Interview on the japanofiles インタビュー

2010.06.09: メディア Media

Dave's excellent podcasts


Dave Carlson is a resident of the Matsumoto area with an ambitious hobby. He hauls around his sound recording equipment, interviews people, goes back and edits the recording, then puts up podcasts on the web. Dave focuses on foreigners making a difference here in Nagano. I was guest #24. You can here all about my story of becoming an American innkeeper in Japan on Dave's Japanofiles website.

Click here for the JapanofilesのHPはこちら

亀清の露天風呂が戸倉上山田温泉の代表?Kamesei's Outdoor Bath Togura Kamiyada's Representative?

2010.06.01: メディア Media

I've seen that outdoor bath somewhere...


Kamesei Ryokan's "100 Year Bath" is the feature picture for Chikuma City Tourism Association's summer brochure!
Actually, I am on the team that puts together the brochures. For the feature on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, an issue came up with the picture that was scheduled to be used, so when asked if anyone has a summer-y picture of an outdoor bath, I raised my hand. Looking around, I realized I was the only one raising his hand. My "senpai" senior reprimanded me, "Even with all the baths my inn has, I've never pushed to have one featured in the city's publications!" Oh well, at least the city has a nice photo for its brochure! And I'm glad the bath I built by hand myself is being useful for the town!

千曲市観光協会のHPはこちらClick here for the website of the Chikuma City Tourism Association.

フジテレビを見た皆様に感謝 A Big Thank-You to All Who Saw Us on Fuji TV

2010.05.22: メディア Media

5月20日OAのフジテレビ「スーパーニュース」特報:国際結婚 青い目の若旦那の反応がすごいです。番組で紹介されたこのブログはなんと30人+の方々からコメントを頂いた(通常は月に3,4人です!)、そしてアクセスの数はなんと12,580個の日でした(今までの平均は一日に1500個!)。


The feedback from Fuji Television's special report on Kamesei Ryokan that was aired on Thursday 20-May has been amazing. 30+ people were kind enough to write a comment on our blog (we normally only get 3+ a month!), and looking at the blog's access numbers, it was 12,580 the day after the show aired. (Normally the average is 1,500 per day.) And the TV company called up and said they've already gotten requests to for re-broadcasting the show. With all the work the cameramen, directors, producers, editors, sound / narration, etc. did, I am glad the show will get additional airings!
Normally I would like to send each and every one of the 30+ commentors a personal thank-you, but due to the large amount of numbers, I won't be able to. So instead, I would like to pass on my appreciation via this blog article. I hope to keep up my efforts in using the best of my western as well as Japanese "omotenashi" in running Kamesei Ryokan, and I hope for everyone's continued encouragement!

フジテレビのスーパーニュースのHPはこちらClick here for Fuji TV's Super News website.

東京のテレビ放送との行き違い Just Missing Our Fuji TV debut in Tokyo

2010.05.20: メディア Media

Meeting in the Clouds -- the JIG meet was in one of these Shinjuku skyscrapers


Last month, a TV crew from Fuji Television worked hard on shooting Kamesei Ryokan for a special on international marriages. Apparently the show was broadcasted this evening during their prime time Super News program. That program isn't shown here in Nagano, so we couldn't see it. But actually, I went into to Tokyo today for the Japanese Inn Group's annual general meeting. However, I had to catch a highway bus right before the show was broadcasted, so I have yet to see it. Apparently Kamesei and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen were portrayed really well. I am looking forward to showing guests who come after seeing the program an enjoyable time here in Nagano!

タイラーvs。SBCラジオの俳句番組 Me vs. SBC Radio's Haiku Program

2010.01.26: メディア Media





In the outdoor bath
Lightly falling on my face
Snow falls from the sky

What do you think? That is my attempt at a Nagano-themed, seasonal haiku poem.

