シアトルクッキーの販売が始まった♪ Our Seattle Cookies now available for purchase!

2020.06.01: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, グルメFoodie


ご注文を受けておりますのでお問い合わせ下さい。Tel (026)275-1032; メール omotenashi@kamesei.jp

Kamesei Ryokan's "Seattle Cookies" are now available for purchase.  We succeeded in finding a way to bake them for sale that meets the health department requirements.  We are still at the experimental stage, but the prices are

Half-Dozen: 500 yen; Baker's Dozen: 1000 yen.

These are my mom's recipe oatmeal cookies, the type I grew up on.  They are full of walnuts, raisins and chocolate chips, and are mildly sweet.  They go great with milk!

If interested, please contact us to order.  Tel# 026-275-1032; e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp

テークアウト・デリバリ提供開始♪ Take-Out & Delivery Service Started

2020.04.19: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


Chef武井の創作弁当 6品+ごはん、味噌丸(お湯を足して汁になる♪)、お茶パック、デザート 2人前 3240円 (1人前も提供できます。料金は数によりますので、お問い合わせをください。)


Chef武井の創作オードブルプレート お造り含めて7品 3~5人分 6000円

タイラー手製のシアトルクッキー 6個 540円  ベーカーズダス(13個)1080円 (残念ながら保健所から許可が下りませんでした。)

ランチ 11:30-14:00 (締切り前日の18:00)
ディナー 18:00-21:00 (締切り当日の15:00)



ご注文はお電話026-275-1032、Fax 026-276-1032、メール omotenashi@kamesei.jp まででお願い致します。



旬の物 筍と鯛の卵

酢の物 ホタルイカ

サラダ 安曇野風のサラダ

煮物 鮎の煮びたし

蒸し物 きんぴらごぼうのウニ焼き

焼き物 信州サーモン玉ねぎおろしソース

味噌まる 高村味噌、もずく、豆腐

ご飯 筍ご飯

デザート シアトルクッキー ←この程度は保健所が許してくれました。

松代焼の販売を始まりました Now Selling Matsushiro-Yaki Pottery

2020.02.07: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

我が亀清旅館で新たな実践: 松代焼の販売。Our latest service for our guests: Selling Matsushiro-yaki pottery.

Our local pottery, Matsushiro-yaki, now sold here at Kamesei Ryokan.
We love the Aurora borealis-like wavy blue-green of the glaze. This pottery is a designated heritage craft of Nagano Prefecture and has been being made in Nagano City’s Matsushiro district for 200 years.
Matsushiro-yaki would make the perfect souvenir for your trip to Nagano, and we offer it at reasonable prices.

明けましておめでとうございます。2020年は宜しくお願い致します。Welcome to 2020!

2020.01.05: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 季節 Seasons







The Year of the Rat, 2020 is here!

We would like to take this moment to thank all of the kind people who came and stayed at Kamesei Ryokan in 2019.  Thanks to everyone's support, we managed once again to make some major improvements to our inn.  The biggest change was re-locating our main outdoor bath.  Once again, our "100-Year Bath" is hand-built, made from river rock.

2019's most positive highlight was the Rugby World Cup, but that was overshadowed by Typhoon Hagibis in October.  Thankfully our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada had no major damage.

We have many more improvements planned for 2020, and await your stay!

亀清旅館のバリアフリー情報 Kamesei Ryokan's Accessibility

2019.07.01: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


Kamesei Ryokan is popular with elderly guests and people with physical handicaps, as we have parking directly in front of the entrance, some of our guestrooms are literally just steps away from the onsen baths, our main dining rooms have tables and chairs and are wheelchair accessible, and we have a family bath that can be reserved for private use.  However, our inn isn't completely barrier-free as  there are a few steps, our onsen baths aren't accessible by wheelchair, etc.  Here are the details on how accessible our inn is.

①入口・アクセス Entrance / Access

施設入口の段差: 1段(22㎝, 中間ステップ有り)Entrance approach:  1 step (22cm)

アクセス: 最寄りの駅がしなの鉄道戸倉駅から送迎  Closest Train Station:  Togura Station (free shuttle service)

門限: ございません。Curfew:  None.

駐車所; 車を玄関に着けたらこちらでなおします。Parking:  Bring your car to our entrance and we park it for you.

②施設内・通路  Interior / Hallways

1F通路の段差: 無し 1st Floor Hallway Steps: 0

2Fのアクセス: 手すり付きの階段(エレベーター無し) 2nd Floor Access: Stairs with handrail (no elevator)

施設内の浮き出し文字による館内案内表記: 有り Raised letter signage: Yes.

