley (aka "Apricot Village") makes me forget about all that harshness. Mori is a 15 minute drive from our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, and the apricot blossoms there are the highlight of spring for all of Chikuma City.

I drove through the valley on the 19th, and was met with the most beautiful sight of this rural valley literally covered in the delicate whitish-pink apricot blossoms.

Spring is finally here!

The blossoms will be in their peak the weekend of the 21st and 22nd. Depending on what the weather does, they may be around 'til the end of April.

Meanwhile, the cherry blossoms in Chuo Park behind Kamesei Ryokan, our inn here in Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, have also come into full bloom. The local ladies guild is selling food and drink this weekend, so 'hanami' revellers should be able to enjoy the blossoms.

姨捨棚田・長楽寺の新しい看板 New Signs at Obasute Chouraku-ji Temple

2012.04.17: その他 Miscellaneous

New Signs at Choraku-ji Temple in Obasute




Lately I've been going to Obasute Station often to help out with spring cleaning and planting flowers. On one such trip, I stopped to see the Choraku-ji,the historic temple located to the side of the famous moon-reflecting Obasute terraced rice fields. I was pleased to see there are new signs at the temple. They explain how the rice fields have been designated as a nationally-recognized scenic spot, as well as explanations of some of the areas legends.

When visiting Obasute, I highly suggest stopping to see Choraku-ji. It is only a 15 minute walk from Obasute Station, and for visitors coming by car, there is ample parking at the nearby Obasute Tourist Center. Inside the Center is a soba restaurant, Rakugetsu-an.

Planting Flowers with O-san and T-san at Obasute Stataion's platform

Tsuki-mi (Moon-Viewing) Soba at the Rakugetsu-an