Today I went to the studios of SBC Radio to partake in a special haiku program. Oh-san, an engineering student at Shinshu U. originally from China, and Yuki-san, born in Brazil, and I were taught some of the intricacies of haiku by Tofukuji-sensei. And through haiku, we compared the traditions and cultures of Japan, China, Brazil and America.

Back when I was in grade school, I remember studying haiku once. I'm pretty sure it was in third grade. I was really drawn to the challenge of squeezing an image into the 5-7-5, and continue to be fascinated by haiku today. It was a treat to have Tofukuji-sensei explain more about the world of haiku.

I am looking forward to hearing the radio broadcast!

SBCラジオのHPはこちらClick here for SBC's website

東福寺先生の俳句HPはこちらClick here for Tofukuji-sensei's haiku website.

亀清旅館の近々の取材 Kamesei's Upcoming Media Appearances

2010.01.22: メディア Media

JP Time TVのRieさん



香港のJP Time TVで亀清旅館のLunch with a Geishaが紹介される予定です。インターネットでご覧になっていただけます:





インドネシアの「Female Living」という雑誌で旅行の記事で亀清旅館がされる予定だそうです。先日はその記者がお越しななりましたので3月号で載ると仰いました。


Over the New Years holiday, a local TV station rebroadcasted the Tokyo TV "onsen baka" show that featured Kamesei Ryokan. Several people in town have since mentioned that they saw us on TV, and wished us luck keeping up our good efforts. I suppose it is often the case that people get jealous of someone being on TV, but fortunately (?), that program was about onsen "baka" -- fools. So the locals had a good laugh, but also got a glimpse at the various efforts we are making. More than one has mentioned they were inspired to put more effort themselves into making the town a better place. I like it!

There are some additional events coming up featuring Kamesei. Hopefully readers of the blog can catch some of them:

24-Jan (Sun)
Hong Kong - based internet TV station, JP Time TV, will air an episode featuring Kamesei Ryokan's Lunch with a Geisha. Check it out at

29-Jan (Fri) 2:15pm
SBC Radio "Fall in Love" (which by some strange coincidence becomes a pun in Japanese for "Foreign Love"). Local radio station program featuring foreigners that have moved to Nagano.

07-Feb (Sun) 9pm~
SBC Radio "Haiku Impression". Same local radio station has invited me and 2 other foreigners to try our hand at haiku poetry.

13-Feb (Sat)
Shinano Club meeting at Tokyo.
A gathering of Nagano Prefecture movers and shakers, including supposedly the governor. This gathering's theme is on some of the endeavors of the younger generation, and I have been asked to make a presentation on the Inbound scene.

02-March (Tues)
Junior Chamber International's Matsumoto Branch
I've been asked to give a speech on what foreigners expect in Japan. If anyone is interested in attending, feel free to contact me.

March Issue
Indonesia's "Female Living" magazine's travel section will supposedly have an article about Nagano, featuring Kamesei Ryokan.

As you can see, I'm trying to keep up the publicity for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen!

旅行新聞の「若手経営者・こんな宿にしたい」特集でどっかで見た事がある様な顔・・・ Ryoko Shimbun's Special Report, Featuring...

2009.11.22: メディア Media



The November 21st edition of the Ryoko Shimbun, Japan's travel industry's leading weekly newspaper, has a special feature article entitled: "Young Ryokan proprietors / proprietress round table discussion 'This is the type of Inn I want to Make'".
The discussion members were Inoue-san, the national leader of the junior ryokan association, Fukazawa-san, and inspirational coach from an inn in Kanagawa, Shizuka-san from a temple lodging in Koyasan, and, well, the blue-eyed American innkeeper from this small inn in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. I think the four of us came up with some dynamic ideas for the future of Japanese ryokans. It's definitely worth a read, so get your hands on a copy!

(I have to admit, seeing my face blown up on the front page like that was quite a surprise!)

旅行新聞のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Ryoko Shimbun.

