国際化の面白いところ Quirks of Globalization

2011.03.23: 日米関係Culture Shock



Whenever I return from Seattle to Tokyo, I'm always surprised to see the prominently placed Starbucks shop at Narita airport. Starbucks is headquartered in Seattle, so it makes me think for a moment that I never left.

Well, the opposite thing happened on this latest trip home to Seattle. After arriving at the airport, we drove to the University of Washington to see the cherry trees. On campus, we walked by a construction site with a backhoe that said 'Takeuchi' on it. Those are made at a factory in Sakaki Town, right next to Kamiyamada. What a coincidence!

A Made-in-Nagano backhoe in my hometown

日米関係の大掃除 Spring Cleaning Japanese Style

2010.12.31: 日米関係Culture Shock


毎日にお掃除をやれば、こんなに大袈裟の大掃除はしなくて済むのに・・・  でも、毎日はこうやって梯子を上って、やる訳に行かないな。

ちなみに、何で日本はこんなに寒い時に大掃除をするのがどうしても不思議に思ってしまう。アメリカは春先で大掃除をするという習慣。冬の間はずっと暗くて、寒くて、窓を明かない状況。春になれば、久しぶりに窓を開けて、綺麗な風や太陽の光が入って… そうすると、「ウォ、部屋がこんなに汚いっけ?」と、自然に掃除したくなる。スプリングクリーニング(春のお掃除)と言います。


Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we spent the last day of the year doing a major cleaning. Of course, if we cleaned all these spots on a daily basis, we wouldn't be stuck doing with this heavy cleaning day. On the other hand, it's not practical to get the ladder out every day...

As I was shivering from the late December cold, I kept pondering why was it that people in Japan typically do this once-a-year major cleaning during the winter? In the States, the tradition is "Spring Cleaning". After a dark, cold winter, when the first spring breeze comes, everyone opens up their windows to let in the air and sunlight -- and realizes how dusty their homes are. Hence a natural desire to clean.

That's what I was thinking of as I shivered while up on the ladder dusting our lobby's hard-to-reach places.

ミスマッチ?クリスマスツリーに障子貼り Mismatch? Fixing Shoji by the Christmas Tree

2010.12.15: 日米関係Culture Shock

American dude fixing a Japanese shoji screen?




The other day, I was going about my normal business fixing the paper on a shoji screen as I normally do, when a buddy of mine showed up. He looked at the whole situation and got a funny grin on his face. "This is weird," he said. "Why?" I asked.

According to him, the whole concept of a traditional Japanese shoji screen being worked on by a huge Western guy in a traditional Japanese ryokan lobby -- next to a totally Western Christmas tree, was a total mismatch.

Hmm. I guess when you think about it, it kind of is. But on the other hand, it works for me.

Drying out the shoji frames

冬の決まり:ザ・ヤム・マン A Winter Fixture: The Yam Man

2010.11.30: 日米関係Culture Shock

The Yam Man showing his wares.




Last night, I was chatting in our lobby with Eric, a guest from New York City. He was talking about some of the culture shock he's had since coming to Japan. "Japanese people are so polite!" and "Even though there aren't any garbage cans anywhere, there is hardly any litter around!" Well, compared to New Yorkers, pretty much anybody is going to look 'polite'. But I have to say, one thing I am always impressed by is that back in the States, if a waiter or shop staff is being friendly, it's often because they are hoping for a tip. In Japan, the politeness is authentic. And Eric was spot-on with his garbage observation. In the States, despite there being trash cans on practically every corner, a lot of people still litter. How can the cultures be so different?

Anyways, as we were rambling on about the cultural variety, from the street we heard the "Ya~ki imo~" chant from the 'yaki-imo' vendor. I have become accustomed to hearing his song, but Eric on the hand stopped and said, "Hey, what's that?" I explained it was a vendor that cooks yam-type potatoes in the back of his truck and drives around our onsen town in the winter selling them. Eric said, "So, it's the Yam Man?"

Needless to say, the two of us ran outside and chased down the Yam Man for some hot baked yams. My first of the season, it was pretty darn good!

