A thing for water tanks 貯水槽の存在

2010.08.26: 日米関係Culture Shock

我が宿の貯水槽 Kamesei's rooftop water tank




Most buildings in Japan have a rooftop water tank like this. Today I climbed up and in and cleaned out Kamesei's tank. While scrubbing away, I pondered about the usefulness of these tanks. (Maybe it was the hot sun...)

A little research showed that most western countries have municipal water tanks that supply their towns using hydrostatic pressure. In fact, the only place in the States that regularly uses rooftop water tanks is New York, and even then only in buildings 6-stories and taller. (As a side note, apparently 99% of NY's water tanks are wooden.)

These are some of things I was pondering as I suffered under the hot sun scrubbing out Kamesei's tank.

日米の山トレッキング Mountain Trekking: Japan vs. the States

2010.08.01: 日米関係Culture Shock

西穂 The Nishi-Hotaka Peak



メキシコからカナダまでの長さ2,650miのパシフィッククレストトレール(PCT)があります。特に、ワシントン州の北部のカスケード山脈を通る周辺は町や村からかなり離れている。シアトルに住んでいたころ、友人と二人で、一部を2泊で歩きました。寝袋やテント、キャンプストーブ、水のフィルターなど、全部を運んだ。所々に平らなテント用な場所があって、適当な距離を歩いてキャンプが自由に出来ちゃう。一日を歩いても4,5人ぐらいとしかすれ違わない様な、本当に静かの山々でした。長い、長いハイクで「どっかでマクドがあると幸せやな」と二人で冗談を言ったり… 途中で、温泉のお湯が自然に出ってくる場所があって、誰かが昔、何ちゃったプールを作って、トレールを通る人たちが自由に入れるようになっていた。30kgぐらいな重いパックを二日間ずっと運んでいて、きつい坂を上ったり下ったり、うんと疲れた時にその温泉に着いた。私の今まで入った沢山の温泉の中で、一番気持ち良かったお風呂でした。ケネディー温泉という名前でした。あれから、川の洪水でやられちゃったらしいです。











PCTのHPはこちらClick here for the PCT website.

日光vs.月光 Sunlight vs. Moonlight

2010.04.25: 日米関係Culture Shock


偶然、私が今、読んでいる本にその話題がちょうど出ました。Simon Mayという作家のAtomic Sushiと言う本。彼が10年前ぐらいにUKから来て、東大で一年間で哲学を教えた時に欧米と日本の文化や物の見方の違いの話。



Yesterday's topic was about our lighting fixtures here at Kamesei Ryokan, how we are hoping to upgrade from fluorescent to LED lights. In addition, I am hoping to upgrade our types of lighting in order to enhance the relaxing mood of our inn.
For example, our guest rooms typically have one ceiling mounted fixture with round flourescent tubes, and a straight flourescent tube lighting the tokonoma alcove.
Is this the best way to provide lighting for the guestrooms? Even our boss here (my mother-in-law) complains that the one ceiling fixture doesn't provide enough light -- the guests can't see what they're eating. The lighting pro that came yesterday mentioned that Japan's lighting level standards have changed. New construction nowadays would provide more light in these types of rooms.

Just by coincidence, the book I'm reading now discussed that very subject. The book is "Atomic Sushi" by Simon May. He came from the UK about 10 years ago to teach philosophy at Tokyo U. for a year, and he wrote this book based on the differences in Western and Japanese thinking and world view.
Regarding interior decorating, he commented:

*Western rooms tend to be bright and colorful. Windows are positioned as to allow sunlight to reach every nook and cranny. Walls and shelves are covered with decorations and "objects" that express the taste and interests of the owners, personifying the room.
*Japanese rooms on the other hand are usually more reserved and shadows play as much of a role as light does. Sunlight doesn't come in directly, but is filtered through the rice paper of the shoji screens. The texture of the rice paper screens and the straw tatami mats would be lost in harsher light, but come alive with softer light, like that of moonbeams.