③客室 Guest Rooms

客室の仕様 Guestroom Details

StairsEntrance StepEntrance WidthToilet StepSitting Area Step
お風呂前更級Sarashina-1 (14cm)8001 (17cm)
By the BathsSueh-1 (14cm)8001 (17cm)
離れ風 Semi-Detached子宝Kodakara-0751 (12cm)1 (12cm)
Tsumugi-1 (14cm)751 (12cm)1 (12cm)
別荘Villa-1 (14cm)751 (12cm)1 (12cm)
2F八頭Hattoh1 (14cm)8001 (17cm)
大林Obayashi1 (14cm)8001 (17cm)
五里が峯Gorigamine1 (14cm)8001 (17cm)
葛尾Katsurao1 (14cm)8001 (17cm)
城山Joyama1 (14cm)7000

客間「紬」の入り口 Entrance to Tsumugi

ベッド: どの部屋でも60㎝のマットレスの提供できます。(別料金) Bed: 60cm-tall mattress can be provided for any room (extra charge applies)

点字表示、立体的な番号表示: ございませんが、やどは廊下が限られているし、部屋数(12室)が少ないので、例えば目の見えないマッサージ師が良く来ます。 Braille Signage:  None, but there are only a few hallways and only 12 guestrooms, and visually-impaired shiatsu masseuses come on a regular basis.

客室名の浮き出し文字による館内案内表記: 有り Raised letter room signage: Yes.

字幕対応テレビ: 各部屋にございます。TV subtitles (for hearing-impaired): Yes, in every room.

④浴室・トイレ Onsen Baths / Toilet

大浴場は段差が一段です。湯船に手すりがあります。The communal baths both have 1 step, and the indoor baths are equipped with a handrail.

家族や介助者と利用可能な貸切風呂はあります。要予約です。ご相談ください。Our family bath can be reserved for private use e.g. for a guest to be accompanied by a caregiver.

共用の車いす対応トイレは1か所あります。One communal toilet is accessible by wheelchair.

⑤食事 Dining

主の食事会場は テーブル席です。車いす使用のまま食事が可能です。個室指定や 部屋食対応も可能です。Our main dining room is equipped with tables and chairs and is wheelchair-friendly.  Private room and/or meals served to your room are also available.

ベジタリアンやアレルギー対応食の提供が出来ます。事前にご連絡をお願い致します。Vegetarian and allergy restrictions can be accommodated with advance notice.

Example of our vegan kaiseki-style dinner

⑥情報発信・問合せ Universal Design Info / Contact

亀清旅館の施設や設備・サービス等に関する詳細なバリアフリー情報はこのブログページにて提供しております。ここの 写真を用いた視覚的に判断可能な情報だと思われますが、より詳しい問い合わせはお 電話(026)275-1032・FAX(026)276-1032・メールでお願い致します。

Information on Kamesei Ryokan's barrier-free / universal design is posted here in this blog entry.  Please use these details and pictures to determine if our inn is appropriate for your needs.  If you need further information, please feel free to call us tel# 026-275-1032, fax at 026-276-1032, or e-mail us.

⑦その他 Misc.

貸出し車いすの手配が出来ます。事前に申し付けてください。Wheel chairs can be provided with prior notice.

シャワーチェアは大浴場にございます。There is a shower chair in our larger communal bath.

送迎は戸倉駅(もしくはエレベーター付きの千曲駅)から提供しております。お迎えは15:00-17:30の間で駅に着いたら026-275-1032までご連絡ください。お電話を頂いてからお迎えいたします。お送りは08:30-10:00の間となります。送迎の車はMazdaのMPVもしくはDemioです。We provide shuttle service to/from Togura Station (or, if necessary, at the elevator-equipped Chikuma Station).  Pick-up is offered 3-5:30pm.  We request you call us upon arrival, tel# 026-275-1032.  Drop-off is provided 8:30-10am.  Shuttle is with a Mazda MPV van or Demio hatchback.

3月10日の姨捨夜景ツアーはこの青い目のガイド♪ Obasute Night View Guide

2018.03.05: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains



ビッグニュースがあります: 戸倉上山田温泉発の姨捨夜景ツアーこの青い目のガイドで参加したい皆さん、今週末(H30年3月10日・土曜日)がツアー料金の値上げ前のラストチャンスです。現在はツアー参加費が2000円/人ですが、H30年4月からは千曲市観光局がその料金を値上げする予定です。




night view tour flier

(Apologies for the lack of updates recently.)

He's back!  This is Tyler, American-born owner of the traditional onsen inn, Kamesei Ryokan.

I have big news:  This Saturday, 10-March, 2018 will be the last time you can take the Obasute Night View Tour with me as the guide before the price goes up.  Currently, the tour costs 2000 yen per person but the Chikuma City Tourism Bureau is set to raise the price in April.