島根県で世界のTop日本庭園 Seeing One of the World's Best Japanese Gardens in Shimane

2010.11.26: 日米関係Culture Shock

Manami Ryokan's world-class Japanese Garden






ジャーナル・オブ・ジャパニーズ・ガーデニング Journal of Japanese Gardening

小布施オープンガーデン Obuse Open Gardens

田中本家(須坂)Tanaka Honke (Suzaka)

Beautiful Contrasts

The Togura Kamiyamada Trio

上山田小学校の音楽会に・・・アコーディオン? At Kamiyamada Elementary School's Music Festival: Accordions?

2010.11.12: 日米関係Culture Shock

Accordions at a Japanese elementary school?!



そういう進んでいる所がありながら、一つ「?」と思ったところがありました: アコーディオンもあった事です。日本の小学校に洋風なブラスバンドが何であるのは別として、アコーディオンは海外で民芸音楽の世界ぐらいにしかいないです。



Our local Kamiyamada Elementary School's Music Festival was held today at the Culture Hall here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. As I am one of the outside auditors for the school, I got to attend and sit in one of the VIP seats. It was great to be able to see our Andy (4th grade) and Kenny (2nd grade) as well as the rest of the students exhibit how much they have grown through their musical education.

Most impressive was the brass band. I can't think of any grade schools back in my home town of Seattle that have their own brass band. Most such bands don't start until high school. However, as advanced as that might be, the thing that struck me was the use of the accordions. Whether or not it is good that an elementary school in Japan has a Western-style band is a separate issue, but accordions are an instrument that even in the West are pretty much relegated to folk music.

In my humble opinion,
Kamiyamada Elementary School is supposedly the only one in the city of Chikuma that has its own brass band;
The school is also the local one for this onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada;
Our onsen town still has 35 active geisha, who's numbers are dwindling as the younger generation of ladies aren't interested in becoming geisha;
If Kamiyamada's school also taught shamisen and traditional Japanese dance, then some of the students may develop an interest in those arts;
If they do, then they may consider becoming geisha as they grow older.

Anyways, that was what I was thinking while being entertained by accordions at the school music fair.

畳用のレーザー? A Tatami Laser?

2010.10.26: 日米関係Culture Shock

Laser vs. tatami mats?


客室の畳は定期的に変えなきゃならない。Total Tatamiという地元の畳屋さんに注文をしたら、「じゃ、後で測りに行きます」と言われました。普通な十畳の部屋の普通の畳だから、簡単に測れるだろうと思ったら…



The more I learn about tatami mats, the more I realize how complicated they are. We have to replace the tatami in our guest rooms on a regular basis. This latest time when I placed an order, the tatami guy said he'd come to measure the room. I imagined him coming with a tape measure and taking a simple measurement.

Ha! How wrong I was! This picture shows the guy from Total Tatami, our local tatami shop, with a baby R2D2 in the middle of the room shooting a laser to a receiver that the guy traces the edge of the mats with. He said that although the edge looks perfectly straight, it is actually minutely curved. The machine's screen showed the results: -5, -9, -3, +2, etc. Their shop will make the tatami's accordingly so that they will fit perfectly at installation.

By the way, I asked if those measurements were in millimeters. He said they were 'rin', a traditional Japanese measurement. 3 rin = 1 millimeter. That makes sense -- tatami mats pre-date the metric system!

アメリカの駄菓子 American 'dagashi'

2010.10.25: 日米関係Culture Shock


そして、ハロウィーンの為にキャンディーを準備したら、知り合いがアメリカから沢山持って来てくれました。Milky Way, Snickers, Kit Kat, Almond Joy, Mounds, M&M's等など。私はこういうチョコとかで育ってきている者なので、やはり「懐かしい!」と思いました。考えてみれば、こういうのはアメリカなりの駄菓子だろうね。子供のころに良く食べた!特に、ハロウィーンの時にいっぱいゲットして、大喜びだった。

A few weeks ago, our family went for a drive to 'Koedo' in Kawagoe City, outside of Tokyo. In that neighborhood was a side street lined with 'dagashi' shops. Upon seeing the array of crackers and lollipops and cinnamon candy, etc., etc., my wife had flashbacks of enjoying those inexpensive sweets when she was a kid. I, on the other hand, didn't grow up with dagashi and hence don't have any concept of this phenomenon. I was, however, surprised by the wide variety of sweets.

