温泉業界のキーパーソン(!?) The Onsen World's Key Person (?!)

2009.10.23: メディア Media

温泉エッセイストの山崎まゆみさんにインタビューされまして、日本温泉協会の「温泉」という雑誌で亀清旅館を紹介してくれました。YOKOSO!JAPAN 大使の山崎さんの海外の温泉の経験、そして海外から来ているこの私の日本の温泉の思いについての記事です。



Kamesei was featured in the September / October issue of the Japan Spa Association's journal "Onsen". Onsen essayist Mayumi Yamazaki wrote about her experiences in hot springs oveseas, and then about the thoughts of yours truly from overseas on Japan's onsens. Mayumi-san is a Yokoso-Japan Goodwill Ambassador.

I am honored to be featured in such a prestigious industry publication. Soon after the issue came out, we received a visit by Onsen Mineral Spring Researcher Saito-san from neighboring Gunma Prefecture. He apparently wanted to experience first-hand the 100 Year bath I built that was featured in the article. Saito-san surprised me with his fluent, technical English. Apparently he studied chemistry at the Grad School level in the States.

I am flattered by this attention from my onsen colleagues and realize how much more study on my part is needed to join the community of Onsen Researchers.

山崎まゆみさんのHPはこちらClick here for Mayumi Yamazaki-san's website.

斉藤さんの「温泉道大全」のHPはこちらClick here for Saito-san's "The Way of the Onsen" website

TV東京が亀清の100年風呂をクレーンカメラで! TV Tokyo Crew with Crane Camera

2009.09.26: メディア Media


TV Tokyo will air an "Onsen Idiots" special on 11-October at 7pm, with a feature on Kamesei Ryokan and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The filming finished up today, climaxing in shooting our 100 Year Bath outdoor bath with a crane camera. We've had a number of film crews here over the years, but this is the first time with a crane camera. They took some pretty cool footage! I am looking forward to seeing the show on tv.

「極上湯の宿」に選ばれた! "Top Onsen" Recognition

2009.09.17: メディア Media






This month's issue of Carrel, a lifestyle magazine from neighboring Niigata Prefecture, has a feature on 16 Top Class Onsen Inns. Kamesei's "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath was selected as one of the 16.

This makes me happy.

Very, very happy.

Over the past few years, Kamesei has been featured in a number of newspapers, magazines and local TV shows. However, most of the time it has been about me, the American innkeeper in Japan. This time, the article is not about the American innkeeper, it's about the outdoor onsen bath that the American innkeeper built by hand. That's what I built it for -- for guests to enjoy Kamiyamada's relaxing hot spring mineral water surrounded by a tree-filled garden with a historical theme to it. It makes me happy that Carrel Magazine picked our bath in their Top Onsens feature!

キャレルの詳しくはこちらClick here for info on Carrel

中日・名古屋への宣伝Caravan to Nagoya

2009.09.08: メディア Media

Today I went on a PR caravan to Nagoya with some fellow innkeepers and members of the Chikuma City Tourism Bureau. In the morning we stopped at the headquarters of Nagoya's main newspaper, Chunichi Shimbun (picture), and in the afternoon we participated in a presentation sponsored by Nagano Prefecture for Nagoya-area travel agents. We tried our best to spread the news of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and Chikuma City's tourism possibilities.
The Chunichi guys will supposedly run an article in their newspaper about our town's recent tourism-related efforts. If / when we find out when the article will come out, I'll post a notice of it here.
One thing I was really curious about was how in the world the pictured truck and airplane fit were put into the lobby!

旅行読売の自由席に載って(乗って?)いる Riding Yomiuri Ryoko's Non-Reserved Seat

2009.08.28: メディア Media


The October edition of travel magazine "Yomiuri Ryoko" just arrived. This month's magazine features a column on Kamesei Ryokan. The "Jiyuseki" (Non-Reserved Seat) column is kind of hidden away on page 93, but there I am! A variety of people have been featured in Jiyuseki, from Hoshino-san, the owner of a successful Karuizawa resort, to a farmer raising a unique heritage vegetable. Pick up a copy at your local bookstore, or come on by Kamesei -- we have a couple copies you can read.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

オッ、ABN! オッ、ボビーとセイン!Oh, ABN! Oh, Bobby and Thane!

