社長物語 A Shacho (Company President) Tale

2008.08.13: 日米関係Culture Shock

A few days ago we were honored to host the retired president of N. Oil Corporation. I was impressed to hear he speaks 5 languages. That must be part of being the president of a multinational corporation. Over the years, he's had a lot of connections with the area, and even though he's retired the people here treat him with the utmost respect.
Last night, we had a 'shachou' (company president) from the opposite end of the spectrum. When I picked him up at the train station, he asked why I moved to this dump of a place. When I brought him his meal, he complained, "Hey, Ty [Note: I HATE being called 'Ty'], why do you serve 'maguro' sashimi even though your inn is in the mountains?" [Note: our chef uses an abundance of local ingredients. However, over half of our guests are locals, and they would be disappointed if no 'maguro' sashimi.] I don't mind such opinions, but then this morning we were woken up at 3:15am when he came back from drinking. Apparently he had forgotten to take cash with him, and the barkeep accompanied him by taxi. But he had forgotten which inn he was staying at, and went to the wrong one (a ryokan of my 'senpai', no less), then made it to Kamesei but he had forgotten his room so he slept in the lobby. I really don't want Kamesei's image tarnished by the likes of this guy. How can people here tolerate such a rotten shachou? I am thankful most of our guests are like the first shachou, and appreciate the relaxing atmosphere of our traditional inn.

迷惑のお返し:スイカ This is what I get for inconviencing a farmer: a watermelon

2008.08.06: 日米関係Culture Shock

Gift watermelon

The Japanese people tend to be some of the most welcoming people in the world. Today was a great example. I took our van for a drive through the Obasute terraced rice paddies, and part-way through a farmer's truck was blocking the road. I didn't want to inconvenience the farmer, who was working, to move his truck for us, who were just playing. But he came down out of the field to move it for us. When he saw me, he said, "Oh, you were on TV!" And he went around to the back of his pickup and pulled out a ... watermelon, and gave it to us. How considerate! If this were the States instead, I'd be afraid to guess what he'd pull out of the back of his pick-up!

早く起こして。。。夏休みだから Wake me up Early -- It's Summer Vacation

2008.07.29: 日米関係Culture Shock


If you get a culture shock even after the second time around, it must be a heck of a deal, right? Today is the start of Summer vacation for Kamiyamada Elementary School. So what did our son Andy do? Wake up even earlier than normal and go to the park behind Kamesei Ryokan to do the Radio Exercises with the rest of his classmates. Wait -- it's summer vacation! As in, "Vacation". Don't people in Japan know the meaning of the word "vacation"?!?! With Radio Exercises in the morning, mandatory pool times, all the homework and required research projects and reading, when are the poor kids supposed to take a vacation?

梅雨か夕立、どっちがひどい?!?! First Rainy Season, Now Evening Downpours

2008.07.27: 日米関係Culture Shock

夕立で中庭に新しい池 A temporary pond created by a summer downpour

「梅雨」は英語に直せば「Rainy Season」や「Monsoon」だそうです。「夕立」は何でしょう。とにかく、私の地元のシアトルはもともと雨の多い町ですが、日本みたいに決まった時期(梅雨)もいきなりの(そしてあっという間に終わっちゃう)夕立の様な大雨もないです。そのうち、台風も始まるでしょう。シアトルのやわらかいあめが懐かしい!
Japan has its "tsuyu" rainy (monsoon?) season in June/July. Tonight we had a huge, but brief, downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning, called a "yuudachi" (evening shower). My hometown of Seattle is knowns as a rainy city, but we don't have a specific rainy season or flash downpours. Pretty soon Japan will also start its typhoon season. I'm starting to miss the gentle rains of Seattle...

壁クロスにも日米関係 Wallpaper East vs. West

2008.07.10: 日米関係Culture Shock


The walls of Kamesei's main hallway have gotten pretty beat up (due in no small part to our rambunctious sons). Today, we had a pro come in and take off the applied wall and put on wallpaper. He told me that Western Wallpaper was applied with the edges overlapping. In Japan, though, that's considered a fire hazzard, to the paper here is designed to be applied with the edges lined up with each other. Even in wallpaper, East and West differ!

この1週間に選挙応援 1 Week Campaign

2008.07.08: 日米関係Culture Shock

Campaigning to the fireflies (don't ask...)

All this week I will be helping out with a colleague's campaign for City Council. I'm glad the campaign process doesn't take months like it does in the U.S. (or years as in the case of the presidential election), but Japan's campaing limitations are way too short. If you only have 1 week to get your name out, you're forced to use the obnoxious campaign sound cars. I can't say which system is better. But I don't have time to worry about it -- I have to get out there again and campaign!

新しい古い New Old

2008.07.01: 日米関係Culture Shock

Back side of a building in Ueda's Unno-Machi. Were these imposing concrete beams ever considered cool?!?!

Us Westerners often comment on Japan's juxtaposition of the old and new. A centuries-old soba shop next to an Oxygen Bar. A geisha with her rich cultural tradition using a technologically advanced cell phone. Even more interesting to me, though, is the 'new old', particularly in architecture. There are buildings designed 30, 40 years ago that must have been really cool at the time. Now you look at them and think, "What were they thinking?"
Luke, an Australian who just stayed with us 3 nights, rekindled my interest in these "New Old" architectural wonders.

Luke, thanks for letting me see Japan thru your eyes!

ただ野球だけじゃない It's not just baseball

2008.06.28: 日米関係Culture Shock


Ricoh's company baseball team spent the night with us. One of their managers shared some insight: The company doesn't just sponsor the team to play baseball -- through the game the players learn to cooperate as a team and build strong interpersonal relationships. These are things that come in handy in the workplace.
One more thing he mentioned was baseball helps reinforce the senpai-kouhai (elder-younger) relationships that are so important in Japan. They purposely mixed senpai's with kouhai's in the guestrooms. As ryokans are places to relax, the senpai-kouhai deal also gets relaxed a bit. Even so, the kouhai had to carry the bags of their senpai.
Back in the States, veteran baseball players would teach the rookies all kinds of tips, but I doubt you see the rookies carrying the veterans' bags. Japan's senpai-kouhai relationships are truly unique.

イエローストンの温泉が77℃? Lady burned by 171°F Yellowstone Onsen

2008.06.01: 日米関係Culture Shock

I often get asked if America has onsens, too. There are, but nothing compared to Japan. Basically, there are two types, lukewarm mineral baths that people wear bathing suits for, and natural hot springs that are enjoyed for viewing only. Yellowstone Nat'l Park has hundreds of onsens, but only for looking at -- you'd get arrested if you try bathing in one. When our family went 3 years ago, we really wanted to take a bath in one of the onsens!
In the news, there was a story about a new onsen opening up, and a tourist falling in and burning her leg in the 171°F water! As per the following link:


Maybe it's best we didn't take a bath in an onsen at Yellowstone!

ハナミズキと桜 Dogwood and Cherry trees

2008.05.10: 日米関係Culture Shock

Dogwood blossoms

Lately, everywhere I go in our town, Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, I see dogwood trees in bloom. I just found out this year that dogwood trees were a present from the US to Japan in return for Japan's gift of cherry trees. The cherry blossoms at Washington DC are famous, but at the other Washington, my home town of Seattle, we have beautiful trees from Japan, too. Now every time I see a dogwood tree, it will remind me of the good relations between the two countries.