Then when I was preparing the candy for Halloween, I opened up a bag of chocolates that a friend had brought from the States. As the candy came spilling out, so did the memories from when I was a kid: Milky Way, Snickers, Kik Kat, Almond Joy's got nuts, Mounds don't, M&M's, Twix, etc., etc. These probably are the American equivalent of 'dagashi' -- cheap, five-and-dime type candy. Certainly not good for one's health, but these are they types of candy that I grew up with. And, oh, that mountain of candy I used to get from Halloween trick-or-treating!

America's 'dagashi'

日米関係:トイレ編 Toilet Traditions -- Japan vs. America: More to it than I thought

2010.10.08: 日米関係Culture Shock

丸見え! だから?


しかし、このブログは一般的な観光者のブログではなくて、温泉旅館を経営している青い目の若旦那のブログです。大学の頃から日本に行ったり来たりしているし、若旦那になって5年間も経ちました。もう、トイレの習慣の違い何って、慣れてしまった。 と思っちゃうのは危険だね。




When Americans come to Japan, we are often surprised by the toilets, both in positive ways ("Wow, this high tech toilet is like James Kirk's Captain's Chair!"), and not so positive ways ("That toilet -- it's just a hole in the ground!). Not to mention being surprised at the prevalance of guys taking a pee out in public, or the occasional incidence of innocently using the guys bathroom and seeing a cleaning lady come through with a mop.

But those are typical types of "culture shock" that Americans have as tourists in Japan. However, this blog isn't a touristy blog; it's a serious (?) attempt at tracking the daily experiences of me, an American innkeeper at a traditional Japanese onsen ryokan. I've been coming and going to Japan for over 2 decades, and have been running this inn for 5 years, so I'm used to the culture differences regarding toilets. Or so I thought...

We are planning a bathroom remodel here at Kamesei, and as part of it I intended to take care of 2 problems that I perceived with our main toilet. The guys side has a regular toilet, 2 urinals, and a sink, in that order from back to front. The entrance is a sliding door. The 2 problems are:
1. Several times guests have neglected to pull the door shut leaving their urinal usage totally visible to passers-by. The door needs to be changed to a hinged door that automatically shuts.
2. Such a hinged door would swing open right into anyone using the sink, the sink would need to be scooted back. One of the urinals would have to be removed in order to accommodate that. If two guys went to the bathroom room at the same time, one could simply use the toilet as a urinal.

In explaining this scheme to the contractors, others at our inn, and anyone else who would listen, I was systematically met with incredulous looks. As I looked into the matter, I was fascinated to discover two differences between American and Japanese perspectives on toilets:

1. Japanese don't have an issue with seeing or being seen while urinating.
Back in the States, the openings to bathrooms are always configured in such a way that it is impossible to see the urinals from outside. Here in Japan, numerous times I have been surprised to use a urinal and have been aware that passers can easily look in and see me going about my business.
2. Japanese men prefer to urinate in a urinal.
Nowadays, Western style toilets are more prevalent than the traditional Japanese style which is basically a porcelain hole in the floor. The Japanese style isn't suited for urinating, and has historically been paired with a urinal. Many Japanese men have hence grown up using a urinal for urinating. Even though the toilets have been gradually changed to Western style, the preference to urinate in a urinal prevades. So, my thought that, "If two guys went to the bathroom room at the same time, one could simply use the toilet as a urinal" doesn't swing it here in Japan.

Since 90% of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan continue to be Japanese, for now I'll let the local customs guide our bathroom remodel. This whole issue has been a learning experience for me!

西瓜はかわいそう! Poor Watermelon!

2010.08.29: 日米関係Culture Shock

Watermelon Smashing


Our neighbor, O-san, popped in and said, "Someone gave us a huge watermelon. Come on over and let's do 'Suika-Wari'!" Roughly translated, suika-wari means "watermelon smashing". And that's just what the game entails. You put a blindfold on, get spun around a few times, walk in the direction of the watermelon, and attempt to smack it with a bat. Kind of like a piniata, but with a watermelon on the ground instead.

It seemed to me a little violent on the poor watermelon, but the kids enjoyed the game and we all enjoyed eating the watermelon afterwards. Back in the States, summer and watermelon and game means watermelon seed spitting contests. I guess every country in the world has their own summer watermelon traditions.

smash prep

Now the yummy part