亀清旅館x長野パイン材 ロビーに本棚 Kamesei Ryokan and Nagano Pine Furniture -- New Bookshelves for our lobby

2012.03.28: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

New Pine Additions for Kamesei's Lobby



Kamesei Ryokan's lobby has a few new additions: 2 bookshelves and a bench. All are made from pine wood from Nagano Prefecture. All thanks to a grant from the prefecture for child-raising support.

We got some new childrens toys, too, also made of pine wood. Along with a collection of childrens books. And a selection of brochures and pamphlets for family-friendly spots throughout the prefecture. A little corner of our lobby dedicated to showing how fun Nagano can be for kids.

お客様からのラブレター A Love Letter from a Guest

2012.03.09: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

A guest's compliment on my home-made cookies.



亀清旅館のやり方は違います。私が焼くクッキーを出しています。自分の母親のレシピーを使って、戸隠のそば粉も少し取り入れて、オリジナルなクッキーです。販売用の為に焼けばとってもじゃないけど他の仕事は出来なくなってしまうので、「もっと食べたい」と言われる時、「じゃ、また泊まりに来てください」となります。販売用で焼けば売り上げになるのに… しかし、このクッキーはあくまで私からお客様へのおもてなしの気持ちです。


海外からのお土産 Souvenirs From Overseas

2012.02.25: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's collection of souvenirs from all over the world




A few weeks ago we hosted a group of exchange students from Shanghai's Fudan University. One of them presented us with a paper-cutting art. Apparently Shanghai has a long tradition of this type of art.

We displayed the art on the mantle above the wood burning stove in our lobby here at Kamesei Ryokan. It joins the bolo tie from Texas, the clogs from Holland, the postcard from Canada, the koala bear from Australia, etc., etc.

It's Kamesei's little collection of love from all over the world.


2012.02.23: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Buddies Nakajima-San and Tobita-San






The other day during an interview for a magazine, one of the questions I got asked was, "What makes Kamesei Ryokan unique?"


Having a blue-eyed proprietor isn't unique enough for a traditional Japanese onsen inn?

The same day, one guest brought a magazine titled, "Nagano Prefecture Farming and Living". On the cover were pictures of 4 farmers. Upon closer inspection, I realized 2 of them were Nakajima-san and Tobita-san, local Kamiyamada orchardists from whom we buy grapes and apples during the season.

I personally go to their orchards and buy freshly picked fruit to serve our guests. Numerous time I actually take guests to the orchards to meet the famers and see the fruit on the trees, breathe in the fresh, clean air and taste fruit picked right off the tree. And in late winter / early spring, they give me their tree trimmings to use in our lobby's firplace helping to keep the guests toasty warm.

No other inn in town has this close of a relationship with the local farmers.

So there you go, another thing that makes Kamesei Ryokan unique. In case having a blue-eyed proprietor isn't enough. (LOL!)

長野温泉トップ100調査: 小海町周辺 Researching Nagano's Top 100 Onsens: Koumi Town

2012.02.22: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Izumikan's indoor baths (Direct onsen water on the right, purified front left, cold water bath back left



*南相木温泉・滝見の湯 (南相木村)
印象: 南相木村の総面積の92%が山林原野だそうで、お風呂は滝の側だから、正直ってもっと自然な場所を期待していました。「滝見」と言いながらお風呂から滝がイマイチ見えなかった。しかし、こういう日帰り施設は観光客が自然を楽しむ為のではなく、地元の村人の交流場の為だ分かりました。その意味で南相木村の宝物ですね。

*海ノ口温泉・鹿の湯旅館 (南牧村)

*八ヶ岳海尻温泉・灯明の湯 (南牧村)
印象: HPをよく見たら「火・水が定休」だと後で分かった。もうちょっと親切に… うち以外なお客さんも来て、定休日だとみて、がっかり帰った。HPによると、「長野日帰り温泉100選」だそうだ。従って、いつか再チャレンジが必要。ただ、写真によると露天風呂は私が大嫌いなプラスチック竹で囲まれている。それが直ったら再チャレンジやな。

*海ノ口温泉・和泉館 (南牧村)

*北八ヶ岳松原湖温泉・八峰(ヤッホー)の湯 (小海町)
印象: 朝じゃないと逆光で対応のせいで山があまり見えない;その上、露天風呂からは山が塀で隠れている。何で?!

Lately I've been helping my buddy Peter on his project to write a book in English about Nagano's Top 100 Onsens. We took a road trip to the eastern edge of Nagano Prefecture 'researching' 5 of them:

*Taki-mi no Yu, Minami Aikawa Onsen, Minami Aikawa Vil.
Village-run day-use onsen facility built in 2001 and still bright and shiny. Overlooks Inukoro ('dog rolling') Falls.
Despite being in a village 92% covered in forest and being located right next to a waterfall, unfortunately the baths don't take advantage of the scenery. You can see the bathhouse from the falls, but not vice versa. But I came to realize the bathhouse isn't meant for tourists, it's meant to be a place for the villagers to go soak and socialize. In that regards, it is certainly one of the village's most cherished treasures.

*Shika no Yu Ryokan, Minami-Maki Onsen, Minami-Maki Vl.
Stand-alone little inn built post-WWII with a deservedly little onsen bath.
Surprisingly good onsen water high in carbonate content. Just wish it would have taken advantage of the secluded, forested location with a window or two.

*Tomyo no Yu, Yatsugatake Umijiri Onsen, Minami-Maki Vl
Traditional storehouse-looking construction but built only in 1999. Supposedly a nice view of the Yatsugatake mountain range.
I say supposedly, because the bathhouse was inexplicably closed when we went there. Close inspection of their website shows it's closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It also claims their bath is one of the Top 100 day-use onsens in Nagano. Perhaps a 2nd attempt is necessary. But the website also shows liberal use of plastic bamboo. Once they fix that, I'll try going again.