In other words, Western rooms are meant for sunlight, and Japanese rooms for moonlight. Interesting ideas. I would add that traditional Japanese rooms are enhanced by candlelight, too.

As we upgrade the lighting here at Kamesei, I want to use it as much as possible to enhance the inherent calming aspects. The lighting expert gave us some tips: Use warmer colored light bulbs, and the lower the better. I intend to use his ideas to use downlights to light the walls, bringing the focal point of the lighting down closer to the floor. And use spotlights in the tokonoma to focus light on the wall hanging and the object placed at the bottom of the alcove.

It'll be fun to play with some of these ideas.

For more on "Atomic Sushi"の詳しくはこちら

Old style lighting -- How can this be improved?

和室vs.LED Japanese Rooms vs. LED Lights

2010.04.24: 日米関係Culture Shock

Warm yellow lights greet our guests in the lobby

Japanese ryokans are, in principal, places to relax. With the onsen baths that rejuvinate your body, healthy cuisine featuring local, seasonal ingredients to nourish your body, traditional Japanese rooms with natural straw mats and paper shoji window screens, a comfortable yukata robe -- ryokans are perfect for relaxing all five senses.
Part of the process of creating a relaxing atmosphere is the lighting. Here at Kamesei Ryokan, when we first moved here 4-1/2 years ago, most of the lights had white fluorescent bulbs. The bright white lights tend to make people excited. They seem to say "Move faster! Work harder!" However, like I mentioned, a ryokan should be a place to calm down and relax. So every time one of the bulbs went out, I replaced them with warm colored fluorescent bulbs. It only took 4-1/2 years, but I finally have most of the light bulbs in our inn upgraded. However, even these seem to flicker too excitedly, and fluorescent bulbs in general all have mercury in them which isn't good for the environment.
Lately, LED light bulbs have become more available. They cost quite a bit more, but even more energy-efficient than fluorescent bulbs, plus they don't contain mercury so they are better for the environment. However, they work better in some applications than others. Yesterday, we had Nagano City's leading lighting fixture pro come and tour our inn to give us ideas on how / where we can upgrade to LED. The baths are out, because apparently LED bulbs don't do well with warm temperatures. And while they work great for spotlights, they don't work well for dispersing light, like from the central ceiling fixtures in guestrooms. Another factor is that, for example, LED downlights are available, but in standard, Western-looking designs that don't fit well with a traditional Japanese-style room. Most of the manufacturers come out with new catalogs and products in May -- I hope they will offer some Japanese-style LED lamps, too.
Now that our 1st generation of lighting upgrades (to fluorescent lights) is finished, I am looking forward to the 2nd generation -- upgrading to LED lights!

That irritating ring around the collar

2010.04.02: 日米関係Culture Shock

I won't miss removing these guys any more

As a Westerner, life in Japan can seem really anal with all the cumbersome details. Sometimes you adapt and become a better person in the process. Sometimes you just suck it in and deal with it. And sometimes you pull a "Wild Gaijin Card" and blow it off.

Now, for the first time in my experience, one of the anal little details has simply gone away.

See the PET plastic bottle in the picture? Japan, as with most industrialized countries, encourages the recycling of PET bottles. And although I am not aware of any, I suppose some countries have you seperate the cap from the bottle for recycling. But only in Japan (as far as I know -- correct me if I'm wrong) is it required to also remove the cap ring.

Do you know how hard it is to remove a cap ring from a PET bottle? There is actually a specialized tool designed especially to cut the ring. Back in the States, recycling a PET bottle means throwing it in the recycle bin instead of the garbage. Here in Japan it means first removing the label (most are perforated specifically to be easily torn off), taking off the cap, using the special tool to remove the ring, then putting the now naked PET bottle in the PET bottle recycling, and putting the plastic label, cap and ring in the plastics recycling. What a hassle -- especially cutting that dang ring off.

