英美アナウンサーに戸倉上山田案内 Guiding Announcer Emi-san around Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen

2013.06.02: メディア Media

Showing Emi-announcer the Kara Koro footbath




Nagano Broadcasting's announcer Emi Ono-san is featured in a TV show with her travelling to various locations throughout Nagano Prefecture. On the 2nd, she came to our Chikuma City. In the morning, she helped plant rice at the famous moon-reflecting Obasute terraced rice fields. After that she came to our onsen town for a soak in the footbath. NBS contacted me to act as her guide.

At the end of the shooting, they asked for my Top 10 'Best of Nagano' list. It was kind of all-of-the-sudden, so I'm not sure how my response came out. But after thinking a bit, here is my proposal:
1. Mountains
2. Onsens
3. Local food (soba noodles, oyaki dumplings, wild mushrooms, river fish, etc.)
4. Local products (here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen we have Sarashina pottery, miso makers, marinated river fish, etc.)
5. Fruit (especially Kamiyamada's apples
6. Flowers (like the apricot blossoms in Mori)
7. Samurai history
8. Spirituality (the massive cedar trees of Togakushi)
9. Snow
10. People!

The show is scheduled to air on Saturday June 15th from 9:55 to 10:40. Stay tuned!

ほほ笑みチャンネル Hohoemi Channel TV show

亀清の貸切露天「しなの風呂」が千曲市の代表に?! Kamesei's "Shinano-buro" Family Bath as Chikuma City's Face?

2013.04.03: メディア Media

Chikuma City's new official brochure, with a coverphoto of an onsen bath that looks familiar...





特に、私が観光協会のこのパンフを作成する委員会に入っている… 偶々欠席した会議で決められたのかな?


Chikuma City's Tourism Bureau released the newest Guide Book brochure for the city. The cover has 4 pictures representing our city's four seasons:
Fall leaves at Choraku-ji Temple,
Snow-covered terraced rice fields at Obasute,
Apricot blossoms from Mori "Apricot Village"
and, a outdoor bath and garden of one of the ryokans in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

Hey, wait a minute,

That's Kamesei Ryokan's new outdoor family bath, "Shinano-buro"!!!

While of course I'm elated our bath was chosen to represent the city on the cover of the brochure,
I'm a bit surprised as to who/what/when the picture was taken, and how our bath's picture got chosen for the cover. Especially as I am on the committee that makes the brochure. I missed one meeting, and that must be when the decision was made.

Anyways, we now have the new brochures available for anyone that is interested, and we will now work doubly hard to make the best out of Kamesei's Shinano-buro, now that it represents the entire city!

亀清旅館がオール讀物にばれた Kamesei's Secret is out to All Yomimono

2013.04.02: メディア Media

Great Essay by Mayumi Yamazaki-san in the April 2013 issue of All Yomimono

温泉エッセイストの山崎まゆみさんは2月に亀清旅館に泊まりに来て頂きました。その時に一緒に食事も取れて、二人で温泉のことなど色んな話で盛り上がった。その時にまゆみさんは少し含み笑いしているかなと感じました。文藝春秋の月刊「オール讀物」4月号で分かりました: その話からまゆみさんの頭の中でエッセーが生まれて来ていた。



Back in February, onsen essayist Mayumi Yamazaki-san came and stayed at Kamesei Ryokan. It was such a pleasure to be able to host her, and the two of us had some great conversation about onsens and life and working on promoting our various projects. At the time, I sensed something else was going on in the corner of her lips when she smiled. Now, thanks to the April issue of The All Yomimono magazine, a sort of monthly Readers Digest in Japan, I realized what was going on: An idea for a magazine article was taking shape in Mayumi-san's head.

Hence this story entitled: "An Onsen Secret: The Blue-Eyed Innkeeper". Mayumi-san wrote about several episodes in my life here as an American proprietor of a traditional Japanese inn, such as building an outdoor bath by hand in honor of Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen's over 100 years of history, and how a ryokan's 'omotenashi' service comes across as magic. Some of the things she mentioned strike me as being a bit severe, but overall she did a great job of capturing the essence of my life here.

