亀清旅館で私達の若旦那と若女将が4年前に来てから、沢山の音楽のコンサートで恵まれました。世界的に有名のピアニスト、佐藤雅彦先生や、ボストンオペラのオボエの若尾さん、シカゴのジャズの二人、オーストラリアの女和太鼓、日印音楽家のTim Hoffmanさん、などなど。
Over the past 4 years since my wife and I moved to Kamesei, we have been fortunate to host several musical concerts. Such gigs as world-renown jazz pianist Masahiko Satoh, Boston Philharmonic Orchestra's oboeist Wakao-san, Japan-India cross-classical Tim Hoffman, a couple of jazz musicians from Chicago, a Ladies Taiko drummer from Australia, and so on. A couple nights ago, we were pleased to host yet another musical concert. A local, Tsukada-san, brought a handful of buddies here to Kamesei for their New Year party, and asked to perform a concert in our lobby at night. They made it sound like they were an ex-vaudeville-like act, so I was initially a little nervous. But we told all of the other guests about it, and everyone, including 2 guys travelling from South Africa, gathered in the lobby. We were entertained by what turned out to be a really, really good jazz concert. They even played one of my favorites, "Tequila"!
These impromptu concerts are great, but maybe we should think about having musicians come on a regular basis. I think we have a new topic to consider for 2010 here at Kamesei!