Well, apparently the anal bureaucracy has come to realize themselves what a hassle it is and the lack of practicallity. As of April 1st, removing the ring has officially become "optional". So here for the past 4 and a half years, I have been putting up with the frustrating of cutting of each and every PET bottle ring, thinking how much better for the environment it was. And now all of the sudden, all the effort has been made meaningless.

I guess one of the bureaucrats finally threw his or her own "Wild Card".

お二人のお祝いの日、町のお祝いの灯 A Day of Celebration for the Two, A Day of Celebration for the Town

2010.03.08: 日米関係Culture Shock

Kamuriki Taiko Performing for Ryo and Shizuka


One of my fellow innkeepers, Ryo from ryokan Seizan, got married today. All of us other junior innkeepers were invited to the reception afterward. As I was walking to the gathering spot wearing my suit and white tie (white for weddings, black for funerals), one of the other townspeople mentioned, "Poor guy, you have to attend those functions, too. Doesn't it get to be too much?" I beg to differ, but today is not only a special day for Ryo and his new wife, it's a special day for the whole town to have a young couple officially join one of our fellow ryokans. I feel honored to be invited to participate!

Ryo and Shizuka, congratulations on your wedding!

晴山のHPはこちらClick here for Seizan's website


トイレ水ちょろちょろ:オーストラリアvs。長野 Nagano vs. Australia, Toilet dept.

2010.03.04: 日米関係Culture Shock

節水vs。節電 どちらがエコ?


The other day, we had a guest from Australia. While driving him back to the station in the morning, he said that his room's toilet had been running and that he "fixed" it. Apparently they have been having droughts in Australia so everyone is very conscientious about water conservation.
Hmm. Down in Australia, that may be the case, but here in Nagano, in the wintertime, if you don't set the toilet to trickle water, it will freeze! So if you turn off the trickle, the next guest won't be able to use the toilet 'cuz the pipes will be frozen!
That brings up a tricky subject. Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is getting a lot of flack for the majority of the inns, including Kamesei, refusing to switch from septic tanks to the town's sewage system. It's not necessarily because of the initial construction cost, not the running cost of a sewar bill. It's little things like the trickling toilet. Currently, we use well water so the cost is negligible. If we connect to the sewar system, then our well water gets metered, so we would have to cut down on water use, including the toilet trickle. To keep the toilet pipes from freezing, we'd have to wrap them in electrified tape, which would involve opening the walls. So even if we had the means to do such major construction, during the winter we would have an increase usage of electricity. Isn't saving electricity as important as saving water? Hence the headache of an environmentally sensitive innkeeper...

ごみ文化 Gomi (Garbage) Culture

2010.02.13: 日米関係Culture Shock

Morino Lodge's Gomi Rules

Last week I was given a tour of Hakuba's Morino Lodge by its owner. The owner is Matt-san from Scotland, who also happens to be the Wadano Village Chief. Being the first foreigner Village Chief in Hakuba, Matt-san has been somewhat of a media darling here in Nagano. At first I thought -- what's the big deal? Within a couple of years it'll be my turn to be Kamiyamada Onsen's 11th District Chief. I don't find that to be particularly news-worthy. However, last year I was invited to give a speech in Nagano City with Matt as the co-presentor. Matt chose to live in Hakuba for its beautiful nature, and as Village Chief, he has taken it upon himself to take the village's garbage separation and recycling to a higher level.
I was impressed. I consider myself to be an environmentally sensitive type guy. For example, here at Kamesei Ryokan, we took out the kerosene stove from the lobby and put in a wood burning one. And we collect used chopsticks from neighboring restaurants to use for lighting fires in the stove, as opposed to letting them end up in the garbage. But I was fascinated by Matt's garbage and recycling efforts for his village.
When we took the tour of Matt's lodge, I was amazed to see the detailed "garbage rules" for his guests, and the separated waste cans everywhere -- all in English. And I heard that Matt turned his village's weekly garbage collection day into a cultural tour, to show his guests Japan's garbage "culture". It made me realize that Japan's garbage rules shouldn't be considered to be all anal in their detailedness, but they are a good thing for foreigners to learn and perhaps take back to their own countries.