亀清旅館は東京の英字雑誌に Kamesei Ryokan in Tokyo's Best English Weekly

2009.11.16: メディア Media


Japan's No.1 English Magazine, Metropolis, has a special Winter Guide in their 13-November issue. We at Kamesei worked with them to include our inn in this year's Guide, in the hopes of attracting some of the many English speakers in Tokyo to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen this winter. This is a new area of advertising for us -- I am looking forward to seeing how effective it is!

メトロポリスの冬特集はこちら Click here for Metropolis Magazine's Winter Guide

香港から上山田へ 芸者さんと亀清に From Hong Kong to Kamiyamada, for Geisha and Kamesei

2009.11.09: メディア Media





そこで、色々と考えた結果は以前に発表したLunch with a Geishaと言う商品です。手ごろの値段(6200円)で上山田の温泉らしいお湯のお風呂、我が板長の懐石風のお料理と、芸者さんとの一時間のふれあい。


このLunch with a Geishaのお陰で皆さんと良い出会いが出来ました。海外のメディアも始めてこの千曲市に来られました。どんどん、こうやって良い結果を出して生きたい!

Our town here of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen still has around 35 active geisha ladies.

Many foreigners are interested in mystique behind "geisha".

With my unique job as an innkeeper, I have had the privelege many times to witness the magic of geisha entertainment, and I am certain travellers from overseas would enjoy it, too.

The problem is, geisha entertainment can be pricy -- minimum 18,000 yen for 2 hours for at an evening banquet.

After giving the issue due thought, I came up with our previously announced "Lunch with a Geisha" package: a soak in Kamiyamada's wonderful onsen baths, our chef's gourmet kaiseki-style meal, and an hour of Geisha entertainment. All for the reasonable price of 6,200 yen per person.

Today, the "Lunch" finally happened. The Nagano Prefecture Tourism Assoc. brought a tv crew from Hong Kong, and I invited an innkeeper from Hakuba, and we had a very enjoyable time with two of our town's finest Geisha ladies. First they played "Momiji Hashi", a song with the theme of autumn colored Japanese maple leaves and a bridge. The shamisen music and dance was mesmerizing. Then the ladies challenged the guests to some drinking games. Neither the Hong Kong nor the Hakuba contingent could beat the Geisha ladies. Finally, the ladies poured drinks for the guests while making small talk. We ran out of time, but I was hoping for the ladies to show the guests one of the traditional dances and for everybody to dance.

Just as I thought, the Geisha ladies were pros at entertaining, and everyone had a fun time. Thanks to this program, our town had its first exposure to an overseas media crew. I certainly like being part of making positive results like this happen!

香港チームHong Kong Team: JP Time TV

白馬チームHakuba Team: White Horse Hotel

座談会@東京a la旅行新聞社 Round Table Discussion in Tokyo

2009.10.29: メディア Media



旅行新聞の増田さん スムーズな進行はご苦労様でした。態々呼んで頂いて、有難うございました。

神奈川県湯河原「旅館ふかざわ」の深澤さん 「おもてなしはスタッフの育ちから」と言う発想は感心しました!

福岡県原鶴温泉「六峰館」・全旅連青年部長の井上さん 日本旅館に「おもてなし」を取り戻そうとして、成功事例になりました。全国の青年部の引っ張り屋、ご苦労様です!

和歌山県高野山の宿坊「福智院」の静さん 宿泊施設に仏教なりの心磨きを取れ入れる努力は偉いと思いました。



Today I was honored to take part in a round table discussions with some of my ryokan peers. Industry newspaper "Ryoko Shimbun" was the sponsor. Pictured from the left are Masuda-san, the moderator from the newspaper, Fukazawa-san from Ryokan Fukazawa in Kanagawa Pref., Inoue-san, the ryokan owners Junior Association's national president, Shizuka-san from a shukubo (temple lodging) in Koyasan, Wakayama Pref., and myself. Great discussion -- article will come out on 21-Nov., so stay tuned!