Mayumi-san, thank you for the great essay!

オール讀物 All Yomimono

ディープ女子会プラン登場♪ New "Girls Night Out" Stay Plan

2013.03.04: メディア Media





1.夕食の時にワンドリンク付き (酎ハイ又はソフトドリンクの中から好きなものを選択)
2.夕食後、ダブルデザート♪ (若旦那の手製アイスクリームデザート♪)


食事: 夕食・朝食付き Chef武井の手をかけた料理。お部屋もしくは個室で出します。
風呂: 24時間で100%かけ流し。露天風呂付きの大浴場、男女別(入れ替え制度)と貸切露天風呂(有料)
部屋: 10畳トイレ付
特典: 女性限定で酎ハイ又はソフトドリンク1本付き



本日のFM長野にこの青い目の若旦那とディープなインタービュー Close and Personal Interview on Today's FM Nagano

2013.02.28: メディア Media

FM Nagano's Fujiwara Team

本日のFM長野のお昼番組「千曲市浪漫紀行 すいっちばっく姨捨」(2月28日の12:00-12:49)に千曲市の代表的な方シリーズでなんと、亀清旅館の青い目の若旦那(=私)のインタービューが放送される予定です。


Today's FM Nagano lunchtime program "Switchback Obasute" will feature an interview with Kamesei Ryokan's Blue-Eyed Proprietor (= me!) as part of their on-going series about outstanding people in Chikuma City.

Lead 'personality' Fujiwara-san and director Fujiwara-san (double-Fujiwara!) interviewed me at the Chikuma City satelite studio the other day. Their questions got a lot more personal than any TV or radio interview I've had so far. So if you are by your radio and in Nagano for lunch today, tune in!

FM Nagano すいっちばっく姨捨

亀清旅館のYoutubeデビュー Kamesei Ryokan's YouTube Debut

2013.02.18: メディア Media

Kamesei Ryokan, now on YouTube


The two TV shows from last week that featured Kamesei Ryokan have been posted to YouTube. (All in Japanese.)

☆新New☆長野放送いとうまい子旅 2013.3.02
Nagano Broadcasting "Travels with Maiko Itoh"
Click Here

NHK・長野の「知るしん」温泉特集 2013.2.15
NHK-Nagano's "Shirushin" Onsen Special
Click Here

毎日放送(全国)「知とこ」日本の文化を大事にしている外国人コーナー 2013.2.16
Mainichi Broadcasting's Saturday Morning Show's Corner on Foreigners Preserving Japan's Culture
Click Here

そして、もう2つの番組 And 2 others. Also in Japanese.

NHK千曲川紀行 ft.田中洋次さん 2012.11.1
NHK's Special: Chikuma River Travels ft. Yohji Tanaka
Click Here

テレビ朝日スーパーJチャンネル 2013.1.8
TV Asahi's Super J Channel news
Click Here

最後はもう一つ。おまけに And last but not least, one for fun.
Tyler @ Sumo

テレビ出演告知#3: 千曲市x長野放送 Upcoming TV Appearance #3: NBS Chikuma City Special

2013.02.12: メディア Media


「わがまま!気まま!旅気分 ~2013信州・千曲市~」
タレントさん いとう まい子 が千曲市を紹介する旅番組。





And the 3rd upcoming TV show:
"Greedy Self-Indulgent Vacation 2013 -- Chikuma City, Nagano"
Travel show featuring actress Maiko Itoh.
Scheduled to be broadcast on Saturday March 2nd:
14:00-14:55 within Nagano Prefecture on NBS,
11:00-11:55 nation-wide on BS Cable (Fuji Channel)

Actually, for this show Kamesei Ryokan payed a sponsorship fee to be featured. We really didn't want to, as we've used up our entire advertising budget for the year. Plus, I really suspect that viewers will be able to tell this show is just one long commercial. However, the ad agency cried that Chikuma City's mayor had personally organized the show, and that all the other inns had declined, and what a waste it would be for Itoh-san to tour Chikuma City and not come to one of the many great onsen inns, so do it for Chikuma City!

Civic duty won out.

