Category Archives: メディア Media
メディアで紹介、その3: トークショーにて And Even More Media: SSL Talk Show
2021.01.12: メディア Mediaメディア紹介、その2: JET雑誌にて More Media Coverage: The JET Magazine
2021.01.12: メディア MediaIn more media-related news, the on-line magazine of the JET teachers recently featured our inn including an interview on how this American-born innkeeper finds working in Japan. If you're curious, feel free to check out the following link:
NHK国際で亀清旅館の紹介♪ As seen on NHK World
2021.01.10: メディア Media, その他 MiscellaneousA while ago, NHK World's "Where We Call Home" program featured Kamesei Ryokan and our owner, Tyler Lynch. It's a nice show about our efforts to survive the Corona pandemic.
Interview with Kamesei's Tyler Lynch on the Japanofiles Podcast
2020.09.03: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, メディア MediaDave Carlson recently interviewed Kamesei Ryokan's proprietor, Tyler Lynch, for his Japanofiles podcast. This is Tyler's 2nd appearance. Get caught up on Tyler's various projects with our inn, our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, and with inbound tourism for Nagano Prefecture. Special thanks to Dave-san for the interview, and for talented editing. Dave-san's Japanofiles podcast is a fantastic way to gain insight into the international community in and around Matsumoto.
Direct Download:
亀清の主人がロケハンター?テレビ朝日にて Kamesei's Owner On Location!
2019.08.04: メディア Mediaテレビ朝日さんのまたの面白い番組に出させて頂いて感謝です。ADの保志場さんやディレクター、タレントの田山涼成さん、撮影クルーの皆さん、大変お世話になりました。おかげさまで私は白川郷と五箇山のファンになりました。
What a great program by TV-Asahi on Shirakawa-Go and Gokayama.
グローバルへ奮闘! Our efforts to promote Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada on TV
2019.05.16: メディア Media, サイクリング Cycling2019.05.14の「ご近所さんは世界から」(TBS・BS)と言う番組で私ども亀清旅館が紹介されました。ナビゲーターの壇蜜さんで、私共の街との取り組みのストーリーでした。我がずくだしエコツアーのサイクリングツアーも出ました。
Some scenes from the TV show that featured us last night. The focus was on our cooperation with the community to promote our Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada, including our Zukudashi Eco Tours cycling tour. (Episode #5)
青い目のおもてなしのバラエティー番組・スタジオデビュー? My TV studio debut?
2019.02.12: メディア Media2月16日のテレビ朝日「視察団」番組のテーマ:外国人に人気のある温泉。温泉に詳しい外国人ゲストは?お楽しみに! TV Asahi's "Shisatsudan" program for Saturday 16-Feb will feature onsens popular with foreigners. One of the guests will be a certain foreigner with unique onsen experience...
青い目のおもてなしが「信州おもてなし大賞」に Hospitality Recognized by the Governor!
2015.03.03: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, メディア Media, その他 Miscellaneous2月14日に私、亀清の若旦那、タイラーが長野市で行わられた式典で長野県知事阿部守一氏から「信州おもてなし大賞」を受賞されました。
On February 14th, Yours Truly, the proprietor here at Kamesei Ryokan, was preented a prize by the governor of Nagano Prefecture, Shuichi Abe-san, in recognition of my contribution to Nagano's hospitality ('omotenashi').
Personally, I feel my contributions have been limited in scope, limited to such things as:
For our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan, making an outdoor bath and baking cookies using my Mom's recipe,
For Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, setting up rental bicycles and making a foreign language walking map / gourmet guide,
For Nagano Prefecture, making the Unique Nagano mobile app.
Little things like these start to add up, which I guess was what the judges considered in awarding me the top prize.
I still feel I am only in the early stages of learning "omotenashi", and look forward to contributing much more in the future!
信州人大賞: 青い目の若旦那受賞! Winner of the 'Shinshu-Jin' Prize
2014.09.17: メディア Media青年会議所の長野県ブロック大会が9月15日に行われた。目玉イベントは「信州人大賞」でした。長野県に貢献している24人と団体が申請して、その内の五人が選ばれた。
The Nagano Branch of the JCI held their annual meeting here in Chikuma City on Sept. 15th. The main event was the Shinshu-Jin Prize, a cash prize award given out to 5 people who contribute the most to Nagano Prefecture.
I was among the 24 people / groups who applied for the prize. The Unique-Nagano app that I worked on with the Ryokan Junior Association was the basis of my application.
Looking at the caliber of the other applicants, I figured my chances of being selected were pretty slim. But at the final presentation, I got to join 4 others on the stage.
This year, the prefecture's Tourism Dept. has taken the Unique Nagano project under its wings and will increase the number of entries as well as languages. So my contribution to the prefecture is bound to become even greater!