2009.07.31: メディア Media




Local TV station Nagano Asahi and their sister station in neighboring Niigata are putting together a travel variety show featuring two Japanese TV celebrities, Bobby Ologun and Thane Camus. The two came and stayed here at Kamesei. The show will be aired locally on 24-August. I won't spoil the program, other than to say there was a very lively performance involving my fellow Kamiyamada Okagura lion dance members.

Often times, these media "celebrities" have 2 personalities, "on-camera" and "off-camera". Bobby and Thane, on the other hand, had us constantly cracking up regardless of whether the camera was there or not. Mari and I had a pleasant late-night dinner, just the 4 of us, after the shooting, then us boys went out for a "walk" in the bar district. I definitely got the notion I'm not the only hard-working foreigner here in Japan -- Bobby and Thane made a great, positive impression on us.

Actually, there's one more PR-related thing to mention. Monthly travel magazine "Ryoko Yomiuri" interviewed me for their "Jiyuseki" column, to be in the September issue. Keep your eyes out for it!

Bobby's website ボビーさんのHP

Thane's websiteセインさんのHP

Now listed on japaneseguesthouses.com 新しいHPに紹介されました

2009.06.05: メディア Media


If you do a websearch for "ryokan", you are likely to come across the Kobe-based japaneseguesthouses.com website. They have an in-depth description about ryokans, including tips on staying at an inn as well as a description about the various types of ryokans. It's a website that I've admired for a long time.

Now they have added a page introducing Kamesei Ryokan. Apparently our efforts in making Nagano a friendlier place for foreigners to travel has been recognized, and they added us to their list of inns. Hopefully this will raise awareness about Kamesei and lead to more guests from overseas enjoying our traditional onsen ryokan.

亀清のページはこちらClick here for the Kamesei page.

東京への商談会x2 Sales Conferences in Tokyo x2

2009.06.02: メディア Media

Manning the Chikuma City booth

Now that Zenkoji Temple's once-every-seven-years Gokaicho event is over, things here at Kamesei are pretty quiet.
That's a good thing -- it means I can go to Tokyo for two days of sales meetings. June 2nd was the "Nagano Inbound Seminar / Sales Conference 2009", and the "Nagano Prefecture New Travel Products Sales Conference" was held on the 3rd.
At the Inbound Seminar, a representative from JNTO presented figures on how tourist numbers have been affected by the world-wide economic slump and, more recently, by the Swine Flu. Long-term trends remain positive, with restrictions on Chinese tourist visas to be lifted in July, and more Asians making yearly trips to Japan for shopping, as well as the continued popularity in the West of Japanese pop culture.
At the sales discussions that followed, I enthralled a newspaper reporter from Indonesia with the Obasute-yama legend, met a lady from Russia representing Intourist, and, afterwards, did some sightseeing at Tokyo Tower with two people from a travel agent that deals with agents in the China Towns in North America.
At Wednesday's sales conference, I manned the Chikuma City table, where we were able to spread the word about our town's many options for day excursions, from making your own miso paste to doing Nordic walking along the Chikuma River.

Zojo-ji Temple nearby the event site



ABN駅テレvs戸上温泉 + りんご丸vs亀清 Local TV to feature Togura Kamiyamada & Kamesei

2009.05.07: メディア Media

Andy and Kenny playing with Ringomaru



We had a funky guest today -- a huge apple! "Ringomaru" is local TV station ABN's character. He came to Kamesei and took a bath, ate a meal, and played with our kids. It's part of their TV special that will be aired this Saturday May 9th from 9:30 to 10:30am.

ABNの「りんご丸」のHPはこちら Click here for ABN's Ringomaru website.

海外HPにも評価が高い "Top Rated" from overseas guests, too

2009.02.17: メディア Media

そして、海外からの旅行者の利用しているhostelworldからこのTop Ratingを受賞致しました。
Kamesei Ryokan is a small inn, so we have to try that much harder on the little things to make our guests happy. The results are starting to add up in the form of favorable reviews from our guests.
Our customer ratings with Jalan, Japan's largest domestic ryokan reservation website, are as of today (out of a total of 5 points): 4.5 Overall, 4.4 Breakfast, 4.7 Service, 4.3 Bath, 4.7 Dinner, 4.0 Cleanliness; only our Room ranking, 3.7, is low.
With Members Club Yuko Yuko, from their next catalog we will have favorable rankings for Service, Meals and Bath; only Room will be missing.
Now, we also received "Top Rated" marks from our main overseas booking agent, hostelworld.com.
We thank everyone for their support, and we plan on redoing several of our rooms' gardens this summer to hopefully allow our guests to enjoy the rooms more.