Kamesei's 3-beer set
ペールエール (フルーティー系)
IPA (苦い系)
ポーター (黒ビール)
Introducing Kamesei Ryokan's Microbrew Comparison Set. We are proud to offer 3 varieties of beers from nearby brewery Shiga Kogen Beer.
Pale Ale (fruity taste; perfect for microbrew newbies)
IPA (bitter taste, full of hops)
Porter (chocolaty dark beer)
Served in an official Shiga Kogen Beer pint glass.
1 bottle each: 1,680 yen
My hometown, Seattle, is a mecca for microbrews. So for me, the Budweisers and Asahis of the world don't quite do the trick. I prefer my beers with more body. Hence I was pleasantly surprised upon moving to Nagano that there are so many high quality craft beer makers here. After extensive (?) research, I found that Shiga Kogen's beers have the fullest flavor for the best price, and come in bottles.
When you come and stay at Kamesei, how about trying our Microbrew sampler set? And please let me know which variety you like the best. (Personally, being 1-quarter Irish, the darker and sludgier the better. The porter is my favorite.)
志賀高原ビールShiga Kogen Beer