The Obasute Night View Tour departs our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada around 8pm, stops at Obasute Station to look down upon the picturesque lights of the Zenkoji Plain, continues up to the Obasute SA for another angle of the view, and stops at our local miso factory Takamura Shoten on the way back to the Onsen.  Along the way, participants are given a commemorative entrance ticket to Obasute Station, a post card from the SA gift shop, and a sample of Takamura's miso.  Plus, you get one of us local volunteers to tell some of the area legends and explain about the places to see around Togura-Kamiyamada and Obasute.  If 10+ people sign up for the tour, it will be done by bus and I am scheduled to be the guide this Saturday, so the explanation can be in English.

We still have rooms available at Kamesei Ryokan for 10-March, so I invite you to come and spend the weekend, and join us for the Obasute Night View Tour.

タイラーの次の姨捨夜景ツアーのガイド当番: 6月12日(金) Tyler's Next Turn to Be the Obasute Night View Tour Guide: June 12th

2015.06.11: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, その他 Miscellaneous


obasute tour guide
Guess who's going to guide the June 12th Obasute Night ViewTour? Yours Truly, the new face of Chikuma City tourism.

菖蒲湯は長野で6月5日(旧暦のこどもの日) Shobu (Calamus) Bath for June 5th (in Nagano)

2015.06.05: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 温泉Onsens, 季節 Seasons, 日米関係Culture Shock

菖蒲湯(しょうぶゆ)。 普段はこどもの日に合わせて5月5日ですが、雪国である長野県の場合、菖蒲の成長が1か月遅れて、旧暦のこどもの日との事で、菖蒲湯は6月5日です。





6 05 2015 shobu
Shobu (Calamus) Bath, for good health


In Japan, it is tradition to put calamus (Acorus calamus, aka sweet flag, myrtle sedge, pine root, sweet rush, et al) in one's bath on Children's Day, May 5th.  Called 'shobu' in Japanese, the reed-like plant is supposed to have medicinal properties to ward off diseases.

Here in mountainous Nagano, the plant's growth is delayed by snow, hence we honor the tradition on June 5th instead.

It is said that the ancient Egyptians as well as Greeks and Romans recognized the beneficial effects of calamus and used it for perfumes as well as medicines.

So from ancient times all the way to today's onsen bath here at Kamesei Ryokan, calamus for good health!

青い目のおもてなしが「信州おもてなし大賞」に Hospitality Recognized by the Governor!

2015.03.03: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, メディア Media, その他 Miscellaneous
Tyler Receiving the Nagano Omotenashi Award from the Guv

Tyler Receiving the Nagano Omotenashi Award from the Guv









On February 14th, Yours Truly, the proprietor here at Kamesei Ryokan, was preented a prize by the governor of Nagano Prefecture, Shuichi Abe-san, in recognition of my contribution to Nagano's hospitality ('omotenashi').

Personally, I feel my contributions have been limited in scope, limited to such things as:

For our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan, making an outdoor bath and baking cookies using my Mom's recipe,

For Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, setting up rental bicycles and making a foreign language walking map / gourmet guide,

For Nagano Prefecture, making the Unique Nagano mobile app.

Little things like these start to add up, which I guess was what the judges considered in awarding me the top prize.

I still feel I am only in the early stages of learning "omotenashi", and look forward to contributing much more in the future!

長野県おもてなし大賞Nagano Prefecture Omotenashi Award

ユニーク長野 Unique Nagano

C.W. Nicol's take on the award ニコルさんの目線から

問題の甘露煮?! Troublemaking river fish?!

2014.07.09: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

一番いけない事をやってしまいみした: お客さんと喧嘩しました。



説得してみました: 「サーモンは定番でしょうけどこの近くに海が無い。戸倉上山田温泉の真ん中に千曲川が流れていて、川魚がこの辺の食文化です。」

お客さんは更にテンションアップ: 「それは知っているけど、誰がそんなまずい物を食う?」



そこなんだ: こいつは保存食が分かっていない。これだけ保存食が盛んでいる長野県は長寿で日本一。



I did the ultimate no-no: I argued with a guest.

When I greeted him in the morning, he barked, "How can you serve kanroni for breakfast? That stuff is awful!"

(Kanroni is a sweet marinate sauce that, in our case, River fish is stewed in.)

I tried explaining, "Normally ryokans serve salmon but we don't have an ocean nearby. Instead, the Chikuma River flows through the middle of our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada. River fish is a mainstay of our local cuisine."

Things started to heat up. "I know that. But who eats that horrible stuff?"

I made another attempt: "Locals love it! And the guy who makes it takes such pride in his work. Besides, kanroni is full of calcium so it is good for you."

Then the guest shot back, "How many days old is that stuff anyways?"

I realized he just doesn't get it. That's the beauty of preserved food. And Nagano, a leader in preserved food, has Japan's longest life expectancy rates.

We at Kamesei Ryokan will continue to serve kanroni.

With pride.

And with no apologies.