もりのロッジのHPはこちらClick here for Morino Lodge's website.

Here's a link to a Japan's Time article that led me to understand Japan's gomi rules aren't to be dreaded, but are to be held up as an example for the rest of the world to follow.

Separate garbage cans -- not even bothering with Nihongo!

三々九度;4枚目そして過去を割れる "San-San Ku Do"; 4th dish (and one's past) to be broken

2010.02.12: 日米関係Culture Shock

3 for sake, 1 for...

先日は上山田お神楽保存会の新年会がこの温泉の上山田ホテルで行いました。私が生まれてからbeatle'sのOb-La-Di, Ob-La-Daを歌ったなど、公表が出来ない部分はありますが、その中で感動した一事があって、ここで紹介したいと思います。


The other day, the Kamiyamada Okagara Lion Dance troupe held our New Year Party at Kamiyamada Hotel, one of the grandest inns here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. For the first time in my life, I sang Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da by the Beatle's. That and many other stories shall be told at a later time (or maybe not). Now I want to mention about a little something that really fascinated me.
Kamiyamada Hotel had one section decorated by various traditional objects, like a kimono obi and several items related to weddings, including these "San-san Ku Do" dishes. These are apparently used as part of the ceremony for when the parents of the two to be married are introduced to each other. The party drinks sake out of 3 of the dishes in a special ritual. It is our local tradition to have a 4th dish, that is to be broken as a symbol of the bride's ties with her parents to be broken.
It reminded me of the Japanese wedding ceremonies I have seen. At one point during the reception, the bride gives a speech thanking her parents for all of the support they have given her, with the "given" being past tense. In other words, she no longer belongs to that family. From then on, she is a member of her husband's family. The ties are broken, like the 4th dish is. Powerful stuff.

I want to thank Kamiyamada Hotel for honoring and giving voice to local traditions like this through their displays!

上山田ホテルのHPはこちらClick here for Kamiyamada Hotel's website.

COP 15: 地球温暖化vsエコの心 Eco-Spirit vs. Global Warming

2009.12.18: 日米関係Culture Shock

Global Warming. Earth-Friendly. Ecological Spirit.

COP 15

Politicians Talk, Leaders Act.


COP 15で行われているデンマークから発生したGreen Keyで宿泊施設の業界の中で、エコの基準や認定のグループがあります。その基準を見れば、かなり厳しい指導です。本格的なアクションを起こさないと、認定をもらえない。

亀清旅館は長野県の「信州エコ泊」の認定を取れました。しかし、はっきりって、意味が無いです。宿によって、電球を螢光灯に変えるだけで、信州エコ泊の認定を取れた。Green Keyの認定は逆に、LED電球を指定しています。かなり面倒くさいですし、お金がかかるけれども、環境にずいぶん優しい。日本は全部で3件しか取れていない。その内の1件は長野県にある明神館。この業界の中で、明神館は最も憧れている宿です。


Denmark, where COP 15 is currently taking place, is also the home to The Green Key, a system of recognizing hotels and hostels that meet a strict ecological standard. I took a look at their criteria, and it is quite impressive.

Kamesei Ryokan is registered with Nagano Prefecture's "Shinshu Eco-haku" program. However, I have to tell you, it is a joke. Some inns registered just on the basis of changing their incandescent lightbulbs to fluorescent ones. The Green Key on the other hand, requires the much more environmentally friendly (but expensive) LED bulbs.

Only 3 lodging establishments in Japan have qualified so far for The Green Key, and one of them is here in Nagano: Myojinkan. I can tell you, within our industry, Myojinkan is considered a clear leader.

So which are you: a talker or a doer?

Click here for the website of The Green KeyのHPはこちら

比較する為に、信州エコ泊のHPはこちらTo compare, here is Nagano's "Eco" website.

明神館のえこぺーじはこちら。心の準備をしといてください。Here is Myojinkan's Eco website. Be stilled your beating heart.