Regardless of whether TV crews feature our inn for pay or for free, the shooting takes a lot of our time and energy. The Mainichi Broadcasting team wanted to film the Obasute Night View Tour I provide for guests. Normally after returning from the tour, I go back to our room, eat dinner and collapse in bed. This time, as I was about to go up to our room the director said, "Wait, one last interview." And then after the interview, "Wait, I need pictures of you from back in Seattle." I started to wonder just how much I have to sacrifice for TV, but then I realized the director still had to return to Osaka via Tokyo that night and then do all of the editing.

Those directors, cameramen, technicians, drivers etc. work amazingly hard. I have come to appreciate their efforts, and their artistry in making these TV shows.

Watch on YouTubeで見る

テレビ出演の告知(1): NHK長野2月15日「知る信」 Upcoming TV Appearance (1): NHK-Nagano Feb 15th

2013.02.10: メディア Media

Director Maeda-san working his silver screen magic


次は2月15日(金)夜7時から 長野県限定

スタジオで以前に亀清旅館にお越しになった信州出身の俳優 峰 竜太さんと私が憧れている温泉エッセイストとビジットジャパン大使 山崎 まゆみさん。


Ever since TV Asahi came and did a show on Kamesei Ryokan over the New Years Holiday, we have been busy with TV crews. It's a great chance to promote our inn and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada!

Next up is a show called "Shiru-Shin" produced by NHK's Nagano branch. It will be broadcasted on Friday February 15th from 7pm, and will only be shown in Nagano Prefecture. Apparently it will be a 1-hour special about Nagano's onsens, and will include a feature on our inn and Togura-Kamiyamada. My work helping buddy Peter Ninnes on his "Nagano Top 100 Day-Use Onsens" will also be shown.

The show's theme is "Happy Onsen Stories". I am looking forward to watching it, as I know Nagano's onsens are full of great stories. I'm sure director Maeda-san will make the Kamesei Ryokan part of the show interesting. And in the studio will be two guests who have been to Kamesei, Nagano-born actor Ryuta Mine and Onsen Essayist and Visit Japan Ambassador Mayumi Yamazaki.

知る信 Shiru-shin

朝日新聞に亀清旅館と長野県のEcoコイン制度 Kamesei Ryokan and Nagano's Eco Coin Program in Asahi Newspaper

2013.01.18: メディア Media

Kamesei's Eco Coin Participation Featured in the Asahi Shimbun





This morning's edition of the Nagano issue of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper has a feature article on the prefecture's Eco Stay program, including the new Eco Coin deal. Kamesei Ryokan is listed as one of the case examples.

For Eco Stay, Kamesei has incorporated such environmentally friendly actions as using a woodburning stove to heat our lobby, recycling the disposable chopsticks, Yutanpo hot water bottles, LED lights, etc.
For Eco Coin, we ask our guests to be kind on the environment by not using the bath towels and disposable tooth brush set. In return, Kamesei Ryokan makes a donation to the Nagano forestry conservation effort.

I am glad Asahi Newspaper's reporter Narita-san shined the spotlight on this positive effort by Nagano Prefecture hotels and inns.

朝新聞 Asahi Shimbun

今日のテレビ朝日のスーパーJチャンネル: 青い目の若旦那のお正月 Today's TV Asahi Super J Channel: American Innkeeper's Japanese New Years

2013.01.08: メディア Media





On TV Asahi's "Super J Channel" program tonight, for their 'International Couples' series, the topic will be how a certain American innkeeper celebrates the New Years in the Japanese countryside.

Director Uehira-san had previously done a show about me and one thing I realized is that he is an artist when it comes to making a show that tells a story. So I was glad to cooperate with this latest production. He stuck to me like glue for 4 solid days, shooting footage of all the cross-cultural and cross-generational clashes, the insanely early mornings and the deep, deep snow. I think it will be a great representation of New Years here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada as well as Nagano Prefecture.

So if you're by the TV tonight, check out the program that will air sometime between 16:53 and 19:00 in the greater Tokyo region. Hopefully in the coming days it will be rebroadcasted by Nagano Asahi TV as well.

スーパーJチャンネルSuper J Channel