*Izumikan, Uminokuchi Onsen, Minami-Maki Village
A convenient 5 minute walk from Saku Uminokuchi Station on the JR Koumi Line. 2-story ferroconcrete building really sticks out from the surrounding farm fields. The proprietress kindly guided us to the baths and made a point of showing off the one fed directly from the spring.
Their pride-and-joy bath was certainly the real deal, with real mineral sediment floating very visibly. A bit too lukewarm for my tastes; I enjoyed the filtered bath next to it. Their outdoor bath is supposedly in a formal Japanese garden. Again, 'supposedly' because it's closed for the winter and the garden was a bit ragged. Perhaps it is more enjoyable in the summer. Hence, perhaps a trip back here is required.

*Yahho no Yu, Kita-Yatsugatake Matsubara-ko Onsen, Koumi Town
Just below Re-Ex CC and ski area, recently built (2007) day-use bath facility on a point that features a commanding view of the Yatsugatake Range.
The mountains would probably be best viewed in the morning light; by afternoon the sun's glare detracts from the view. But even in the best light, the view from the outdoor bath is blocked by a fence -- why!?

滝見の湯Taki-mi no Yu
鹿の湯Shika no Yu
灯明の湯 Tomyo no Yu
ヤッホーの湯 Yahho no Yu

亀清旅館のロビーピアノ Kamesei Ryokan's Lobby Piano

2012.02.06: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Please Play the Piano (in Kamesei's Lobby)











Here in Kamesei Ryokan's lobby we have a wood-finish Yamaha U1F piano. It was made in 1970 (same year as I was born!).

Our local piano tuner came and worked his annual magic on our piano. "For a forty year-old piano, it's in great shape. Of course, it's a Yamaha." Apparently our lobby is spacious enough so that the piano doesn't suffer extreme temperature or air pressure fluctuations which helps keep it in good condition.

Recently I visited another inn with a grand piano in the lobby. The piano had a little sign on it, "Please do not touch."

It made me want to put a similar sign on our piano here at Kamesei; "Please touch."

What's a piano for if it's not to be played? We are happy to have our guests sit down and play our piano. Our two sons are taking lessons and often use the piano for their practice. So it gets used quite a bit.

Actually, in my previous life, I used to sell old Japanese pianos like this in the States. The trading company I worked for back in Seattle imported containers of used pianos and sold them to piano dealers throughout North America.

In Japan, it's a common occurrence for a family to have purchased a piano for their daughter 30~40 years ago only to have the daughter grow up and move out. So the large piano is stuck taking up space and collecting dust in the family's small living room. Exporters then buy them up and ship them overseas.

In the States, a person looking at buying a piano has a choice of a brand new one made in China and full of plastic parts, or a used one from Japan with real wooden parts and the finest craftsmanship. With both being around the same price, many choose a used Yamaha or Kawai. Wood-finished ones like the one in our lobby are especially popular. But you won't find ours being sold and shipped overseas. It's getting a lot of use right here in our lobby.

"Please touch."

ケロリンとコロボ(?) 亀清旅館のプッチ温泉資料館 Kerorin Collab (?); Kamesei's Petit Onsen Museum

2012.01.14: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan









Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we created a little rest spot outside the entrances to our onsen baths. Besides a water cooler (featuring spring water from the Togakushi highlands), we also have up a flier on our town's Obasute Night View Tour.

Normal inns would probably stop there. But as you have probably figured out by now, Kamesei Ryokan is no normal inn. We try to do the little things, the '+α' that make a difference.

So our rest station outside the baths is also a petit onsen history museum for Kamiyamada Onsen.

Actual onsen pipes, thermometers, diagrams of onsen well boring rigs,

even an solid stone core piece.

100 years ago when the onsen wells were dug, rather than drilling a hole as is done today they constructed a oil-rig like tower and used a steam engine to bore out the holes. It took upo to 3 years to drill one hole!

Anyways, the Onsen Company gave me one of the actual core pieces.

Of course, the majority of our guests simply enjoy soaking in the onsen baths and maybe have a drink of cold water afterwards, ignoring the history display. That's fine. In fact, onsen-ing and relaxing is what an inn like ours is for.

But for the few people who are interested in the history of the onsen, our display can be quite fascinating.

By the way, as you can see in the picture I used yellow "Kerorin" onsen buckets to support the shelves -- just one more +α onsen touch.

Peruse at your Pleasure: Kamesei's Petit Onsen Museum

亀清旅館の新「地酒飲み比べセット」登場 Kamesei's Sake Tasting Set Debut

2011.12.30: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's popular new sake tasting set






Just in time for New Years, I am proud to announce that Kamesei Ryokan's Sake Tasting Set is now available.

The set features the following 3 labels:
"Tanada" by Obasute Masamune, our local brewery,
"Bokusui" by one of eastern Nagano's most historical breweries, Takeshige,
and "Yoake Mae" from southern Nagano, arguably the most delicious sake in the world (well, with me doing the arguing anyways).

All in unique sake 'tokkuri' vessels by local ceramic artist Agnes Husz.

We are offering the set of 1 'go' (approx. 180ml) each for 2,100 yen.

Both of the first 2 days we offered the new set, guests ordered it -- and were delighted.

Many moons ago, one of our guests commented that they wished we offered a wider variety of local sake. After much deliberating and discussing with sake aficianados, we finally put together this set. I am thrilled that our guests are enjoying it.